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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

2024-2025 Gear Sightings

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Figured this would be timely with prospect camps starting up.


New Utah team wearing the new Fanatics style practice jerseys and new team colored Jetspeed gloves


Edited by Westside

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1 hour ago, steve66 said:

Are those the new fanatic socks also? 

Those look really bad... like they'd never stay straight

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Funny, I originally had a comment about the socks, but in another photo they looked like they were following the same template as Reebok/adidas so I removed it

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Pretty sure you can even see the Adidas logo peaking out on these ones haha. So good spot. The material on the thigh area is a lot more "mesh" than the Reebok ones I have. But funny enough I stopped wearing my Reebok ones since they always twisted on me.

[image] - 4383894.jpg

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That's what I thought too. Seemed like the upside down U-shaped knee area stood out more on the initial photo and the mesh more pronounced. I didn't remember CCM/Reebok/Adidas socks looking like that when I wore them, but like you, I haven't worn them in a while

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Every logo and design that Utah has produced would be underwhelming and uninspired for a beer league team, let alone a franchise that cost a billion dollars. 

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Yeah, but none of these logos will persist after the first season? Great cash grab to basically have 2 entirely different lines of merch in 2 years and have all the FOMO people grabbing the UTAH HC stuff.

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