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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Stewie

  1. I have a mercury v350 that I got when they were running half off. At that price I think it’s worth it, probably up to about 200, but I don’t think it’s worth 250, and frankly their marketing/social media is to me rather off putting in terms of sticking with them in the future. Shoots nice enough, haven’t seen any issues with durability yet. In my opinion it plays whippier than it’s flex rating suggests, and the puck feel is ok, nothing super special.
  2. I have the R1, love it for roller. I feel it has improved my agility, and really improved my backward skating ability. Thinking of having my backup pair converted as well.
  3. Thanks for the feedback! Your comment about the shoulder straps is my number one concern with the bag, definitely looks like the area around the neck could be awkward and uncomfortable, but perhaps I’ll still give it a try, maybe I’ll just hang it up in the barn to air out a few weeks.
  4. Any input? My roller bag has further deteriorated so I started considering these again.
  5. My warrior has 0 bottle holders and is never in stock, and when it is it looks like it will be 40$ more than I purchased mine at, and I have a labeda one with a bottle pouch that was awesome, but that too ripped. I’m also skeptical on the long term holding ability of these mesh ones, but I usually just carry biosteel cartons so maybe it’ll hold up to that ok.
  6. i havent done it yet, but will probably still look to do so soon to try it out. maybe ill await your initial impressions. I have two pacific rink bags, but prefer my warrior backpack, its just easier.
  7. Yeah, who is to say that the switch to the 7 isn’t just to diversify raw materials to help keep up with production and shortages. They could have already been working on the 7 and faced shortages of the raws to manufacture the 6 in the next batch so just decided to switch over and start manufacturing the 7.
  8. i keep seeing new 11ks pop up on SLS but always in small =(
  9. Yeah I’m seeing the same thing here in Detroit area, hard to find any clearance sticks in any reasonable quantities. Peranis doesn’t even have their yearly big sale event in a rink anymore, partially due to Covid I’m sure, but they also just don’t seem to have as much stuff to clear whenever I go in there. Having hundreds of sticks to clear out seems like maybe too many were ordered for the market, but I’d love to be there for that kind of inventory!!! another thing people aren’t putting into the equation is the impact that raw material shortages have had. I think several manufacturers probably had much shorter production runs than they originally intended, and by the time Raws are received for the next batch, probably some R and D work to capitalize for the next set. all in all, I’m sure the big companies would love to just keep the manufacturing lines and processes the same for years, and not have to pay for new RD and marketing plans for each new release, but it’s the Consumer that drives sales and it’s the consumers that have created the problem. The vast majority of consumers are always wanting the newest cutting edge products, if you say “we’re going to sell you the same stick for the next 5 years” you’re not going to sell many sticks, plain and simple. Trust me I would also love if the EK15 never went away, CCM still had the original RBZ gear line out, and the Reebok 11k/7k helmet was still available, but that’s just not how the world around me works, so I’ve had to adjust
  10. To be honest, this isn’t a manufacturer problem, but more a consumer problem. Manufacturers have to use buzz words to sell the new products, but very few consumers are happy with just using the same product year in and year out, and sales end up lagging. It’s across all industries really, hockey isnt unique here.
  11. They have a “tent” sale every year I believe. They did already have one a few months ago however so that could be worrying, but I guess now may be a good time for me to get a 4th pair of their elbow pads 🙂 . And a few other items.
  12. There’s definitely some things I am skeptical on with it, but feel like I have enough curiosity to spend the 80 on it. currently I use a labeda backpack for roller, but the water bottle pouch is all torn up and I hate wheeled backpack bags as the internal frame is a bit annoying to me. For ice in using the warrior bag that doesn’t have the wheels, but It also doesn’t have a water bottle holder and I can’t seem to find the non wheeled ones in stock anywhere. looks like maybe these have two water bottle holders which is perfect because I usually bring a premixed biosteel carton for the bench, and some high quality H2O for after the game
  13. wondering if anyone has any experience with this company. Looking for backpack style hockey bags, and ones without wheeled components that have all the features i want are currently hard to find, so came accross these selling on SLS and wanted to see if anyone had any input. May get one anyways to test out. https://mixsports.com/mx5-ice-roller-hockey-backpack/
  14. anecdotal evidence, i have the FT4 shoulder pads, took a slide into the boards, and ended up with an AC sprain. Ive taken similar board impact with my RBZ and never have had an issue, in fact this was my first ever hockey injury that had cost me to miss significant time, luckily only about 3 weeks.
  15. I find mine lose their pop right around the time I go 3 games without a goal, at least that’s what I tell myself 😉
  16. Probably too late to be of any value to you, but shift steel does fit in them. Originally Howies told me that one pair would fit, but you can fit two pair of you stagger them a little, and facing them edges out.. Working on a solution to make it more secure while doing this. It’s definitely not a nice as the MSH ones for sure, but will fit the steel.
  17. Picked up my third pair of the elbows and a halo stick to try out. Sale is great, after another discount code I found it was like 130 for both.
  18. Have you added the waxed laces after you had issues? Or before? My skates fit so well I haven’t needed them, in fact I think getting them would just make them uncomfortable. there’s also a possibility that it was a bad scan, or something operationally that caused issues. Was the person doing the scanning experienced in the process ?
  19. Shoulders for me the RBZ/cl line has always been the balance of weight and protection I desire, just wish they had a high end pad components wise with a bit less of the protective elements to save even more weight. as far as girdles I have two different ones from the tacks line and like them both. Bought a jet speed girdle off here and trying to decide if I want to keep it or flip it, depending on if I like the fit well enough.
  20. I think the original poster was asking about the gloves though
  21. STX is only direct To consumer anyways so you will not find in store. They are happy to accommodate returns and on elite line products you even get 14 days to demo and wear. To be honest I haven’t much been a fan of their shoulders or shins, but love the elbows (rx3 surgeon). I returned both the shoulders and shins after purchasing but have since tried a few sticks and own 2 pairs of the elbows. Their original surgeon stick remains my favorite inline hockey stick of all time
  22. I’ve used the CCM RBZ line, but a few years ago switched to STX Surgeon. They are lightweight, mobile, and a fairly similar fit to the RBZ for me. The sleeve can be an issue for some, but it isn’t one for me as I prefer short sleeve athletic shirts when I play. Haven’t checked the most recent CCM line, but I could always switch back if the pads are more close to their earlier RBZ lines. one benefit of STX is low risk if they still offer their 14 day (I think?) trial
  23. Interested, any idea the fit compared to the tacks girdle line?
  24. The CCM site for it still shows a guy getting scanned with a tablet, but yeah, it doesn’t look like there’s a custom portion to it from what I can see, looks like you can just preorder it.
  25. I agree. The initial video etc seemed to insinuate it was a custom scan, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Really takes away that advantage of 3D printing. I’ll probably just order another 3DS (which probably would’ve been a better name for this helmet) Working in the 3D printing field I wanted to be more in to it than I am, maybe eventually my curiosity will get the best of me
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