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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by 215BroadStBullies610

  1. What makes it "legitimate"? I thought I've seen NP builds on PSH. Just curious.
  2. I started out with the Eagle X70 gloves back in high school. Switched over to the (Nike) Bauer 4-Roll lineup with the most recent pair (for me) being the Bauer 1N. I'm currently rocking Warrior Alpha DX Pro. Love them all for different reason. I've always wanted to try the CCM version but never got around to it.
  3. I don't have fancy bearings and don't play inline hockey all year round mainly due to officiating ice hockey during the fall and winter. I use Sonic Turbo Wash. It seems to get the job done but I'm not a hardcore maintenance guy 😅
  4. That's really good to know. I'll have to make a purchase for a set or two shortly. Thanks.
  5. Is the new Bladetech runner the Multi-Fit (Flex Fit) model?
  6. For those who didn't see this. Not sure if this was talked about at SJ. https://www.instagram.com/p/CxGe_aesoZo/
  7. Good look. I like the Superfeet Carbon insoles for playing but since I spend way more time officiating throughout the calendar year, comfort is way more important to me. I didn't realize we had the option of buying these insoles (outside of getting them with True Custom skates). Thanks!
  8. Does anyone know when companies STEP, Bladetech and the like will come out with their own compatible runners/steel?
  9. Often thought of upgrading to Bones Swiss but wasn't playing inline hockey on a regular basis. Now that I am, I feel like I'm due to make the change.
  10. My 2nd scan was noticeable better than my first scan. The issue is my first scan aggravated my Accessory Navicular bones so bad that I can't even fully enjoy either pair of skates ha.
  11. Interesting. Then that means my first scan led to a smaller boot which led to me dropping down to a 280mm holder. Hmm.
  12. Here are some YouTube channels I'd check out: https://www.youtube.com/@hockeytraining https://www.youtube.com/@CoachZac As mentioned earlier, I'd focus on emphasizing "body weight" training since you're a younger teen. Even in workouts that uses weights (barbell, dumbbell, medicine ball, etc.), you can still do these workouts with a BW focus. I really like Hockey Training because they have a lot of "free" resources and even more "paid" resources. There are also some good Instagram accounts that I'll have to dig up and will post here for your benefit.
  13. Yes. The posts are the same but for me to use the 288mm TUUKs with my first pair of SVHs, the front end of the holder would've extended past the front end of the boot (if that makes any sense).
  14. So just got back from using my PowerFly Holders (along with the Fly-TI steel) for the first time. One thing I didn't realize is that it seems length of the PowerFlys are shorter than the outgoing LS Trigger TUUKs. With my first pair of True SVH Customs, I had to drop down to the 280mm TUUKs to have the holders fit underneath the boot appropriately. With the PowerFlys though, I'm back to a 288mm holder (which is the size I've used for probably 12 of the 13 years of me wearing the stripes). This is alone was worth the "upgrade" in Bauer holders.
  15. If they made a RH P28 in Lie 5, I'd heavily consider using their twigs for inline hockey. That's a really good price.
  16. Well that's good to hear. I plan on getting a pair at the end of this month when Pure Hockey has them available. I was hoping that the change wouldn't too drastic 😅
  17. Just saw this myself and it definitely makes sense to target the grassroots via this route. And FYI: the Atlantic District is Eastern PA (Harrisburg is the cutoff), NJ and DE. https://www.atlantic-district.org/news_article/show/1274028
  18. As some who pushed off getting custom skates due them being being "too expensive" and subsequently regretting that original thought process, I've grown to appreciate the "Custom" route that is more readily available for us on the retail side. At the end of the day, comfort is critical for the enjoyment/safety/performance of the sport. I'm sure there are people who've had issue after issue with stock helmets over the years and finally have a viable option: I'm all for that.
  19. I played with the OG O1 chassis and currently use the R1. The R1 feels much better to me when playing. You can definitely "get away" with using the O1 but I'd spring for the R1 if you can.
  20. To avoid any further Facebook rhetoric, I've only used True when it comes to the "custom" route. Why? Because, in Bauer terms, I have a Vapor heel, Supreme mid-foot and Nexus toe box when it comes to boot fit. If you have "unique" feet like I do, I would recommend going with True. If not, then I'm not rich enough to blow another $3,500 USD on "custom" skates to guide you. Take my irrelevant post as such.
  21. Skating without pain is such a beautiful thing haha. TRUE Customs have given me what I've been looking for (especially from an officiating perspective). There's no way I can not go with them for any future skate purchases.
  22. Who else does what True does? I was under the impression that True is the only true custom fit.
  23. I am also of the the big dome piece coalition haha. If you can spending some time window-shopping on Sideline Swap, I would. I've gotten both my ice and inline helmets (OG Bauer Re-Akt). The Re-Akt is the most comfortable helmet I've ever worn and haven't cared to find a more current replacement but instead look on third-party websites to find old "new" stock and hope they have my size. For officiating, I currently use the CCM Tacks 910 and it feels pretty comfortable. The difference is that for my Re-Akt helmets, I wear fishbowls (you can see my profile pic for reference) whereas with the Tacks, I only wear a visor. So I don't know how the latter feels with a full cage/shield.
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