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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by mojo122

  1. mojo122

    Glide 60

    Profile 1 – Glide 60 Steel - Bauer LS5 254 Hollow- 90/50 FBV Background Older skater who has been skating for over 40-years. Played high school hockey and some college hockey. Currently playing 3 times a week at a competitive level. Over the years I have tried many different profiles ranging from doubles, a triple, couple of quads, and Pro Skate Balance’s 35/65. I started out with the stock profile in an attempt to reset myself before beginning testing profiles for the ProSharp Project. Review I really wanted this profile to work since I had previously skated on a 35/65 and was hoping that this would be close to that setting. Stepping on the ice and taking my first few strides I could immediately tell that there was a lot of steel in contact with the ice. My FBV 90/50 also felt much sharper than how it felt on the standard 10’ stock profile. Acceleration was marginally better. While stability was better I found it to require some work in transitioning from forward to backward skating and vice versa. Despite the stability feeling better I felt my balance was a little off. Definitely had some struggles with agility. Tight turns required more work and focus. Where this profile excels is in straight-line speed. I felt much faster when skating straight lines in a north south fashion. Acceleration- 3 Mobility- 2 Stability- 3.5 Speed- 4 * If my game consisted of nothing but up and down the ice skating in a straight-line then this was good for the speed factor. However the negative mobility I felt makes this profile not a good fit for me.
  2. My only concern is whether the helmet is the right fit for you. I've taken a few similar impacts like yours and my helmet has never popped off. The Bauer pro clip visor on the other hand has so I just switched to the pro visor and don't worry about that happening anymore.
  3. Profile 1 - Stock 10’ Steel - Bauer LS5 254 Hollow - 90/50 FBV Background Older skater who has been skating for over 40-years. Played high school hockey and some college hockey. Currently playing 3 times a week at a competitive level. Over the years I have tried many different profiles ranging from doubles, a triple, couple of quads, and Pro Skate Balance’s 35/65. I started out with the stock profile in an attempt to reset myself before beginning testing profiles for the ProSharp Project. Review Certainly nothing wrong with the stock profile in its overall performance. Acceleration, mobility, stability, and speed are adequate. Since this is my reset and the bar from which I’m going to evaluate the different ProSharp profiles my intention to too just rate it as the middle of the road. Not bad but not great either. My own personal belief is that every set of stock steel benefits from profiling do to inconsistences from mass-produced steel. What I do find a little daunting is the vast number of profiles that ProSharp offers can make it difficult to dial in an individuals’ best profile without shelling out a significant amount of cash unless you guess right or just not try others. Acceleration - 2.5 Mobility - 2.5 Stability - 2.5 Speed - 2.5 *This is my control set thus the 2.5 ratings. Like I said, neither good nor bad. These might be rescored after I have the opportunity to test a double, triple, and quad.
  4. While I don't want to totally discredit the pencil test I think people misinterpret the results. Just because you fail doesn't mean that the fit is bad or that you will eventually experience lace bite. Now if you're busting out of the skate, then that's an issue and an indication of not enough volume. Having way too much volume in my opinion is worse as you'll have too much overwrap which can restrict forward flex and lead to premature breakdown of the boot. OP: You would be fine in either the Vapor or Supreme. Comes down to which one you feel more locked in and fitting better. The Bauer 3D scan recommends best fit and most everyone has a secondary fit, although I occasionally see a few exceptions.
  5. Fair assessment. Properties for impact resistance and comfort while maintaining original shape/form.
  6. Have no interest in these holders, but from a shop perspective do the holes line up with LS Edge or SB 4.0? Weight significance and no choice of steel are 2 major turn offs.
  7. 2S is more thermoformable than the S29. Also big difference in stiffness, liner, and steel. From experience I’ve found the heel lock to be tighter post bake when done properly.
  8. Upper half of the shaft looks like a football field.
  9. Misinformation. When scanning for Custom Bauer skates the process is barefoot with a very slight knee bend.
  10. I was a devout heel curve user for decades. Knowing in advance that they were being phased out I transitioned to a P92. As for saucing, if your technique is good you can sauce with any curve.
  11. Looks like the adopted the alternative lacing system from the 2S Pro.
  12. JR is correct. 1 year on the holders and 90 days on steel. Use to be on Bauer's website before they turned that URL into an online store.
  13. Sweet holders and steel on that Ribcor skate...
  14. Sensitive, easily offended, touchy, defensive = thin-skinned. Anyways, I'm done with this thread....dead to me.
  15. The MyBauer custom skate is not full custom by definition. That merely offers length and true width (not knocking that at all) along with a choice of liner, modest selection of tongues, and steel. Silk screening name and number to me cater to the young and foolish. What I do like (if done right by the fitter) is the ability to size down or up off the scan by using retail skates to dial in how the skater wants the skate to fit. What's also great is that the fitter can add detailed notes directly to the foot scan and they'll be addressed by the experts up at the custom factory. Custom skates doesn't always mean just a bake and you're all set. Even customs need some tweaking from time to time. The problem I see at retail is that too many skaters, even those who have been skating forever, are skating in improperly fitted skates. In my experience very FEW players actually need a custom skate. What I see too often with True/VH are skates that wind up having way too much overwrap. Too much overwrap can make it harder to flex forward and will ultimately lead to premature breakdown of the boot. For those of you who know me you can attest that I have some of the ugliest and widest feet around, yet I can skate comfortably without pain in Bauer, CCM, and Graf skates. I wore the Easton Mako as well and really liked the performance of that skate. My choice if I wanted performance similar to the Mako in a one-piece boot would be to go CCM, either in the FT1 or AS1. From a lengthy career that involved needing to be able to read people my impression is there's a lot of thin skinned folks posting in this thread. For those of you who don't mind excessive weight and overwrap then all the best to you. Me, I'll go AS1 for my one-piece boot.
  16. https://prosharp.us.com/collections/accessories/products/prosharp-template-tripple-radius?variant=18716604103
  17. Does anyone have the Glide 65 triple template? I'm assuming there's a flat spot of 65mm, but being a triple I'm guessing the front and back differ? Anyone know exactly what it is?
  18. Could be that both CCM and Bauer have more high tech tools than True does. Also both of them have been doing custom skates for longer so have more experience.
  19. Yes, subjective to the end user. When I went from MX3's to 1S I had to drop a half-size to achieve the same fit. Results may differ from me to you and others. No one is right and no one is wrong here, depends on the individual and how a skate fits to them.
  20. How one brand fits compared to another is somewhat subjective. I'm a 6EE in 1S and fit the same (6EE) in AS1's. Right now I'm on the fence as to whether I'm going to go 2S Pro or AS1. The $50 difference is a wash to me since I'd swap out the SB holders for LS Edge.
  21. Why would STX give product to a retailer when their products are only available via their online store through direct to the consumer sales. If they wanted user feedback and reviews they should reach out to @JR Boucicaut about doing a long-term product review on this site.
  22. The above product looks like it would help take up some of the high volume that boot has. My concern with trying to have it wrap more over the top of your foot is that there would be too much wrap which can inhibit the boots' ability to flex forward properly and also lead to the boot breaking down prematurely. Just somewhat disconcerting to have to drop another $30 dollars on top of what you paid for customs. Maybe True has a thicker tongue they can send you instead.
  23. I'm looking to try the 0 and see how it compares to the 1 I'm currently skating on.
  24. I'm surprised they didn't stop the practice as soon as they partnered with Step for their holder and steel.
  25. Congratulations! I know a guy who was a paramedic and turned it into an awesome 35+ year career. The job can be stressful so make sure you take care of yourself and your partners. Hopefully you'll work for a outfit that invests in their staff and has a good CISM program in place. Good luck and go save lives!
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