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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by flip12

  1. 4 hours ago, goodguy said:

    Tried to do this without success. Blade pitch, spacers between holder and heel, even so far as to cutting slits in the tendon guard ribs for more rearward flexion (don’t do this). Nothing really worked. Just a different skate... stiffer, heavier. I personally gave up on the notion of the True ever “feeling like a Mako” just because they share some common origin.  

    Did you contact them about making a new pair closer to the Mako feel for you? @Nicholas G seems happy with his second pair somewhat following that approach.

  2. 2 hours ago, CaptainFranchise said:

    I asked because I was surprised there didn’t appear to be a custom option for a V-cut pro skate this year (at least available to consumers). I was wondering what they were going to do with Toews and all the rest of the more traditional non-Curv guys. 

    I've noticed some of the holdouts have switched, notably Erik Karlsson for instance. Toews is still in the tech-mesh boots with the Sesame Street Blue accents the way they were dressed last year. Tuch as well. I'm not sure if anyone's wearing a current look of that model.

  3. 1 hour ago, Nicholas G said:

    It is. Yes. Nexus 1N/2N V-Cut it seems. 


    Are you sure? Looks like CURV to me, and normal Nexus cut. No ribs like on the Napors (V-cuts). Too shiny and shallow surface appearance to be tech-mesh.

    Compare to when he did have Nexus-dressed Vapors:


    It's a Vapor toe cap, duller quarters with ribs and a Vapor shaped tendon guard, whereas his current boots have Nexus toe caps, Nexus-sized spacing between eyelets and the tendon guard is also standard Nexus shape. I think he's in plain vanilla(ish) Nexus 2Ns, complete with the "jewel" behind eyelet 4.

  4. Just noticed a CSS issue, maybe due to the sticky bar:


    Issue: #ipsLayout_header's z-index = 100 but .ipsfocus-search doesn't have a z-index so it's hidden behind the header.
    Proposed solution: should make .ipsfocus-search's z-index > 100

    Edit: added screenshot.

  5. 4 hours ago, smu said:

    I am with you there, smaller and lighter players need to go with junior sticks just so they can be flexed on the ice and not just on the show room floor as well I need a better selection of blades as well instead of only three as it is now. As well all the sticks have the same lie. I would like a near 7 for once. Steeper than the 5 or 6 that we have now. I like handling the puck around my feet better, but I guess this is a lost art.

    I like that too, I just do it with a 5. Different folks need different lies and it’s frustrating the only manufacturer who almost gets this, BASE, isn’t in the mainstream.

    • Like 2

  6. 5 hours ago, CigarScott said:

    I would like more lie angle options on more curves. I play a W01 curve twig with a 4.5 lie angle that is a Warrior pro stock, would love to get a 4 lie angle made by someone.

    BASE has a lie 4 W01 already: BM or BB09 or something like that. Also lie 4 in other classic Easton curves: Sakic, Drury, Iginla.

    • Like 1

  7. 47 minutes ago, shoot_the_goalie said:

    I have the shot blockers.  I'm not a big guy, but I like very stiff skates and I've taken a couple of hard shots off the boot and have felt pretty much nothing.  Also have the T-Guards, which I haven't used much, as I mainly use the stock tongue.  From my limited use, the T-Guards are noticeably stiffer fore/aft.

    If that’s the concensus on those, I’ll be sure to stear clear of that option.

  8. 5 minutes ago, padobo said:

    Oh yeah that looks like a lot of work and money, Plus, where I live there is absolutely nowhere close to get something like this done to a stick.

    I was thinking of it as a DIY project. Doesn't look too hard: gloves, scissors, sandpaper, some wrap perhaps, garbage bin; you're set.

    I've thought about contacting them to see if they have any micro-scale patches or patch kits. One of their smallest I figure would fix half a dozen to a dozen blades. I never have that many to fix at once, and the epoxy sets whether you use it or not.

  9. 1 hour ago, goodguy said:

    Had JR change True Steel profile to match the Mako he was used to. Still felt a bit more on his heels.. added some shims between boot heel/holder & still did not like the feel of the Trues (sitting in the basement). I think you can mimic the Mako pitch, but you still don’t have the same weight, flex, extension. I even tried working the True tendon guards to be more flexible to the point of putting small cuts in the ribs of tendon guard... nothing really worked. My original idea was a VH skate & Mako skate would have similar design pedigree... they are totally different. From everything I have seen buying, watching, fitting many many skates over the years, there just is no equivalent for the Mako and it’s unique (athletic vs most other skates/stiff boxy) design. That being said, I have to move him to something currently produced eventually and that might be a CCM As1 (but I don’t want to pay $1200 to find out).

    Did you inquire with True whether they could make the skates more along the lines of the Mako stiffness, mass, tendon guard, etc? @Larry54 noted the increase in bulk and stiffness as VH skates evolved:

    If you still have the True skates, maybe you could see if they can try to match the original VH build as their offer to remake custom skates once if they don't work out for you, since your son's experiencing that they're just overbuilt for his needs.

  10. 1 hour ago, goodguy said:

    I will give my sons feedback after moving to True’s after skating Mako 2’s for many years. 

    Very comfortable, feel very solid, but heavy and clunky and not as agile/fast as the Mako’s. I guess if you are more looking for durability and comfort, the Trues are solid skates but on high level teams you cant afford to get slower. One slow game can change your spot in the lineup, your stats, your season and your next season. Depends on the level and type of player you are. 

    He’s back to using the Mako’s until we can’t find them anymore.

    Do the Trues have the same specs on their steel as he had on his Makos?

  11. I’ve considered composite patches if I ever get around to trying to curve my blades again: https://www.compositepatch.com/en/index.asp

    The demo video of the oar blade looks pretty impressive.

    My curved blades develop cracks like that. Just to get most of the stiffness back would be awesome. I imagine it could work quite well for sealing up a shaved toe. It just looks pricey unless you can use the whole patch and do a large batch of blade repairs at once.

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