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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Sniper9

  1. The machs are definitely wider in the forefoot and toe cap than then ultrasonics. The forefoot and toe cap area was pretty tight on a fit 2 3s pro but the fit 1 mach wasn't and fit good. I ended up returning the mach bc it still have me some pinky pinching when skating. It actually felt completely fine out of box and baking and walking around. Even skating and striding it felt fine but once I started turning and crossing over, my left pinky was getting pinched. Not sure if it would've eventually subsided but I didn't want to modify or even have to deal with the pain for $1100 skates. So back in trues... Too bad Bauer doesn't offer a satisfaction guarantee or I would've stuck it out longer to see.
  2. Where on the toecap is it hitting. The sides or the end. With trues the carbon wraps around the entire boot including the toes and are moldable/modifiable. Worst case u can punch that area slightly and it will be fine vs Bauer or ccm. The toecap material is a softer plastic like ccms toe cap where it will respond to heat. Whereas Bauer's toe caps are thick and very hard.
  3. Not reading that entire post but from what I read. - yes skates need to be tied up for proper heel lock and even proper fit. - see if there's foam added to the end of the toecaps (almost certain there is). If so remove it and that will provide you with the added length you want. - after the skates break in a bit and the foams compress slightly it may be enough to create the added length you want.
  4. If it's just causing rubbing and blister it'll just callous over once it's healed. I used to go through this all the time as a kid with Rollerblades lol. Let it heal then try skating again and see how it is. If it's pressing and not chaffing then that's another issue and u can get that area slightly punched out
  5. I actually just added a piece above the old Velcro bc I push my tongue pretty far down and there's excess tab that isn't sticking to anything so that worked for me. But you can do either. I would just remove the old though so there isn't added bulk to the tongue. I used a normal needle but it was annoying bc I used adhesive Velcro and the needle got gummed up often. I don't know why they still use the shitty loop Velcro that gets frayed so fast.
  6. All I know is that ccm and Bauer retail skates rub the outside of either my big tow or pinky where the toe cap meets the boot. It sucks bc I want to try their retails now. Been in trues for 5 years. Had Bauer before without issues. Not sure if having trues made my feet more sensitive to fit issues and lost all my callouses lol. Or the fact that the boot shapes are much diff and for something that fits my heel the forefoot is now too narrow.... I've always wore 7D in the past. And the dit 2 for the supreme 3s pro fit great except the areas I mentioned above.
  7. Late to post but I have the retail ccm ft390 glove and a pro stock jetspeed. The fingers are essentially the same length however the internal padding seems more snug on the retail vs pro stock. Not sure why. I've tried diff models of ccm pro stock and 13s have been either way too small (short) or just right/on the verge of too short. 14s have been either perfect in length but a touch too much volume. Kinda frustrating. I guess palm material and padding material also makes a diff depending on what is used. It's also frustrating that gloves in general even at the retail level are sized diff than they used too. Seems like Bauer I have to wear 13 now whereas before I was 14. Same with warrior. Ccm is the only one where it's still somewhat consistent to years prior but they do feel 1/4" to even 1/2" larger for some models.
  8. U went back to the SB holders? Or were the middle pair's holders replaced most recent
  9. I just deal them and let the tongues naturally form to my foot. Tiff can also just bake the tongued itself and such them back on and lace them up for a few minutes
  10. Move the tongue lower so it reduces toe box volume and will keep your toes flat while in the boot. This also prevents toes from lifting and curling /pulling away from the end of the toebox. When I moved my tongue down a bit it changed the fit from my toes feathering against the toebox to being pressed up right against it so I had to remove the foam liner in the toe box to create more room since I like my tongue lower.
  11. Honestly if you've done the saran wrap technique like this, and it still feels like too much volume, you need a. Remake
  12. Lower the tongue it'll keep your toes down and closer to the end of the toe cap. When they were baked/rebaked did they do the saran wrap technique? If not, that's what you need to do.
  13. What's the m03? Or is that just the max height w03
  14. Standard is 60 or at least used to be. But honestly all companies are different now, ccm is much longer than Bauer. And yes they are also measured differently.
  15. I've used both the SP 1.0 and 2.0 but only on my custom trues and just got the same size as I would wear on a retail Bauer, so 7, for me
  16. It's esthetics only. The top edge of the boot is still soft. Can we get over this now.
  17. If u want them to fit like Bauer ccm. Why not get Bauer or ccm.
  18. I think the opposite. Ccms she'll is very thin. They've increased padding over the years but their she'll is very thin. Bauer's curv seems much more structurally durable. I've seen a lot of Bauer skates that have taken a beating esthetically but not structurally
  19. I wouldn't expect any skate to last more than a year/season if I was on the ice 3+ days a week. If they do great. But the reality is at that level, it's not reasonable.
  20. I know you were a fan of speed plates like I am. How do these compare. I hated the stock true insoles of the last. Too squishy for me. But these look interesting
  21. The pics I see for the cat pro doesn't look like anything special or different in terms of the cuff area
  22. True never had the comfort edge for their full customs. And you don't need it. The top edge of their customs are soft and have no hard plastic in them so they are essentially comfort edges without the stupid print of comfort edge on them. Up until the most recent skate releases from ccm and Bauer, the comfort edge did very little anyways. Look at the vapor and as1s comfort edge. They were pathetic.
  23. I stopped using true after the ax9 the feel was just off for me. The a6.0 ht was great but like all true sticks durability was hit or miss. I've stuck to ccm for now. So far my ft3 pro and trigger 4 pros haven't let me down. No chips on the blades or anything.
  24. So I completely stopped using this. I couldn't get used to the tackiness while stick handling. Gonna remove it from my stick and still have an unused set i dont know what to do with.
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