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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2013-2014 Gear Sightings

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Plus he was in LS2's when he was in Reeboks anyways. Nothing New.

I prefer the LS2, myself, and I may even install those on my Reeboks.

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Leave it to our Ads to make it funky.

ALMOST bought one of those crazy fire/police night jerseys one night a while back (2008/2009?). A friend played for the fire department in the game beforehand and they had silent auctions for each players jersey when we came back in for the game.Glad I was outbid!

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Riley Sheahan using the new CCM stick (name escapes me) with a blacked out bottom. Anyone else in the NHL using the new stock with the bright red blade?

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Pretty sure I saw lecavalier using one as well. No pictures and sorry if this has been noted before but looks like ovechkin is using the new supreme twig. Really like the graphics on it.

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Check the kid pulling a Kriss Kross in his Backstrom jersey.

I've been meaning to ask this for some time, is Ovi sporting Vapor APX or Supreme TotalOne NXG gloves?

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Sure. 230$ for a helmet.

Make sure you close your eyes when the new Bauer helmet arrives...$230 will seem like a good price.

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like it or not, thats definitely the way helmets will be trending. With all the Brain injury increased awareness and potential litigation, helmets will get continually more tech and research driven, and material costs for the manufacturer will likely increase as well. They are not just going to slap some foam in a melon shaped circle at the top end anymore. To be perfectly honest, if it lives up to its marketing, 230 will be a steal in my books. If its not your cup of tea, manufacturers will continue to make more traditional helmets at more traditional price points.

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Head not as important as your stick?

Next thing you know when the helmet costs as much as high end skates youll be saying the same thing.

This is just too much. I understand these it RD and so on, but I dont see how a plastic shell with some pods in it would cost 300$ (considering it is 230$ on-line in the USA, that should be the price in Canada).

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Definitely going to try one on. I liked my V10 when I had it, just found the re-akt more comfortable once it came out.

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Next thing you know when the helmet costs as much as high end skates youll be saying the same thing.

This is just too much. I understand these it RD and so on, but I dont see how a plastic shell with some pods in it would cost 300$ (considering it is 230$ on-line in the USA, that should be the price in Canada).

bottom line is, if i will spend an extra 15 percent from whats currently the most expensive helmet on the market, and it reduces my chances for brain injuries, it doesnt matter what the material cost is, ill pay the design cost. If the helmet works and CCM makes a ton, good for them.

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R&D is just a small portion of the costs. Retail sporting goods are going to continue to escalate in price for liability reasons -- look at what happened to Easton. That entire company was picked apart because of the MASSIVE lawsuit coming from NFL players toward Riddell. The emergence of Chronic Traumatic Encephelopathy as a hot button issue, as well as suicides of players, are causing equipment manufacturers to hedge their bets on when, not if, that lawyer corners them.

That, combined with the popularity of pay-to-play hockey programs, are going to see equipment manufacturers ride this wave of increased revenue as long as they can because when the fallout comes, it'll be big.

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