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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How many teams are you on?

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I counted up the # of teams I'm on last night and kinda surprised myself that the total was six active teams, plus a pretty regular pickup group.  The teams average a game a week, but with bys and such, I'd say I'm normally playing 5 to 6 games a week.

Is that normal?  How many teams are you folks on / how many times a week do you play?


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3 teams currently, one weeknight e league team, one over 40 C-ish team (really not sure what level we are since it's a combination of 2 leagues), and one regular C level team in a much younger more competitive league.  The only reason I could swing 3 is because I cut a deal with the league that runs 2 of the teams to take photos of a handful of games a week in exchange for league fees, at nearly $400/team per season I'd say that was a good deal.

The worst part for me is the closest rink is just under an hour away, and most of the ones we play at are closer to 1.5 hours away, so much for sleep haha.

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Two full time teams, and I sub from time to time on another team. Then the odd pick up during the year. 

But 6 teams, man your significant other is a keeper. :p I know guys who practically have to sneak out of the house to play.

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2 ice, 2 inline, coach 4 times a week, train 6 times a week and cart kids to training and games. My significant other is very understanding, thank goodness for history and crime channels...

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14 hours ago, puckpilot said:

Two full time teams, and I sub from time to time on another team. Then the odd pick up during the year. 

But 6 teams, man your significant other is a keeper. :p I know guys who practically have to sneak out of the house to play.


Yeah, I'm pretty lucky w/my wife.  :-)  One of the teams she's on with me though, so maybe that's not quite as bad?  Plus she occasionally comes to the fairly regular pickup when there's a spot open.

It honestly surprised me that it was six teams though.  I mean occasionally I have a night where my legs are just dead and I can't move and I realize that this is my 5th straight night playing, but it doesn't happen _that_ often.

I wonder if its just because I'm pretty new and I end up meeting people and wind up on a team with them where it makes sense, but I don't want to stop playing with a previous team 'cause they're friends and its fun, etc.

Anyway, sounds like I'm a little weird, which I guess isn't news.  :-)


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1 tournament team, 1 league team (normally - the league we were in folded last month so we are now up in the air), 2 private pickups per week (Thursday and Sunday).  I would play more if the ice time was available out here, broken and beat to hell after 27 years of playing but I still love it.

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1 hour ago, Fletch said:

1 tournament team, 1 league team (normally - the league we were in folded last month so we are now up in the air), 2 private pickups per week (Thursday and Sunday).  I would play more if the ice time was available out here, broken and beat to hell after 27 years of playing but I still love it.

Funny. The the higher level team that I'm on was thinking of taking the summer off and doing 3 tournaments instead. I liked the sound of it...

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When I wasn't traveling a lot for work, 2-3 teams and 1-2 drop ins per week...  Work travel picked up a ton for me so I'm down to 1 team and 1-2 drop ins per week.  It also didn't help that once school started the adult leagues had their game times pushed later and later in the night.  I'm not going to do games at 10:00pm or later during the week.

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Three teams, just dropped off the fourth because the games are strictly Saturday nights, and I couldn't justify leaving my wife at home every Saturday night to go play. I just wish the schedule at the Penguins' UPMC Practice Facility was more consistent. One of my teams is currently averaging 15 days between games.

I also have the option of a couple of private pickups a week if I feel like it. 

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