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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. It definitely does produce a LOT, but its not like I'd use it very often anyway. Should last me a long time.
  2. Really? I’d better hang onto the one I have for the consumer machine then.
  3. You probably don’t want superfeet. The boots are built to your foot shape so an insole that provides its own shape can be counter-productive. Of course there are always exceptions. I would suggest removing the red insole if you are going to try superfeet.
  4. Falcon Heavy launch was one of the greatest 30 minutes I’ve ever experienced. Absolutely incredible.
  5. Finally got my hands on a pair of these in my size!! Going to put roller chassis on them. I’m not picky since it will just be recreational (not playing roller hockey) but we’ll see. Being used to goalie skates at this point I don’t think something like marsblades will benefit me very much because I’m already accustomed to skating with a flat profile.
  6. Well, related but separate I guess. Either way we’re talking about people being pushed away from the sport because of the hotshots that aren’t really all that good themselves.
  7. As somebody who played in a rookie (read: guys who had literally never put hockey pads on before) league, it’s definitely a problem. We had a few guys who shouldn’t be there (including me which is hilarious because I’m terrible) who would help everyone. Basically player coaches. And then we had the guys in the league that just wanted to rack up their goal totals by being superstars in the wrong division. Those guys caused more than a few players on my team to stop playing altogether.
  8. It deals with bent blades as well as any other machine. That said, the best way to sharpen is to remove the runner. Sparx has an accessory for sharpening loose steel.
  9. I just bought a pair of M7s to do this exact thing. Debating between marsblade or something else. I don't play roller hockey so really just need something for skating on asphalt and sidewalks. How do you determine what size chassis you need? And did the holes line up or did you have to re-drill?
  10. Yup, and if you don’t specify then they will come un-drilled as I said.
  11. Boot only will come undrilled.
  12. Mine are all copper. No issues so far. Granted I’m a goalie so I’m not sure if that changes anything. You’d think it would mean a lot of constant pressure on the outside rivets, if anything. Directly through a True rep.
  13. I assume so, considering I just bought a set of insoles from True for my old VH skates.
  14. FYI, I got a reply back from Rob. So there's my answer. My skates are almost 3 years old so maybe it's time to start looking at new ones!
  15. My VH skates were made in June 2015 with Bauer cowlings mounted. Was this before or after the goalie boots started being made with extra protection to allow for a cowlingless holder? I'm assuming that at some point the boots were changed so that they are ALL made with a reinforced boot so they can be used with any holder, with or without a cowling. Is that accurate? TL;DR: Can I put Bauer (or step) holders on these boots from mid-2015?
  16. https://www.tsn.ca/cleveland-to-cease-use-of-chief-wahoo-logo-1.981712 This is a good thing, though it was a classic logo and I admit I'll miss it. Hopefully the Redskins re-brand soon as well.
  17. These are both really good points that are important to consider.
  18. They haven’t. They were VH and then they were acquired by True.
  19. I'm confused by the tongue... is that a shot blocker built in? Or what?
  20. I worked IT at a university also at one point and I agree. So much better than corporate.
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