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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by flip12

  1. On 3/6/2019 at 12:02 AM, tvaughan4 said:


    If only it was a righty!!!  Well done!

    I'm pretty sure Ryan Murray uses Niedermayer clones. He's still a lefty, but that means if you were to order custom sticks at True, you could get one of his patterns there mirrored for you without a mold fee. Unless I've fallen behind, everything I've heard about True custom sticks has included the bit that they don't charge for a mold fee at a much lower order number than other companies.

    I'd also be up for ordering some blades in that pattern from BASE if there was interest in getting a Niedermayer Pro done up in their pattern request program they have. Then it'd be available to righties and lefties alike.

  2. 8 hours ago, stick9 said:

    I recently picked up a P30. As a devote P28/W28 user I wanted something that wasn't as open. Side by side, they are very much alike, rocker and lie are very close as well.

    They play differently. The 28 is just a flick off the toe and it's top corner. The 30 requires a bit more technique. I'm still getting used to it and I haven't played a CCM in a few years.

    That could be due to the P28’s heel curve and openness.

  3. On 3/13/2019 at 2:16 PM, decoy said:

    I think that was the one I remembered it in, but I can't find the shot of them installing it now. Anyhow, for a before and after, see here, how the liner just wraps over the interior of the outsole by a little over a centimeter before the midsole goes in...

    ...but then it's all tucked away neatly behind the midsole after:


  4. Midsole is the piece between the outsole (in this case, the bottom of the monocoque shell) and the insole, right? If you look at some of CCM's factory videos, you can see them adding such a piece to their "one-piece" composite boots. I guess it makes sense this piece can be made of various materials. It should have no bearing on the composition of the outer shell, so that would still be accurately called composite regardless of what the midsole's made of.

  5. I'd say go for the better protection. I once bought Mission low-mid-range gloves for the increased mobility off the shelf. It was for a recreational checking league and I ended up breaking some fingers hitting the glass. Never again.

    • Like 1

  6. On 3/5/2019 at 10:23 PM, bunnyman666 said:

    I have a pro stock Easton Aluminium stick painted as a (then) current model composite. I will have to dig around for it.  

    A few guys are hoarding the late model Easton helmets, as well!

    What was your T-Flex painted as? I'm curious to see it!

    I also wonder if we'll be able to see some more downspec'd components on Marleau's 70K's. They do have TPU outsoles, just not flat slab ones like he's used to. There were also some 18 or 20K Marleaus up on ProStockHockey a while back. Those had the white slab outsoles.

  7. 12 hours ago, bunnyman666 said:

    I have a pro stock Easton Aluminium stick painted as a (then) current model composite. I will have to dig around for it.  

    A few guys are hoarding the late model Easton helmets, as well!

    ProStockHockey had some of those recently, aluminum shafts dressed as green Z-Bubbles I think.

    @Left Wing King Komarov’s F60’s are still in production from Graf-CH, last I checked.

  8. Taste is notoriously subjective, but I think it's clear the skates you mentioned are still in the blinged category, even if Bauer's trying to suppress it in the new Supremes. I just can't look at that skate and not feel like vomiting after what they've done to the one90 legacy line. It's just such a disgrace.

    How is the composite finish an aesthetic issue rather than a cosmetic issue?

  9. But that’s not really aesthetics, just cosmetics. The way it relates to the sense of touch appears to be primary in this case. Cosmetically, their skates could be better, but they’ve always played that angle of their skates down; thankfully, I’d add: it’s refreshing to have a decent skate on the market without all of the garish flourishes of the others.

    • Like 1

  10. 3 hours ago, Hockeydad97 said:

    Yes Kovalev pro. Online it only had the 5.5 lie listed which is what I ordered and received on my first order. Second order was for two 5.5 lies but received a 5 and a 6. So there are at the least 3 lies available in the kovalev pro.

    i will share a photo of the 3 later tonight if you like

    Please do! Are the curves the same otherwise?

  11. 7 hours ago, Hockeydad97 said:

    Curious on how long others who have ordered have waited for their orders from base to arrive. I love the products but wait times seems to be growing longer and longer. I’m currently at day 48 of waiting. Customer service has not been much help either in explaining the delay.  

    This is my fourth order from them. first two times were great, third time not so. 5+ weeks and order of two kovalev blades came in But one a lie 5 the other 6..  

    Again I love the products (quality, performance,graphics, options) but I’m starting to think customer service needs some work.


    You mean Kovalev Pro? I didn't know they offered that in multiple lies.

  12. 21 hours ago, Nicholas G said:

    Almost looks like he tapes it and then shaves the bottom portion of the tape off. I can't tell by this picture. 

    The way I’ve seen it done is to use a single blade knife to slice a line where you want to rip away the lower portion of the tape job; leaves the rest in place but also leaves a slash groove in the blade’s surface.

  13. 14 hours ago, Nicholas G said:

    I also see a lot of issues with customers who get their VH/TRUE skates and then crank on the laces, and/or lace from the outside in, and/or use wax laces. I feel like non-waxed laces and lacing from the inside out allows the laces to slip a little and properly distribute the tightness across the entire facing of the skate. Also, as mentioned, you should pull them enough to remove the slack but it's not really necessary to crank down on the laces. 

    Outside in might come from MLX. Cruikshank pushed that lacing pattern quite a bit. Graf waxed laces have just enough give to allow for that movement, I find. More wax than that is too much.

    12 hours ago, IPv6Freely said:

    Completely agree with everything you said. Unlike off the shelf skates where you're pulling hard to try to wrap the facing around your foot, with VH it just wasn't necessary. Just enough to be snug. And I dumped waxed laces almost immediately. 

    Off the shelf skates can fit nicely with "just snug" lacing, if they're a decent fit match for one's foot shape. I've skated comfortably in 703's with just snug lacing on the first eyelet over the toes and the third from the top. The rest I just pulled close enough to take out the slack. 703's fit me really well, though.

  14. On 2/23/2019 at 3:11 PM, stick9 said:

    The middle one looks awfully close to the old Smyth pattern from Warrior.

    I'd say it's closer to a standard Malkin. Both the Smyth and Malkin are modified E4s, so it's no wonder they might look similar. I happened to have both in my basement, along with E28 and E4, so I took some comparison shots...


    E4,     W06 Smyth,     E28,     Malkin


    I'd go again for the BC71 suggestion...the only problem is, though it is a little more closed, it's also a flatter rocker, so the shooting mechanics are going to feel different than with the E28, both for sweeping wrist shots and snapshots.


    E4,    W06 Smyth,     E28,     Malkin

    There it might be somewhat apparent how different the E28 lie and rocker is, but it's much more apparent if you overlay the E4 on the others, since it's the basis for two of the other three...


    The heel of the Malkin plays a little higher, like the E28, but you can see there's a significant lie and rocker difference that's going to come into play when releasing the puck. That may or may not work for the OP. It may be just as troublesome or even more so than learning to overcome the tendency to shoot high with the P28.

    • Like 5

  15. 11 hours ago, xstartxtodayx said:

    Here's an E/P28, a Kuznetsov pro stock, and an old school Jagr Koho pro stock blade which I used to love (it's a straighter more closed toe curve so I included it for the hell of it)

    Curves by Jon Schusteritsch, on Flickr

    Thanks for the view! That definitely looks like a Malkin clone to me. I wondered if he had switched to that last year in the playoffs, because the blade face looked very Malkin, and I could see from GettyImages that it was a pronounced toe curve compared to his more Kovalev-banana-face-P92ish-curves from before. Depending on the blade face of this one, I'd say it's almost exactly a BC71--Malkin's go to pattern. If it's as similar to my Easton Malkins as it looks like it is, it's just a slightly longer and taller PM9 with less rocker. The biggest differences between that and a P28 is the more consistently flat rocker and a deeper pocket, with less heel curve contributing to the puck's positioning on the blade. It would at least play closer in lie to the P28 than the P46 would, along the heel at least.

    PS, that Jagr curve looks awesome--maybe a little less toe and a little more heel than the Kuznetsov. Can you share more pictures of that one? I'm curious about the lie as well.

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  16. 16 hours ago, xstartxtodayx said:

    If you want to go pro stock check out the Kuznetsov curve, it's basically a closed P28.  I bought one from PSH to try but found out rather quickly it was too closed for my taste and stuck with my other P28's.  Looking now I don't see anymore on their site so my post is useless haha, sorry.

    Which Kuznetsov? He’s changed patterns a lot over the years. Lately his have looked very Malkin classic, i.e., BC71/Gionta-ish. Can you post pictures?

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