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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Jamarquan

  1. MSH's own @DP_57 is now a Vegas Golden Knight!
  2. The uniforms are fine, but the gloves suck. I'm normally all for "dipped fingers" but ick
  3. The Barclays Center is a top 29 arena in the NHL.
  4. Time for some hot takes then.
  5. What if I like them?
  6. Union College. Expensive and not the best school. Schenectady isn't very nice either.
  7. Didn't know that was a thing.
  8. I really want to try the P02 before it dies. Probably won't get to. (Hard to find in intermediate / right / low flex / reasonable price.)
  9. Spent all afternoon at the local car show - a lot of really great looking classics. The show goes tomorrow too. I even got a free BMW M hat.
  10. Don't do that, you could be fined 10k!
  11. I should really learn how to Bitcoin. Looks confusing.
  12. I need a new helmet, going to take a hard look at these. To
  13. Because the economy tends to crash every ten years or so, and the last few have been due to negligence on the part of Wall Street, which has not been fixed - the big short is all about this - very good movie, it's on Netflix. Disclaimer : I'm not old enough to have been alive for y2k so take that with a grain of salt.
  14. I have 5 sticks and that's too much. If anyone wants some 47 flex Bauer sticks, let me know.
  15. I'm sorry to hear that. Best of luck to you and your mother. We're here for you if you need us.
  16. That's just asking for chirping.
  17. Disclaimer: I've played goalie for all of about 10 hours, just kind of throwing ideas at you here. First off: Temper your expectations. you started playing a difficult position at an older age than most people start. You've put in a lot of time and money on being a goalie. But this stuff takes a while. The best place to start is to identify the problem, which should be fairly easy to do considering you've got dozens of games on YouTube (and probably more that aren't on the Internet) where you can see what you do well and what you need to improve upon. If it's flexibility, that stuff is easy to improve / fix with Googling some excercises, maybe some cheap equipment like a resistance band and excercise balls for your glove hand. The two are about $20. Strength might be a little more difficult, especially if you don't have the space or equipment. Some stuff is easy to do at home: squats for legs, twists / planks for core, etc. If it's just that you need to be a better goalie, not a stronger one, there's literally thousands of videos online, and a whole community here at MSH that can help in place of expensive goalie coaching. Write some notes down from those online videos, then try to get into a pickup session and work on them. Roberto Luongo did this the first time around with the Panthers, even with no shooters. He'd just go into the rink and imagine scenarios around him, and then react to them. (Source: Jamie McLennan's book.) I took a break in writing this to watch some of the GoPro videos. Again, I have virtually no goalie experience, but you seem uncomfortable / slow to move in the butterfly, like you're shuffling on your knees as opposed to sliding, so leg and core strength seems like it would really come in handy there. And use your teammates. Tell them to try to cover the cross crease passes, because it requires you to move the farthest laterally. Make sure somebody is home for the rebounds. Little things like that. You're going to have things that take more time to be good at, or that you maybe just aren't good at yet. Again: this stuff takes time. It takes time to get good, or at least competent, at everything, but if you decide to stop after putting in a little bit of time because the results aren't there, then you'd probably have quit a lot of things by now. If nothing else, maybe take some time away from goaltending, or hockey in general. You said you're saving to buy a house. I'm not an adult, but that sounds incredibly stressful.
  18. I don't know why you took Phil "The Thrill" Kessel's number in the first place... But seriously, any number is fine. Just go with what you like. I try to pick a new one every so often, just for fun.
  19. What's wrong with full wrong? I played full wrong when I was in goal (which I think would be fun to try again).
  20. Played an exchange team from Sweden today. Lost 12-1 but had a good time.
  21. Also left a note in the bathroom saying she would try to attempt killing everyone during a specific lunch (our school has multiple lunch 'waves'). I wasn't there, not sure of all details. Does that not warrant a lockdown to you? (not being condescending)
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