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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cavs019 last won the day on January 7

Cavs019 had the most liked content!

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710 Excellent

1 Follower


  • Skates
    CCM Jetspeed FT2
  • Hockey Bag
    Warrior Pro Bag
  • Shin Pads
    CCM Jetspeed FT4 Pro
  • Elbow Pads
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM Jetspeed FT4 Pro
  • Pants
    Bauer Nexus 800
  • Helmet
    Bauer Reakt 150
  • Gloves
    Warrior QRL
  • Stick
    CCM Jetspeed FT6 Pro and FT5 Pro

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  1. I would look at ProStockHockey.com. 14 is an easy to find size and if you’re not too picky on color you can get something way nicer than 2024 retail junk.
  2. I recently picked up a pair of Tacks XF and the legs/hips are super narrow despite the tacks line being touted as more of a volume fit. The length and waist are fine in a medium but they feel pretty restrictive and constantly hit or get stuck on the top of my (also XF) shinpads. Any suggestions for a current model that is wider in the hips/quads and doesn’t fit like a diaper? The Bauer HP Pro looks interesting if anyone has tried those. I would also give pro stock a look but I don’t have time to comb the usual places for a black medium pair in good/new condition. Another option could be the XF in a large but then they start to get a bit long and sloppy in the waist. Cheers guys.
  3. I have the same foot type and have had good luck with Fit 1 Bauer Mach and Jetspeeds in a D/Tapered. I actually have a bunch of pairs of both if you can wear a 7.
  4. I have a pair of 13s in the black on black colorway and they are excellent. Easily the best retail 4 roll glove in a long time (though not sure that is saying much). CCM also fixed their bizarro retail sizing and the 13 feels like a proper 13 instead of a 12 like previous gens.
  5. Jetspeed or Vapor but the quality of Bauer protective has gone way down hill of late. If you’re a 14 I actually have an extra pair of FT4 Pros I’d sell.
  6. If you want the 90s JNCO jeans look I’d go with an XXL. If not I’d just buy the same size as your girdle. Depends on your definition of best.
  7. Time for new skates - coming out of Machs and going back to CCMs. Have any of you guys tried on or skated in both the new XF (Pro is out of the question as it’s too stiff) and FT6/FT6 Pro and can speak to fit, flex and boot cut/height between the two? My LHS doesn’t have both on hand in my size so I can’t directly compare myself. I’d be a tapered in both but I imagine the same would apply regular vs regular etc. On a separate note - can the FT6 be custom ordered with the tongue stitched in instead of with the goofy XS system? Thanks!
  8. All they need to do is bring back the XN10 and I’m sold.
  9. Thanks! Is the main difference the tufftek exterior or is it in foam density, inserts, etc. It looks like Warrior switched to the cheaper tufftek across the board so to my untrained eye they look no different.
  10. Bumping an old thread - has anyone tried the ECHL team stock Alpha gloves for sale on PSH? Aside from the tan clarino palm is there any difference in terms of materials vs NHL team stock or player issued?
  11. I don’t agree with that. Machs have a ton of flex in the upper and once you go down a level in Bauer you start to get a lot more cheap plastic and poly material throughout the boot. the M5 Pros feel like a toy compared to the top end model. With NHLers you still see some guys in Ultrasonics and 2X Pros etc but they’re probably just using their remaining custom stock on what is still a pro stiff boot. Most are in the new model every year. The amount of guys still in tech mesh V Cuts or Marleau-esque CCMs/RBKs can be counted on one hand at this point. CCM is a different story - their 2nd from the top are excellent. Bauer I wouldn’t touch especially if you’re looking for something to last a long time.
  12. That’s probably why I love the Mach’s so much. The forward flex on them is insane with the flex notch feature while still keeping lateral stiffness. Everything else has felt like a ski boot to me.
  13. I am a lifetime Vapor guy who recently switched to fit 1 Machs and the eyelet mechanism differences are reason enough to choose one model vs the other. In my experience: - Traditional Mach eyelets: easier to tie, wrap around my foot better after baking, flex better. - Vapor injected system: stiff, doesn’t wrap that well, shreds laces, feels weird and inhibits forward flex. YMMV. You can dial in pitch differences et al with a good profile, lifts, etc. My prior Vapors were custom with traditional eyelets but I’m assuming you’re looking at off the rack here. I don’t feel MOAR POWER or LESS AGILE vs my old Vapors but the Machs certainly fit great which helps me maximize what I have as far as skating ability. I also will take an all black skate over the abominations that are the new Vapor designs any day of the week.
  14. Looking to clear out some of my extra gear. All is mint with minor marks from storage. Prices include shipping within the US. Happy to work a deal on a bundle if there’s interest in multiple items: - CCM RBZ Shoulders Senior Large: $130 - CCM 19K Pro Stock Elbows Senior Medium: $125 - Bauer Pro Series (new version of the nexus) Gloves Black 13 Inch: $125
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