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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Yeah I don't even notice now when I switch between them, besides being able to make tighter turns on player skates.
  2. Stuck sleeping in the phoenix airport because all flights to san diego were grounded. No hotels available. So, I'll just sleep at the checkin counter until 6am I guess.
  3. I don't think those look at all similar, personally.
  4. yay, finally! Ordering my Reactor 9000 skates when I get paid, and probably the Reactor 7000 pants soon after :)
  5. In Kansas again. I swore I'd never set foot back in this state ever again...
  6. Could you powder coat a re-akt? Sorry getting a bit off topic here ;) EDIT: to make it on-topic, can you powder coat a titanium cage at all? Bauer or CCM?
  7. I couldn't have set that one up any better :)
  8. The new avision ahead elite.
  9. Looks a lot better than the original! I'm slightly concerned about the rounded visor though. A little distortion at the very edges of my peripheral vision, whereas I had none with the original flat visor. We'll see how I like it in a few weeks when the next season starts up. And of course, it needs to not fog up. The original didn't at all, so hopefully this one doesn't either. But that will be the biggest thing to worry about.
  10. 2 seconds is a lot longer than you think it is, isn't it?
  11. Ottawa in a playoff position! Hopefully they can keep on rolling.
  12. The best part is that we're out the deductible unless they can collect from the at-fault driver's insurance. Trouble is, he's from Mexico. Good luck collecting... Mind blowing. So a guy hits me, out of no fault of my own, and I'm out $1000 out of pocket. That's incredible.
  13. It's been a while since I updated. Player Gear: Helmet: Bauer Re-akt (black) Cage: Avision Ahead Elite (black) Shoulder pads: Down Low Shoulder Pads Elbow pads: Warrior Projekt 2010 (Pro Stock model) Gloves: CCM 4-Roll Prime Pants: Bauer Vapor X80 Shin guards: Easton Mako 13" Skates: Easton Mako Stick: Titan TPM 3030 Grip, P45, 65 Flex Bag: Mammoth Hockey Goalie Gear: Leg Pads: Brian's S-Series 33+1 (White/Silver/Black) Blocker: Brian's S-Series (White/Silver/Black) Trapper: Brian's S-Series (White/Silver/Black) Chest/Arms: Bauer Reactor 4000 Skates: Bauer Reactor 2000 Pants: Bauer Supreme One.7 (Black) Stick: Twigz F95 foam core, 26", L01 (White/Silver) Mask: Bauer NME8 (Custom painted by BMFS Designs) Bag: GRIT Sumo goalie tower
  14. Usually only every other day.
  15. Can't wait to try this thing out!
  16. Huh. Which two do you play at? None of the rinks I've ever been to in San Diego DON'T have glassed-in penalty boxes. Those both sound pretty weird. All the ones I've ever played at are NHL style. Benches on one side, penalty boxes and scorekeepers box on the other.
  17. Hahaha :)Between bench and box? Are your penalty boxes on the same side as your player benches?
  18. I guess he's still not over it. But you should have seen the glare from the guy he hit up high last night with a slap shot meant for me. If looks could kill...
  19. Yea, definitely! I'd prefer it, too.
  20. No glass at your penalty boxes? Interesting.
  21. Heh okay, nevermind. Not even close :)
  22. Those actually look quite a bit like Makos. Do they have the flexible knee joint like the Makos do?
  23. Not at all, I can get my leg under me with no issue as a player. I'll be making a video on it this weekend probably, so it will be easier to understand what I'm doing (wrong).
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