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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Westside

  1. I can’t speak to Easton socks since I’ve never worn them, but they are thin
  2. I like darn tough lightweights socks. Been using them for 6 or so years and anytime I try a different sock, I go back to these. https://darntough.com/products/mens-merino-wool-run-micro-crew-ultra-lightweight-running-socks
  3. Summer season just wrapped up so I washed my gear and got around to sewing on patches on the lower part of the removable liners. Wouldn't mind sewing some directly onto the bottom of the shins themselves, but would have to stitch by hand which I'm not interested in doing. Thanks for the tip! We'll see how these hold up
  4. It’s made of the same material that True uses on the Catalyst Pro skates, which is similar to helicopter tape or real thick clear bra. I’d say it’s pretty durable based on my experience with Trues. Cost you’d want to reach out to Flooded Customs since he’s the one that makes them.
  5. The last two times I went to the Kings summer sale it seemed like it was more fan merch than anything. Handful of game worn jerseys and sticks, small selection of any usable gear. Definitely not as good as the last EQM sale I remember during Covid
  6. Cool behind the scenes look at True’s factory. Wish companies did this more often as its always cool to see how things are made. The last one I recall seeing was CCM when the FT1 came out
  7. May have found an answer to my own question. Could US skates with the lower flex rating (195) be black and Euro skates with a higher flex rating (215) be exposed carbon? Lines up with these UK skates on eBay and those featured on hockey tutorial’s YT channel and other European outlets https://www.ebay.com/itm/185981879942?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ZUWO54H8Sg-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=SnF9bMyvRdu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  8. I was trying to come up with a clever, click baity title, but just went with the obvious to the questions I’m about to ask. After taking a break from playing after high school/college, I got back into hockey wearing Bauer skates; the last of which being 2017 X900s which I enjoyed. When the True TF9 was released in 2020 I tried out a pair for roller and then subsequently ice. Those skates were like a revelation to my feet. I don’t have abnormally shaped feet apart from my left foot being 1/8-1/4 longer than my left. Still, how well the skates wrapped my foot, how connected to the ice I felt, and how much my outside edge retention improved I became a true True convert and believer. I used the TF9s year-round since getting them until one of the heels cracked. I then upgraded to a pair of Cat Pros which I’ve been using for the last couple of months. While I have no need or reason to get another pair of skates, I got a deal I couldn’t pass up on CCM FT6 Pros and after seeing initial highlights on the skates, I was really interested to try them out. Since I have experienced cracked carbon with True skates, I was contemplating switching to something more durable. FT6 Pros arrived, and while they already come with the ‘game ready fit’ that is supposed to wrap the facing of the skate around your foot better, I baked them the same way I do my Trues with how I apply pressure to the facing and how I wrap the ankle area to create a tighter wrap around my entire foot. Skates fit like a glove and were really comfortable in the house. Toes brush the cap, no heel lift, can’t wiggle my foot in the boot, just pass the pencil test, and everything fits the way it should. So here’s where the issues start to arrise. I take them out for their inaugural skate using the same Super Feet I use in Trues and the same Step Blacksteel I use on the Trues (they have XS holders mounted). Getting onto the ice, my ankles feel wobbly as hell as if I didn’t lace the skates! With Trues, I barely have to tighten them because of how well they wrap my foot and can drop 1-2 eyelets and still keep them loose just fine. I didn’t leave the FT6s loose, but didn’t crank them either. So I get off the ice, and start to crank the laces pretty hard bottom to top to ensure the boot is pretty damn snug. They felt *better*, but no where near as good as the Trues. Then there was issues with the steel. I’ve been using primarily 9/16, but sometimes 5/8, for the last 6-7 years at this point. Never had an issue with bite regardless if I was on Bauers or Trues. I felt like I had zero bite on the FT6s. I also didn’t feel like I could get out over my outside edges in the way I’ve come to get used to with Trues. My current plan is to rebake the skates and try to tighten the wrap more (if it’s even possible) and maybe try getting a 1/2 sharpen on a pair of steel to see if that fixes the bite issue. TLDR; I’m just wondering, has anyone else skated in True and then moved onto another skate? Did you find a learning curve to get used to it? Any suggestions on what might help any of the above issues? It’s been a few years since I’ve skated in anything other than True, but I used to not have any problems moving from one skate to the next whenever I wanted. It’d be a bummer if I’m totally ruined by skating in True skates. Hah!
  9. I'm currently in Cat Pros and am happy with them, but really wanted to try the new FT6 Pros. Met up with Flooded Customs from IG who designed a wrap inspired by the black option CCM offers through their custom program, but with the last gen logo. I think they turned out awesome and I look forward to testing the skates out! Wish more skates were made to look as subtle as this off the shelf
  10. Noticed that some FT6 Pro skates appear to have visible carbon fiber and others do not. Is there a reason behind this? Was visible carbon for prototype or custom versions? Example of exposed carbon. Non visible carbon was shown on the previous page https://www.instagram.com/p/CmE54-hJzlF/?igshid=Y2IzZGU1MTFhOQ==
  11. Huh. Interesting. At the presale price might be worth picking up a one piece for ice and a two piece for roller. Don’t get how it’s a wood carbon hybrid nor do I understand where the measurements point is for length
  12. Oh man, if they have the refrigerator jerseys from the cancelled Covid season or even one of the old school looking cream admiral alts worn this past season I’d be interested
  13. I, personally, can’t think of any skate that would last me 6 years. I did love my TF9s and are probably still the best feeling skates I’ve ever used. Yes, I replaced some rivets, but part of that was due to the poor initial installation and part of that was taking a clapper to the holder which popped a pair of them. I did have the carbon crack on one heel but it only appeared to be the outer shell and didn’t affect performance. I play at least double the amount of games you play each year so based on that kind of math, these skates could have theoretically lasted 4-5 years
  14. Thanks for the pics. When is it supposed to be released to the masses? I agree the chin cup looks to sit real far away from the cage. Is it made from single density foam or is there a poron insert like the Reakt cage?
  15. Tried the spray during a game last night and feel my experience echos the others. Definitely kept snow off the blade the entire game, but that’s about all the positives I can say about it. That being said, I did have an off game after a 3 week break so that could also have something to do with it. I’ll leave the spray on the stick for the next game and see if my mind changes
  16. I got a sample bottle but haven’t used it yet
  17. Didn’t bother going to the reign sale but do plan on going to the ducks sale. Their prices have typically been better vs the Kings. Still bummed I haven’t been able to connect with a single person in the Seattle area to try and get gear from their sale
  18. Thanks for this, but am I to understand the titanium cage will now be painted? Is there not just a raw finish like the reakt that I don’t have to worry about chipping and looking like shit halfway through the season?
  19. Wow, I gotta admit, the 'blacked out' version of the FT6 Pro looks real good
  20. Interesting. I used a Profile II before switching to a Reakt and do remember preferring the Profile’s ‘profile’ but the reakt’s weight savings was too much to ignore. Had to move up in size with the reakt so it was long enough on my face and then bent it a bit so it fit my helmet. Patiently waiting for the updated titanium cage Bauer is supposed to be releasing in the Profile shape
  21. Waiting to see Vegas’ placement, but the Panthers is horrible. The patch has always been on the right chest, has it not? There’s enough space under the ad patch to still accommodate it there. Just another reason advertiser patches are the worst. On an unrelated note, while I like the new style SCF patch overall, I dislike that it doesn’t say ‘SCF’ anywhere. The style is more generic for the playoffs or like a patch the team would wear after they won
  22. Anyone local able to act as a proxy?
  23. I’ve been wearing a Super Tacks X helmet for the last 8 months or so. Was able to find a new pro stock for just over $200 in my color/size and couldn’t be happier. Extremely breathable, easily the most comfortable helmet I’ve ever worn, and I hit my head on the ice a few weeks back and it did a good job protecting me from the impact. I’d never pay retail for one, but $200-250? I’ve spent that on worse
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