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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Completely agree for at least points #2 and #3. I mean, I agree with #1 too but I'm not sure that matters as much. Stiffer doesn't equal better.
  2. Not that it's a new development by any means, but April 5th is always a tough day...
  3. Made every goalies dream save last night. Guy coming down the right side, fires a pass over to my left. He blasts a one-timer at the net. My right to left is a bit weak so I really had to stretch... full extension... snagged the puck just inside the post pretty much right on the goal line. Pretty much felt just like this:
  4. I did consulting for a decade and crap like this happened all too often. Glad you said no. If you don’t say no occasionally then they seem to get the impression that they can treat you like dirt. I always just looked at it like... they need me more than I need them!
  5. My wife is no longer diabetic thanks to our change in diet.
  6. So they are! https://www.hockeymonkey.com/catalog/product/view/id/351186 Let us know, I'm curious if they will do that for you.
  7. I don't think blacksteel is available yet for the step holders but could be wrong.
  8. Hah! Love my i3. Will love my Model 3 on order even more. Damn it, so many threes!
  9. I’ll look into that. I’m likely going to start with a paleo-like diet to start with and eventually move on to a less restrictive keto style diet later.
  10. Always be sure to point out anything important from day one. Bumps, arch weirdness, pronation, etc. They can accommodate all of it if you mention them up front.
  11. Doctor prescribed and supervised NutriMed for 20 weeks. 5x shakes a day, zero food. Have to do weekly classes, blood draws, blood pressure and weight check ins to make sure it stays healthy. This is so far (started Feb 28). Under 60lbs to go, which will be 80 lbs total less than I was at Winterfest.
  12. I should be about 80lbs lighter by then so maybe that will help.
  13. That was always my issue in beer league. I knew where to be, I just didn't have the speed or skating ability to get there. Of course that made people give me funny looks when I'd tell them where they should be. Can't blame them, I guess.
  14. Can somebody give me the 101 on "Box+1"?
  15. Interesting discussion in this thread! I'm not a defenceman and have always been blown away by how they play off each other the way they do. Sorry I obviously have nothing to add to the discussion but just wanted to mention that I find it fascinating. So, keep it coming :)
  16. I saw those frames on ebay, too. I almost bought them. Decided since I'm used to a flat rocker on my skates anyway I didn't need them.
  17. Definitely prefer with the silver logo.
  18. Haha that's why I said to message any of us - I didn't want to be a dick and just say to message me
  19. Mine are VH, you have True. Mine are also goalie skates :P
  20. Whoever told you that was wrong.
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