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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by mojo122

  1. Skater preference. You can get that at retail if you go custom.
  2. I find the 2S Pro tongue flexes just fine. From a performance standpoint it offers more performance than the 1S did. My only complaint is that the felt is too thick where it comes off the toecap. It does compress rather nicely or at least mine has after 9 months of skating 4 times/week. If someone isn't getting proper forward flex in the 2S Pro or 2X Pro it could be, that being a pro level skate it's too much skate for their skating ability.
  3. 6EE...Huge difference after molding. I've always worn Supremes but this skate has me on the fence.
  4. Love to see side and back views of Chara with that same helmet. Not sure that it fits him right?
  5. The thermoform-able properties of the 2X Pro are amazing. To me the new tongue makes it feel less bulky than the 1X 2.0.
  6. The 2X is a nice skate for what it delivers at its' price. However, if you had APX2's and liked the stiffness and performance of that skate you might be disappointed in the end. 2X Pro is an updated APX2.
  7. I see 2 sticks there that are perfect for SummerJam...
  8. Everyone seems to be missing the point here. He received skates that were too big and had too much volume and True's fix/response was inadequate. Sounds like the retailer is willing to work with him to make things right by him. He doesn't wish to continue with/or support True any longer which is why he asked for possible alternatives. The 2X Pro, 2X, and FT2 would be worth looking into.
  9. Only problem is that lie measurement varies from brand to brand due to how each measures it. Rocker can also affect how it plays. While flex rating should be consistent some play softer and/or stiffer than their flex rating.
  10. Says Kucherov on the shaft. More curious as to what the build is?
  11. I always considered the S170 and S180 to be the best value skates in that lineup at the time. After having skated in the S180 you will lose some performance by dropping down to the S170 as you are going from a stiffer/lighter boot with the CURV composite to a nylon boot. S180 also has a better liner and better steel than the S170.
  12. Previously had 1S and am now skating in 2S Pro's. Both are great skates. I never liked the tongues in the NXG and MX3 skates so the 1S tongue being closer to a conventional tongue with the ability to change stiffness was a vast improvement over previous ones. Over time that tongue compressed and broke in beautifully. The 2S Pro out of the box with the Carbon CURV and tongue plays a lot stiffer than the 1S did. If you're a strong skater that added stiffness does result in better energy transfer and performance on the ice. I just wish the bottom of the tongue on the 2S Pro was a little thinner on the top of the foot. Hopefully that area of the tongue will compress more for me over time. The liner in the 2S Pro is much better IMO than the liner in the 1S. The combination of the HydroMax and grip for me locks me in better than the 37.5 liner did.
  13. Default for a 6.75 would be a 263 holder. You can also add a note on the scan requesting that the holders be 263's.
  14. So here's my take on the scans. The algorithms used are formulated to determine best fit or what I call primary fit. There's always a secondary fit in most cases. Some feet borderline on the threshold of two families, Vapor/Supreme or Supreme/Nexus. I normally get Supreme but will sometimes come up Vapor. I feel Supreme is my primary fit and Vapor my secondary. I've worn both without any issue. My recommendation is try on both and see what fits better or feels better to you.
  15. Different readings as to skate family or size? I find it to be most accurate when the scan is done barefoot with a very slight knee bend.
  16. FZ-0 and FZ-1 come in both D and EE widths. FZ-3 and FZ-5 come only in E.
  17. I wouldn't worry about the durability of either. Both are great skates. Both tendon guards are flexible. On the 2S Pro you can remove the insert to allow to flex back farther.
  18. Most of the issues that I've seen with the NXG tendon guard was the result of laziness when taking the skates off. As for Fusion steel, easy enough to just replace that with a set of LS3.
  19. Currently going back and forth between the Zuperior small and Quad 0 on 254 runners and have a real hard time finding a distinct difference between the two.
  20. Looks like they launched it today. Minimum order of 2 at $319.99 each. Blade stiffness, shaft geometry and grip options, max height blades for P28, P88, and P92 along with Benn, Laine, Kane, Kucherov, and Pastrnak pro patterns.
  21. Profile 1 – Detroit 1 (10/20) Steel - Bauer LS5 254 Hollow- 90/50 FBV Background Older skater who has been skating for over 40-years. Played high school hockey and some college hockey. Currently playing 3 times a week at a competitive level. Over the years I have tried many different profiles ranging from doubles, a triple, couple of quads, and Pro Skate Balance’s 35/65. I started out with the stock profile in an attempt to reset myself before beginning testing profiles for the ProSharp Project. Review First impression was somewhat similar to the Glide 60 in that I could immediately feel that there was a lot of steel in contact with the ice. Felt gains in acceleration, speed, and stability over the standard 10’ profile but at the expense of agility and mobility. Probably better suited for someone who’s game is predominantly straight line and doesn’t compliment my style of play. I have now skated on four vastly different profiles covering single, dual, triple, and quadruple radii. While I can safely say that I immediately knew that 2 of the these profiles (Glide 60 and Detroit 1) wouldn’t work for me I still have to spend more time with the Zuperior and Quad 0 to figure out which one is better for me. That’s the next test for me. Acceleration- 3 Mobility- 2 Stability- 4 Speed- 4 * Similar impression to that of the Glide 60. if my game consisted of nothing but up and down the ice skating in a straight-line fashion then this would be good for the speed and stability factors.
  22. mojo122

    Quad 0

    Profile 1 – Quad 0 (6-9-11-13) Steel - Bauer LS5 254 Hollow- 90/50 FBV Background Older skater who has been skating for over 40-years. Played high school hockey and some college hockey. Currently playing 3 times a week at a competitive level. Over the years I have tried many different profiles ranging from doubles, a triple, couple of quads, and Pro Skate Balance’s 35/65. I started out with the stock profile in an attempt to reset myself before beginning testing profiles for the ProSharp Project. Review Really didn’t feel any huge improvements over the Zuperior Small profile previously skated on. Most of the attributes remained unchanged with the exception of some modest changes in mobility. To date I have done a single, triple, and quad with just a double left to test out. Next up will be the Detroit 1 (10-20). My plans are to narrow things down to best 2 and then give both those profiles ample time to distinguish the better of those 2. Then once narrowed down I’ll compare that profile to Pro Skate Balance’s 35/65 and see which one works best for me. Acceleration- 3.5 Mobility- 4 Stability- 4 Speed- 3
  23. Profile 1 – Zuperior Small (6-12-20) Steel - Bauer LS5 254 Hollow- 90/50 FBV Background Older skater who has been skating for over 40-years. Played high school hockey and some college hockey. Currently playing 3 times a week at a competitive level. Over the years I have tried many different profiles ranging from doubles, a triple, couple of quads, and Pro Skate Balance’s 35/65. I started out with the stock profile in an attempt to reset myself before beginning testing profiles for the ProSharp Project. Review I felt improvements in all four areas with this profile. Quicker first step with excellent agility and stability. Transitioning from forward to backward skating was seamless. Was hoping for better overall speed gains but an improvement no matter how small is still a win-win situation. At this point of the project I plan on keeping the Zuperior Small and will add combo and quad profiles to those I plan on testing. Acceleration- 3.5 Mobility- 3.5 Stability- 4 Speed- 3
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