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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by VegasHockey

  1. As far as kits go, the new Bauer kit is one of the best I have seen. For any player under the age of 4 I think it would be more than sufficient. https://www.bauer.com/products/vapor-xtend-youth-kit
  2. They are good for LTP kids, especially at that age.
  3. There is no rocker, it's very flat like a P88. The blade opens a lot at the toe, like the P90. It slightly more open than the P90. It is definitely a curve for a shooter.
  4. Majority of high level players (NHL/AHL/D1) tend to prefer softer blades. Softer blade allows for more accurate shooting; the puck stays on the blade longer for loading, which increases accuracy, especially helpful on one-timer as well. It also makes it easier to receive hard passes. Understand though, what works for Player A may not work for Player B. For example, I got a bundle of pro stock sticks from Mackinnon. Some of them have softer blades, others are very stiff. You can sometimes "feel" how stiff the blade is, which will give you some insight as to the blade construction without having to cut the blade apart. Maybe he uses one stick for PP when he knows he will be taking more shots and the other is for general use. Who knows? He also varies his flex quite a bit as well.
  5. You might be able to get a little more wrap, but it technically defeats the design of those skates, since they aren't built to wrap tightly. That would be a good idea. While you can do it yourself at home, if you damage the skates, then you won't be able to file a warranty claim.
  6. If you want to test the heel lift before making significant modifications, you could buy these: https://www.thisissoul.com/products/superfeet-heel-lift If you want to just do the heel lift, I would start with 1-1.5mm
  7. You will never get a retail CCM or Bauer skates to have the same wrap as TRUE as those brands don't design the retail skate itself to wrap. If you went with a custom CCM, you could request to have added facing, which would allow the cuff to wrap the way you want.
  8. Check out the T27 by TRUE. Similar to the P14 but less rocker. If you can't find any good pics online, I can snap some for you. I recently moved from the P90 to the T27.
  9. A: Yes B: Shift steel can work in the standard Shift holder or the Shift Max holder. Shift Max steel cannot be used in the standard Shift holder, as it has a locking tang on the end. C: No. Every other brand of holder will require drilling.
  10. Try TriKlean or AcraStrip 950. Make sure to use in a well ventilated area, wear gloves, a respirator, and eye protection.
  11. The new holders are slightly heavier than the previous generation.
  12. Pure has internal buyers who dictate what's gets ordered for every store. IMO the people who do the ordering are out of touch with trends. I could go off on a tangent on this...
  13. It shouldn't unless they are a custom color. Some of those pro stock models had multiple layers of clear applied over the graphics. Are these standard colors?
  14. Supposedly the parabolic design is to help the steel lock in place, preventing it from popping out during impact. However, the changes were to also introduce a new patent as well, since the old patent had expired. This was not for weight reduction.
  15. It's very simple. Any decent store should know how to do this, If they don't, you should not let them touch your skates.
  16. 1: FT6 is a softer boot which allows more forward flex. This will give the feeling you are more on the balls of your feet. 2: As others mentioned, you would need to bring both the old and new steel in to a knowledgeable store so they can copy the profile. 3: That depends on you, as this is a debatable question. If you want to spend the time to get the skates dialed in, because you like them, then keep them. I am a huge believer in the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it.” If you know what kind of skate you like, and have been using such skate, why change things?
  17. TRUE has had the P90 at retail for more than a year. Bauer released the P90 at retail with the new Vapor line. Sherwood released the P90 with the latest versions of their sticks. It's still hard to find the P90 as most retail stores as they have been nervous about ordering and not being able to sell them. They instead prefer to stock P92/P29 and P28.
  18. They already have custom orthotics, the Bauer Speedplate. Bauer is not changing the custom skate process for 2024. There are rumors though that in 2025 Bauer will have a new scanning system and allow more options at the retail level.
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