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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

eBay idiot, or not?

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Not sure the whole "commando" look is the best way to sell a pair of pants:

Ebay Gear

Commando look is right. I'm not gonna buy something like that from a guy who takes a picture wearing them with no underwear.

Check out his other auctions... :huh:

That must have been a fun day at that house where he tried on all of his old clothes for pictures.

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Hahaha - great find!

Kind of a crude Cubist knock-off... might have been better stylistically suited to a portrait of Giguere. Roy would be better served by Rousseau-esque Expressionism, IMO, although he'd be at his most artistic in a marquee-sized bronze of the infamous "Statue of Liberty" botched save, complete with suspended puck sliding from his glove.

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Hahaha - great find!

Kind of a crude Cubist knock-off... might have been better stylistically suited to a portrait of Giguere. Roy would be better served by Rousseau-esque Expressionism, IMO, although he'd be at his most artistic in a marquee-sized bronze of the infamous "Statue of Liberty" botched save, complete with suspended puck sliding from his glove.

And its "perfect for the Hav's fan"

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That Warrior looks like it's been cut in half and the Sher-Wood underneath it is even smaller. I would say just buy one stick for $165 or buy a nice real shaft and a couple of blades.

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^^^ Eagle MSH2 palms on Bauer 4-rolls??? Very niceeeeeeeeeeee

I was contemplating cutting the cuffs on them, because you just don't see a 4-roll with MSH2 palms everyday. But since I have 9 pair of 4 rolls....I decided to put them up on ebay.

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his auction is for 1 Synergy LH Drury 100 Flex - its a zetterberg stick drury curve?

his stick was given to me by a trainer for the Wild so I do not have a LOA, and wild?

Zetterberg uses a Drury curve. A friend of mine has one of his S17 prototypes (CNT paint job).

Who knows why the Wild's trainer had it, but that's the curve Zetterberg uses.

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My understanding is that Drury-like patterns are the most popular of all general curve types (open face heel curves) in the NHL, with sakic-like curves following. This is rather interesting since those patterns aren't so popular at retail (and it seems that the general public usually follow whatever the pros do like lemmings). I think that scoring in the NHL is so much about quick chip shots and deflections these days that it's really important to just get rid of pucks quickly. You don't usually have the time to line up that perfect snipe.

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Anyone wanna go halfsies?

I would, but the local pickup only is a real deal killer for me.


It's okay It's about a 45 minute drive. I would be afraid of being shot if I went there though. Cedar Hill is pretty rough. I honestly wouldn't be suprised if 25 percent of the population of Cedar Hill has been concieved on those bleachers.

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