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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by HattrickSwayze

  1. New gloves I got from Rangers1234 a week or two ago. Pro stock Tampa L7's, with regular nash on the left palm and digital on the right. Pretty cool combo for a righty like me. Incredibly comfortable, they don't need to be broken in at all.
  2. New skates I picked up the other day. I couldn't get over how good they looked, so I went to try them on and walked out with them. Honestly, the 7K's felt stiffer to me than the 11K's, which is really weird. I tried both on, and apart from a slight weight difference, the 7K's felt pretty much the same. I can't wait to try them in a few days. Hopefully they feel as good as they look.
  3. I'm kinda skeptical until I see one in person. The profile picture in the catalogue doesn't look like a true toe curve to me. Hopefully I'm wrong.
  4. Kinda dissapointed it won't be available in a tapered blade. I saw the curve on an X60 LE stick today, and it's pretty beautiful. Definitely want to try one at some point.
  5. Hmm those are awfully nice gloves. Is California Tan a custom-only option or can they be had at retail?
  6. Honestly those look like they'd be way bigger than a set of RBK's. How do they compare to something like the Easton ST line?
  7. Where'd you score the Cooper shoulders at Charlie? I've missed out on a couple sets of those on eBay.
  8. The Penguins announcers are always like that. I'm not just being biased because I don't like the Penguins, but they are the worst announcers I've ever heard. Total homers, and that one guy saying "Steggy" all the time makes me want to rip my ears off. When the Penguins home broadcast is the only one I can get on center ice, I leave it on mute.
  9. Interesting, how much did those set you back? I just took a look at the web site, looks pretty cool.
  10. Wow those Eagle's are ridiculous. I wonder how long before they start turning up in shops and online? Pretty sure I need a pair of those. The Graf's with the black TUUK's are very nice too.
  11. And the fingers and toes of every single Penguins fan just got crossed hoping it's Ovechkin on roids.
  12. A guy brought a Mueller stick to a game the other day and it looked a lot like that one Mack. I was going to try it but he'd cut it down to an ungodly short length, so no dice. Maybe he's been switching up a bunch lately to try and break out of his slump. Looks like it's helped... or maybe it's the new team.
  13. I wish I got tax returns. I have to pay taxes instead, which sucks ass this time of year. I finally got myself signed back up for school. I've gotten tired of sitting around and not having a real career, which I'm glad I'm feeling now and not at 45 when I'm a sad old fucker. Wish I would've just stuck with it a few years ago, because I'd be done by now, but I couldn't be bothered to go at the time. Part of me is excited to go back, and the other part is really nervous.
  14. I find it most useful to watch it and critique my skating. It really helps to see things you're doing wrong that you can't notice on your own, so long as you can survive the painful ego crushing.
  15. Trust me, I know this all too well. It's fun to watch yourself get better on tape, and it's satisfying to see things finally come together, but god damn there are times when you see yourself and just want to throw up. I'm always hesitant to watch any video I might have of a game, especially if I felt I skated well, because my confidence and belief that I'm awesome goes right down the shitter. It feels so much faster on ice!
  16. That's what's weird about watching it on TV. You see it and the game's look so slow. But I've played against a chick that was on the women's Olympic team and she's awesome. She makes just about everybody look stupid when she plays at a local pick-up. I think it just goes to show, after watching the men's teams, how NHL players are on a whole other inhuman level than everybody else.
  17. I might have already asked this, but is it possible to get just the laces that the X60 LE skates had?? Those would look sweet on my One75's.
  18. Awesome game. Exactly as marketed, I'm sure NBC will be trying to do Caps-Pens every week now. Knuble's been a great pick-up for the Caps. Him and Laich are so good in front of the net... although I was secretly hoping that Ovechkin would've had his 4th.
  19. For anyone interested in Warrior's new protective stuff, Ice Warehouse has some better in-depth videos on the new Projekt line. http://www.youtube.com/user/icehockeywarehouse
  20. I'm guessing it's from Hejduksport? http://www.modsquadhockey.com/forums/index...showtopic=51044
  21. X88's are dead already? I liked the diagonal cut on the backrolls. Not sure I like the look of the new gloves, but I do like how the higher end gloves went back to full MSH2 palm though. They all look pretty similar. Is the main difference between them the level of padding/protection?
  22. See I thought the opposite of the ST. Maybe because I held the X60 first, but the ST felt like a golf club (not in a good way) to me. It wasn't horrible, just not as good as I expected.
  23. I don't think it's that Bradley doesn't think Ovechkin can take a punch, but he was going up against Downie. Downie's not new to fighting, Ovechkin is. And he wasn't trying to goad Laich or Bradley into a fight. He was trying to take their star player, a 60 goal scorer, off the ice for 5 minutes. And if he gets hurt, it's even worse. Crosby's been in a few fights, but one of them was jumping on a guys head on a face-off, and the other was punching a guy in the bag while someone else had him in a head lock. What does that really matter anyways? And as far as I could tell, Ovechkin WAS going to fight. He dropped the gloves and the helmet. Bradley came in at 100 mph and took Downie on. Did he see him and not tell Bradley to stop? I don't know? But Bradley didn't give him much of a choice either way. The only reason Bradley's hit was uncalled for was because it was a bit late. Other than that, it's a solid clean hit. I agree it probably should've been an interference call, but I don't think it was dirty. Just because Tollefsen is in that weird area of 5 feet from the boards doesn't mean Bradley should hold up.
  24. Jumping in against Downie is a prick move? Ovechkin's never fought before and is their star player. They don't want Ovie getting hurt in a fight and/or sitting for 5 minutes because Downie can't take a hit. It's not like Downie's a saint here either. I thought Bradley's hit was a little late on Tollefsen, but what was dirty? Arm tucked, shoulder to the body. If Tollefsen isn't looking at his pass and braces for the hit, he doesn't go flying into the boards. He's not hurt, no headshot. Late, yes. EXTREMELY dirty, no.
  25. Weird. I seem to remember seeing another picture that showed the P14 being almost a clone of a Naslund, just shorter. Regardless, that's nowhere close to a toe curve. Kovalchuk pro is a toe. That's more like a mid-heel or a mid if you ask me.
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