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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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malcb33 last won the day on February 4

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  1. These look interesting They seem to be a part of the off ice line (0 series not R) but designed to work with the R1 upper and profile. I wonder if they would hold up to hockey? I definitely be interested in trying the lowers, but don’t want to buy the whole boot. @Marsblade what is the weight like of these lowers vs the R1’s?
  2. No kidding… Buzz has been around for many moons (like myself) so I was asking for an estimate from his experience.
  3. Thats cool, I didn't realize they did just lowers. I wonder why it's not an option on their website. My thought around just the lowers for a potential performance set, was that they would be more replaceable if durability were sacrificed for weight. Not that it's ideal, but people seem OK with $400 high-end performance sticks breaking after a few months, so I think there could be a market for performance/ competition frames.
  4. Thanks for confirming, I appreciate it! When you say the CCM has a slightly lower lie, do you mean less than 0.25? Do they both play the same?
  5. Thanks, I appreciate the reply. I haven't seen the TC6 available locally to see for myself. I see them both listed as a 5, but did a bit of research online and read conflicting info, so I was hoping someone here had firsthand experience.
  6. Old thread I know, but can anyone tell me if the CCM P90TM and True TC6 have the same lie? Are they the clones or slightly different?
  7. @Marsblade - Any thoughts on a "pro-series" R1 chassis? I love my R1's, but do find the weight is a drawback for many considering them. The R1's feel overly chunky compared to high-end fixed frames, which I assume is because they were designed with durability in mind. A performance model would be amazing to see come to life, something a little lighter and in other colors, maybe with the TF radius included. Selling just the lowers only, could be a great upsell for the competitive roller players already using R1's, kind of like DLC blades for ice holders.
  8. Thanks this really helped. I ended up getting both R1's for inline and the I2's over the Summer past. I have to say I'm very impressed with the product, especially the I2's. The idea was to match both my inline and ice profiles to make switching between the two as seamless as possible. I ended up adding a 1/8" heel shim in the R1's and using the pro series H5- TF radius, which matches the Quad Zero profile with the 17ft radius on the I2's fairly well. I would absolutely love to see @Marsblade work with @Flare Skate Blade in the future. It's a match made in heaven for both technologies.
  9. How are people finding the durability of these? I'm thinking about making the leap
  10. I go with my own too, mainly because I find most commercial deodorizers are overly scented. I do 50/ 50 water and vinegar, and then add 20 drops or so of Tee Tree oil. It works super well for me and is cheap, effective and not overly strong-smelling.
  11. That sounds perfect and pretty much what I was hoping for! Thank you
  12. Nice! How to the feel compared to a felt tongue? How thick are they?
  13. Thank you! I’m looking forward to giving them a shot. Anyone tried them already? Any thoughts on them?
  14. Anyone know if those new 3D printed tongues True has coming out, will be available to order as a separate?
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