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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by flip12

  1. 12 hours ago, boo10 said:

    I still have difficulty understanding how it's even physically possible to put more than a single radius on a runner.  Would love to see a good diagram of the actual shape of a quad radius.  In my head I just see bumps or ripples.

    One way to picture it might be to consider the curve on the X28 stick pattern. It's got two curves, a softer heel curve and a tighter toe curve. Especially the non-Easton versions of the pattern transition between these two seamlessly. Just imagine that with a couple more curve zones on it and you can maybe picture it a little better.

    • Like 1

  2. 3 hours ago, Nicholas G said:

    Maybe this will help. For detailed information, see the link below: 


    Advanced facings available on the Total Custom, but what about reduced facings? Modano and Niedermayer's classic 1990's Tacks wouldn't have been the same without the reduced volume they had. Nobody made them look as good as those two.

  3. They wouldn’t have to be unbiased, their bias could just be moot by being removed from the conversation by the format: their role could be entirely factual, to the degree that they want to discuss their particular skates’ production, they could confirm, deny or clarify. Any bias they wish to add could be moderated by an impartial moderator from MSH...letting the fox into the coop, but on a leash, so to speak.

  4. 5 minutes ago, smu said:

    I hit the + key for your post, does that do it? Maybe there are more post coming in all the time that I don't see and if I just hit quote it goes with the newest quote?

    I think maybe you hit the “+” quote on the wrong post by clicking the one closer to CigarScott’s name, at the beginning of his post. That would actually quote the post above that. You want to scroll to the bottom of the post you want to quote and hit the button there.

  5. 1 hour ago, 215BroadStBullies610 said:

    I'd be all over this blade/stick. The best of both worlds in my opinion.

    I've been wanting to try one out for so long, and soon I'll get the chance to see if it's right. That Scott Niedermayer blade I picked up is significantly lower than even the E4 or Montreal PC.

    The curve is most comparable to an X28, but less deep: the heel to toe offset is similar to that of the E4, so it's not so hook-like. It's also a bit shorter than the X28, even a bit shorter than the E4 (in heel to toe length). My guess is the rocker profile of the Niedermayer will suit me better than the X28, but I've got to try them out first side-by-side to be able to tell.

    • Like 1

  6. The X28 is a dual heel and toe curve. The blade face and heel curve of the X28 both come from the Drury. It’s a Drury curve that’s been modified with a toe curve and a more aggressive rocker along the toe. If you line them up you can see where the Drury was morphed into the X28.

    They play differently but they’re still similar in a lot of ways. If the Drury were a haircut, it would be a preppy fade, where the X28 would be that same fade at the start with a party at the toe; a mullet in a blade pattern.

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  7. On 11/25/2018 at 10:52 PM, chippa13 said:

    P28 is the anti-Drury and a curve that I watch most beer leaguers struggle with. Pro stocks are always available in a Drury/YP/P91A.

    It has a lot of similarities to the YP/Drury, so I’d say calling it the anti-Drury isn’t really accurate. They’re definitely not the same pattern, but X28 still shows its Drury origins in both form and function.

    • Like 1

  8. @smu it helps a bit with the pictures, thanks for adding them to the discussion. I’m not qualified to judge holder mounting or anything like that, but from my experience in looking at pictures of hockey equipment, I can say it’s hard to make out finer details when your photos have so much shadow. Could you try and get some with good overall lighting in the room and with the flash turned off? That might help give a better look at your skates’ alignment.

    • Like 1

  9. 1 hour ago, darkhors said:

    The TC2 is a P92 clone. The MC2 is a PM9 clone with a little more toe than the Bauer PM9.

    Good catch. I should have hit the quote button. I was going for the same name you mentioned, intending to type MC2.

    If you vouch for the MC2 being that distinct from the PM9 at the toe, then you could be right that it'd be worth checking out. I can't remember the last time I saw the MC2 in person. From the only pictures I could find of it just now, see below, it does look like it is maybe more open than the PM9 at the toe, but it doesn't look like it's more curved there. There's no apparent change in the slope of the curve moving from the middle of the blade to the toe from that perspective. If you can provide a better look at how it's different from a normal PM9, that would be really cool and interesting. It's not a curve everyone has access to at their local shop, but it is relatively easy to order.

    Links with MC2 pictures: 


  10. @JR Boucicaut it could be nice with the option to host the images on MSH, if only to guard against broken links a few years down the road. There are posts in the archive that don’t make as much sense now because the images’ links have gone stale. If it’s like the seller’s subscription and costs a few dollars, I could definitely see it being worth it and being a huge plus to the longterm value of MSH all-around. There’s too much volatility in the image hosting business over a 5-10 year period.

  11. My white whale:


    Specs-wise, a modified PM9: the heel curve's been toned-down and a toe curve added, with the toe being the dominant pocket; like an X28 Lite. On top of that were optionals I was hoping for but considered unrealistic longshots: a slightly lower lie at the heel (shaved there like the Warrior Gionta) and a squarish toe similar to the old Montreal PC pattern. I've never been able to make moves as naturally with another pattern as with the PC.

    I may have missed previous chances because this guy was never on my radar in the hunt for these specs...


    Now to find ice time to try it out and see if the hunt was worth it.

    • Like 4

  12. 4 hours ago, mdhillon73 said:

    Hey guys, wondering if anyone knows a manufacturer that makes a PM9 type curve with a toe kink in lie 6? I've gone through a million sticks it feels like but I can't get the the balance I'm looking for. The typical PM9 is awesome for receiving, dishing, control but it's missing toe control for pulling puck back into you for control like a P28 or P92. I've tried both the P28 and P92 but I can't do anything off the backhand. Thanks.

    Closest is BASE’s Malkin Pro. It’s a little higher than the usual PM9 but closer to the PM9’s 5 lie than it is to a 6.

    Have you tried the W71? That’s a high lie with a mid-toe curve. It sounds like it’s deeper than you might be looking for.

    The Krepsy PM9 is the CCM P46, but its toe curve component isn’t very pronounced. The lie is also low again.

  13. With all of the obsession over skate weights, the fastest skaters today are still only just as fast as the fastest were when top of the line was Graf 703s, CCM 652 Vacu Tacks, Bauer Supreme 7000s, etc. McDavid has posted some slightly faster times, and certainly the speed of average players has increased, but there isn't a new class of top end speed. To me that means you're not capped because of your skate weight. It's more about finding the skate that allows for the natural technique to unlock your maximum potential, 100% in agreement with @the_game. That could be a slightly heavier skate or a slightly lighter one.

    It's one thing to think your stride rate diminishes from wearing a heavier skate. That could be true. But a lower stride rate could also be caused by a more natural stride, leading to more efficient skating that requires fewer strides to keep up with the pace. I'd be interested if skating lap times decrease because the heavier skates do make one slower. I'm just saying, a slower stride rate doesn't necessarily mean a slower lap time, or less speed overall.

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  14. I was wondering if Grant Cruikshank would have converted away from Makos by now, with my first guess being Trues would be his next boots. He must have a healthy stash of Makos as he's still sporting them as a freshman at CC.



    Seeing how there's still love for that skate, it's a shame it's lost to the oblivion of Bauer's intellectual property portfolio.

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