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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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malcb33 last won the day on February 19 2017

malcb33 had the most liked content!

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  1. Awesome, thank you! Will do! How did you go about the DYI option? Feel free to DM if you prefer. Thanks again for the info, I really appreciate it.
  2. Thanks for the reply! Those look awesome! Just wondering if you would be kind enough to share more details on your experiences. What kind of professional shop did you use? Powder coating or like a car body shop? Also, for the DIY bronze set, did you just sand and paint them? Those look pretty good to me! Sorry for all the questions, I'm a newb at this.
  3. Has anyone tried removing the blue color from the metal part of the frame? I have seen Coast Hockey shop sells uncolored (silver) and black R1s and would like to remove the blue on my pair.
  4. Thanks for the response and video, I hadn’t seen that before.
  5. How does the pitch of these compare to Tuuk?
  6. What's everyones favorite wheel for smooth concrete?
  7. For me it's got to be my Eagle PPF gloves. I've had multiple pairs but been using them solid 6-7 years now.
  8. Like you mentioned earlier Base told me that their "Stiff" blade is the older construction. They were ok, but I found the X-stiff better (more durabile) and the feel isn't much different. If you're concerned about the blade being to pingy, add an extra layer of tape.
  9. I typically like a dampened feel to my blades, but hated the regular stiffness Base blades. They felt completely dead, I wouldn't recommend them personally.
  10. Any experience with the HPR elbows? They look decent, but how deep is the pocket and the lock? I don't think I have weird elbows, but I swear every pad I try slides down by tugging on it, except my ancient Jofa's
  11. I just wish they were longer personally. I've been looking to replace my old Jofa's for 2 years, but nothing I've tried feels right and has the same lock. Maybe I'll give the 7092's a second look.
  12. Why the preference for the 7092 over top model?
  13. I'd also say it has similarities to how the True A-series shoots as well. I picked up a pro-stock version a while ago and I have to say I'm impressed.
  14. Barkov for sure! That curve is so perfect and a jack of all trades. Will be a great curve for a variety of people and an easy translation from a p88/92. I’d definitely jump on board with an order if it happens
  15. Habs, Leafs, Jets and Flyers I believe so far. Many more are interested
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