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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by althoma1

  1. I agree that good skate covers should alleviate the need to separate skate pockets, but for some illogical reason I still like having the skate pockets. I put everything else in the big opening of a pro style bag, but like the slight organization of the skate pockets and a few side mesh pockets for laces and shower sandals. With that said, you're also right about the more stuff on the bag, the more likely it is to fail. Wheel bags tend to have the bottom rub on the ground and wear out in that area. Bags with external skate pockets have seams rip or zippers fail ect. One high quality bag with good zippers and a strong material like tarpaulin, canvas or high end nylon should last for years. I'm sure the Mammoth made in America bag is a high quality bag, but in my experience there are some overseas bags that hold up well that are much cheaper alternatives (Warrior Pro and RBK Pro are two that have held up for me, but I did have other bags over the years that had zipper and external pocket failures)
  2. Hockeytron has a couple very cheap clearance Tarpaulin pro style bags in black that may be of interest to you: This Firstar for $19 (orig. $80) that has internal mesh skate pockets, but no mesh vents: https://hockeytron.com/collections/bags/products/firstar-tpb-12-hockey-equipment-bag?variant=15405896564813 This $25 Alkali (orig. $60) with no mesh vents, but I'm not sure if it has skate pockets: https://hockeytron.com/collections/bags/products/alkali-rpd-max-senior-hockey-equipment-bag
  3. I actually like the silver, but after digging a little deeper, it seems that bag may not have internal skate pockets Skate pockets are nice to have IMHO. If I were you, I'd probably just go for the $54 Dolomite bag. They mesh on my Warrior Pro bag has held up just fine for both the vents and the internal pockets. In the internal pockets I put in and take out sandals, tape, and laces, but don't over stuff them. In the skate pockets I put in and pull out my 8EE Mako skates with soakers on without issue. I think the Warrior Pro bags are durable as long as you don't over stuff them or drag them across asphalt or something..
  4. This Easton Pro style bag is on clearance at Hockey Monkey. It has a U shape opening (which is preferable to a straight zipper. It makes it easier to find things in your bag), is made of Tarpaulin like the Warrior, but doesn't have the mesh vents (which may help with durability). If I were in the US and was shopping for a new bag, it'd definitely be on my short list at $40: https://www.hockeymonkey.com/catalog/product/view/id/191022 It used to be $90 like the Warrior Pro, but is likely being cleared out for such a low price because Easton hockey was bought and basically shelved by Bauer a couple years ago so they're just clearing out old stock. They only have it in shiny silver, but if that doesn't bother you; it looks like a solid buy; especially at that price. Edit: just read the QA and it looks like it may not have internal skate pockets. That'd be a deal breaker for me as I do like to have skate pockets.
  5. It's the same thing, but with different branding and colours. The Dolomite themed bag was likely released when Warrior released their special edition Dolomite and Mac Daddy retro sticks and is now being cleared out. Getting the Dolomite bag for $54 is definitely a better deal than paying almost double for the standard branding/colour scheme.
  6. Yes, they definitely don't have to be hockey specific mats. Some small dollar store mats would do the job fine. I actually haven't had to buy a mat in a while since I've gotten a few free at different events (Modsquad events, Officials summer clinics, leagues I ref for ect.). The point is, it's definitely not worth shelling out big $ for a bag with a built in mat. If someone likes the style, assumed durability and other features then they should go for it, but the built in mat shouldn't be a deciding factor.
  7. A cheap skate mat will save your feet from melted snow. Any of these $10 mats should do the job and there are more options out there: https://hockeysupremacy.com/en/hockeysupremacy-com-skate-mat.html https://www.prohockeylife.com//products/pro-hockey-life-skate-mat?variant=39945562244&gclid=CjwKCAjwzPXlBRAjEiwAj_XTEalLE3h_LC_Q11ct762to1qAR_61QPJsPnlXTku-V36bERQCZBnv1BoCtC4QAvD_BwE#fo_c=1554&fo_k=615adddce4903b1312ff9c06c65e0845&fo_s=gplaca https://www.hockeymonkey.com/catalog/product/view/id/156759 The Warrior Pro bags (and some other Pro style bags) do have two inner end skate pockets as well as three divided mesh pockets on the sides where you can put laces, sandals, tape ect.
  8. I also have the Warrior Pro bag for ice hockey and it's held up very well after several seasons of use. I've seen a few that have looked beat up, but those players also seem to over stuff their bag with extra jerseys and equipment. I haven't had any issues with mine, but only carry one set of gear, a jersey or two, socks, a skate mat, a set of under layers, a skate mat and shower accessories (towel, sandals, soap and shampoo). I also have a Reebok Pro style bag I picked up over 6 years ago for $35 on sale that I use for roller hockey and while it shows some wear (one grommet came out on one corner, but the corner is still intact), it's still in use as the zipper works perfectly, the inner skate pockets are intact and there are no major rips or holes. A good pro style bag can be had for under $100 CAD at regular price and much less than that when on sale or clearance and have held up well in my experience. So while some of the pricey bags look nice, I wouldn't get one at the regular prices.
  9. To me, the Mako is wider in the toe box than Supremes, but the heel is tighter. Makos are also baked longer and are more responsive to heat. Many people use the same size in Bauer and Makos, but some go a half size either way. Personally, I use 8EE Makos and have demoed 7.5EE Supremes. The length felt similar, but the Supremes were too tight on the forefoot and I had slight heel lift. With the Makos, my forefoot is comfortable and my heel is locked in. You will feel shots in Makos, but could buy shot blockers like the ultrastop blockers https://images.app.goo.gl/SfqSFo4uUdhACqfo8 Or use skate fenders.
  10. I agree that the Leafs have more depth and talent and also agree that they'll lose the series. I think Boston will win by playing physical; in a tough playoff series their style works well. If it was a non-contact all-star format; I'd take the Leafs.
  11. Yes, being able to try things on is always best and it is worth driving to a good shop with a lot of selection if that's possible. With that said, STX does provide free returns and shipping (both ways over a certain order minimum...if you're ordering a bunch of products you'd have no problem meeting that threshold) for 14 days on their top of the line products if you're in the US. The only STX product I've used is their Surgeon 500 gloves, but I love them and they've held up very well (the RX3 gloves are the latest models). I don't believe they currently ship to Canada, so if you're a Canadian like I am then you'd have to get it shipped to a friend or P.O. Box in the US.
  12. I agree with you - the Vapors I've tried on in the past definitely don't fit me as well as Makos and no toe box has ever been as comfortable for my feet as the one on the Makos. With that said, the new 2X Pro toe box looks a little similar from the pictures out there. I have never tried them on; so don't know if they even come close comfort wise.
  13. The toe box on the new Vapor line coming out this year looks similar to the Mako toe box, however; it's not a one piece boot and I don't know if it'll be as responsive to heat.
  14. If the first pair fits well, then absolutely. The only similar skate on the market right now are the True skates that will likely cost you A LOT more.
  15. Skates - I love my Mako II's. They're getting harder to find - if the pair you have fit well then definitely buy any Mako II's, M8's and M7's you can find in your size. The only thing currently out there that's similar are True skates and they're MUCH more expensive than NOS Mako II's. That is, unless you've found NOS 8EE's...if that's the case just make due with your current skates and DM me to let me know where I can buy them :). Pants - I prefer girdles and shells myself. I like my Warrior Projekt girdle, but if I was buying today I'd look at the new QRE Girdle. shoulder, shin, and elbow pads - I would take a serious look at the RX3 line on the STX site. They're selling them direct; so you can get top of the line pads for MUCH less than by buying retail and they're current models with plenty of stock in all sizes. Helmet - The Warrior Alpha Pro I have is pretty comfortable for my head and I also like the old Easton E700, but helmets (like skates) are really something that's hard to buy without trying it on. As for a cage, I'd recommend one of the Titanium cages with flat bars. They're light, have good visibility and won't rust. Bauer makes the Reakt titanium cage and CCM made the Fitlite (I think it's discontinued). The Reakt fits a little shorter and narrower in the same size vs. the Fitlite (the Fitlite fits my face better, but the Reakt may fit you better). Stick - if you know what curve you like then looking for a clearance stick with that curve and your preferred flex for under $100 wouldn't be a bad idea. Composite sticks are much lighter and provide more pop. It's not a must buy as you can get by with a wood stick, but it'd be a nice upgrade.
  16. Yes, the Alkali adult sizes use all 80mm wheels. There is no wheel that will work well on both asphalt and Sport Court. You'll ruin Sport Court wheels on asphalt (they'll wear down really quickly) and any wheels meant for asphalt will be too slippery for Sport Court. I'd just get some super cheap outdoor wheels for skating in the driveway along with some cheap bearings. For Sport Court, Yellow Labeda Grippers are a good budget option or if you want the best wheels I'd recommend Konixx Pure's (+2 hardness for someone your size). I would get a second set of cheap bearings and a second set of spacers for the Sport Court wheels; it makes changing over from asphalt to Sport Court wheels much faster (you should be able to make the swap in less than 10 minutes if you don't have to change the bearings and spacers). These should be the axles you need if your boots didn't come with them: https://www.inlinewarehouse.com/Alkali_Roller_Hockey_Wheel_Axles_/descpage-ALWA.html These would be the spacers: https://www.inlinewarehouse.com/Alkali_Hockey_Bearing_Spacers/descpage-ABSP.html
  17. After using Sprungs I'd never go back to a flat chassis. While it doesn't feel exactly like ice, it's definitely easier to transition between ice and roller with a chassis like Sprung than with a flat chassis.
  18. Bauer purchased Mission in late 2008. From approximately 2009/2010 on, the Mission skates have been based on the Bauer Supreme last and definitely fit differently from Mission skates produced before 2009. The person who designed your he950 skates, the member Justin 1933, went on to co-found the Alkali roller hockey brand and was the lead designer there for several years. In 2017 Alkali was bought by the company that owns HockeyTron; so I'm not sure if the fit has changed with their newer skates, but until that time the RPD line was said to have a fit similar to some pre-Bauer Mission skates.
  19. There's a thread from a few years ago that discusses that question:
  20. The 20% NEWMEMBER code was generic and expired quite a while ago. They have had other one days codes in the past that are shared on social media and are usually for certain products; so you may want to follow them on social media and watch for sales/codes.
  21. Yes, comfort and fit is key. Based on your comments on the VH skates, I would go with True and just ask them to use the measurements they should already have on file since your current VH skates fit so well.
  22. That's strange that the stock 8EE FT1 toe box is fine, but the 8EE/B customs have an issue (I believe most stock skates are D/A or EE/B; so I think an 8EE stock skate would actually have a B heel anyway). Unless they actually make the skates just a touch shorter or used a different toe box? Or maybe the retail FT1 toe box feels fine in the store, but you'd have the same issue with it if you skated on them. When I tried on the 8EE Tacks they actually locked my heel in very well, but the toe box was too narrow for my feet. Every foot is different though and I have read the FT1 has great heel lock. I tried on a D width FT1 at SummerJam and it was waaaay too narrow for my feet in the forefoot area. They didn't bring any EE width skates and I haven't bothered to try on a EE width since I'm not currently in the market for new skates thanks to my Mako stockpile. Besides the two issues you had with the FT1's how did they feel performance wise compared to your VH skates?
  23. If both your feet are the same size (8EE/B) and your only issues are that the depth is even with your feet at the 5th eyelet and the toe box on FT1's, I'm not sure you need customs. Usually the depth is only an issue if your feet are over the eyelets and there are deeper skates than Jetspeeds. It does seem like the Jetspeed toe boxes aren't right for you, but other retail toe boxes may work. I'd probably just try on a bunch of different skates around the 8EE and 8D size (while you're EE in Jetspeed, a D might work in other naturally wider models) and see if anything feels great out of the box without having to go the custom route. With that said, if you have the extra cash and just want to go the custom route then I'd probably lean toward going the VH/True route if you're happy with the fit of those skates. You could just have them make a new pair based on the measurements of your old pair. Out of curiousity, when you did the CCM 3D scan was Jetspeed the recommended line for your feet?
  24. Nothing out currently is close to the weight of the Easton E700. The E700 replaced the S19. The fit system was changed to a Giro bike helmet style system that fit more people. The S19 didn't fit me well, but the E700 is very comfortable. Now, the E700 hasn't been manufactured in close to 5 years; so they'll be hard to come by, but you could always scour the internet for new old stock (sideline swap, ebay, BST sections, FB Marketplace ect.). The Fitlite 3DS mentioned is one of the lighter models that is more recent and even though it's also been discontinued (just last year I believe); it should still be pretty easy to find. The original Bauer Reakt is also a lighter than average model that should be attainable. Neither of these will be as light as the E700 though. I've tried various cages over the years - i2, Itech Titanium, Reakt Titanium and the Fitlite Titanium. Both the Reakt and Fitlite have the flat bars and offer excellent vision. The Fitlite is a bit wider and longer in the same size vs. the Reakt so it fits my face and helmet better and that's the only reason I switched from the Reakt to the Fitlite. I would try on both those cages with your helmet in various sizes if you can and buy the one that fits best. With that said, I do believe the Fitlite Titanium cage was discontinued; so it may be harder to find now than it was a year or two ago.
  25. I like the creative options sublimation opens up, but I don't think the Lightning Jerseys utilize the possibilities. I do like the spray paint sleeves look, but the body of the jersey is too simplistic and makes it look more like a practice jersey. Personally, I'd go all the way with the sublimation and have a full blown thunderstorm on the main body of the jersey with subtle colour gradients for the sky and clouds and lightning strikes throughout. With that said, my tastes lean more toward crazy concept sublimation jerseys than traditional simple NHL jerseys.
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