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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. It’s just a chin strap. Required for non-adult divisions in USA Hockey (and probably Hockey Canada but don’t quote me on that). I always remove it. I also remove the chin cup and put in a sling but that’s entirely a preference thing.
  2. Both soccer and rugby have an off-field official that does exactly what you guys are talking about. I’m honestly kind of surprised the refs don’t already have an earpiece. As for the concern about bias in Toronto, to be honest I think it’s actually the opposite... a bit of bias AGAINST the leafs just so they don’t get accused of being biased FOR the leafs.
  3. Now THAT'S a price that makes it worth it to DIY. It's tempting...
  4. The officials have been removed from the series and will be replaced. This wouldn’t be strange except for the series not yet being over. This is a first as far as I know.
  5. Nope, they're better. They have the MSH logo.
  6. You can actually get soakers and the best blade pouch on the market from the MSH store 🙂
  7. final_5cdddcf1ac0271001489cbef_887126.mp4
  8. I don't mind, as long as it doesn't go in. Now, I have had a puck go off my face into the net... that one sucked.
  9. I didn't miss any point. It's big and heavy and might break if you drop it. So, don't drop it.
  10. What I meant was that I agree with everything he said.
  11. I mean... I'd expect about the same out of the Sparx if dropped when not in the case as I'd expect from a TV, or a laptop. I would expect that I'd be pissed and then I'd go buy a new one and be more careful next time.
  12. You shouldn't need to, those are for goalie skates with cowlings. Goalie skates without cowlings don't even need them. You should be using the height adjustment knob instead. Though, whatever works for you 🙂
  13. Yet, one of those scenarios is reviewable and the other is not. But that's not even my point. I GET that there's nothing they can do about it if they missed it. But you just can't miss that. It's PART of the play. That's as obvious a hand-pass as you'll ever see. Neither of them were actually watching the puck? I don't think I'm angry so much as just simply amazed.
  14. Oh god, the refs were at it again last night. Tons of mistakes on both sides but that OT winner... wow. No words. Its one thing if it just hits a guys hand and nobody sees it, but when a guy openly swats at it and they miss THAT? Brutal.
  15. They will not be anywhere near the top of the division if everyone leaves.
  16. Being a kickstarter backer I’ve had mine longer than most. And nope, no issues at all.
  17. Huh, they have an inner belt similar to goalie pants. That would be really nice on mens pants so I don't need suspenders... EDIT: Ah, I knew I recognized this brand. Their shoulder pads were designed by the guy who created the Down Low shoulder pads. Sadly, they aren't anything like the Down Low.
  18. I agree. Start with the most adjustable girdle you can (CCM Super Tacks, for example) and you can modify from there.
  19. I honestly wish the topic title link itself took you to the first unread, at the very least if you're currently browsing from the "unread content" page. I looked to see if that was an option but I didn't see it. Maybe somebody has made a 3rd party plug-in...
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