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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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Long time since I have done this....


Bauer TotalOne Grip Tac 77 flex P91A

MyBauer X60 Tactile Corner Grip 67 flex P91

Nike Bauer Supreme One95 Shaft w/One95 Blade (77 Flex P91A)

Mission Axiom T9 Skates

Edited by kovalchuk71

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Yep was on the ice yesterday and today, definitely feels like a one95 (soft feel in the blade, amazing mid kick). Only the p106 (shittiest pattern ever :facepalm: ) spoils a bit the thing..but didnt really have the choice.

Why the hate on for p106. It was the closest to some of the pro return patterns most people could get their hands on for a while.

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Got some amazing deals at the USA NTDP sale.


-3x one95 c29 p92 77 flex,

-TJ Oshie one95 c28 ovi clone

-2x xx p92 blades

-14in xxxx gloves

-A crap ton of new in bag swift socks

-And a free laundry bag cause I bought so much crap


Oshie one95 next to a real OVI U+

Edited by tamtamg

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Got some amazing deals at the USA NTDP sale.

-3x one95 c29 p92 77 flex,

-TJ Oshie one95 c28 ovi clone

-2x xx p92 blades

-14in xxxx gloves

-A crap ton of new in bag swift socks

-And a free laundry bag cause I bought some much crap

how much did all that cost you?

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Why the hate on for p106. It was the closest to some of the pro return patterns most people could get their hands on for a while.

It doesn't lie flat on the ice... at all :ph34r: (makes it hard to perform a clean tapejob)

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Got some amazing deals at the USA NTDP sale.


-3x one95 c29 p92 77 flex,

-TJ Oshie one95 c28 ovi clone

-2x xx p92 blades

-14in xxxx gloves

-A crap ton of new in bag swift socks

-And a free laundry bag cause I bought so much crap


Oshie one95 next to a real OVI U+

What were the prices like if you don't mind me asking. Will definitely need to circle the sale for my calendar next year.

Edit: Quoted Pics.

Edited by dsjunior1388

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Sticks were the best deal at $75 or 3 for $180.

wow - what an awesome deal! I've been searching high & low for P92 77 flex One95 but they're very hard to find at any price, left alone a steal you got - good for you!

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Geeze that orange and grey looks sexy.

It doesn't lie flat on the ice... at all :ph34r: (makes it hard to perform a clean tapejob)

That's a lie and curvature issue that other people prefer to have. It also really depends on your posture and how you like to carry and handle the puck.

Edited by flaming_june

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I have the same gloves they are sooo nice lol TSR i assume? and what curve on that dolomite?

TSR? or Prostockhockey.com? Sweet pickups by the way!!


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