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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Things Customers Do

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ive never worked in a hockey shop, but one of my buddies does and hes told me some hilarious stories, one that is worthy of gracing this thread

this was back before the RBK 9K0 was released. Some 16 year old kid proceeded to call the shop EVERYDAY asking the same question:

"oh hey do u guys have any 9k0's in stock?"

"i heard u guys have the 9k0's in stock, what curves do you have in?"

"my friend just bought a 9k0 from you guys and i was wondering if you have any left"

my buddies response every time was "no they dont come out till the season starts"...that is untill the final time the kid called where he totally called him out:

"any left hand 9k0's in stock?"

"wait..didnt you call here yesterday, and the day before?"

"...uhhh...maybe like 3 days ago"

"yea its you! ive told you 40 fuckin times they dont come out till september. why do you have to tie up our phone line everyday asking the same stupid question? WE DONT HAVE ANY YET. dont call here again"

2 days later i called the shop and asked him if they had any 9k0s in stock. He was about to blow a fuse before i told him it was me.

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Nothing worse than grown men trying on every glove off the wall and putting them all backwards.

Its not hard to see how they are all clearly lined up..

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I'm going to have to go with the glove on the wall thing. We don't come into where you work at and mess up your desk or anything, so don't think it's okay to do it here. It doesn't take that much to put the glove back on the wall where you found it.

Also, the people that come in, see someone in the back sharpening skates, yet still ask if we do sharpenings. Come on, seriously.

We had a kid a week ago flex a youth XXX-Lite and snap it, when we told him we would have to call his parents and let him know that he had to pay for it, he started bawling his eyes out. He was around 11 or 12 and should have known better, yet did it anyway. People just don't have common sense anymore I guess...

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Please don't get me started on the OPS flexing bit. Now that Vapor XXXX OPS and the rest of the new line is out, it is starting all over again. I'm really looking forward to S17 OPS at the end of the week! Sometimes when I see a kid flexing a stick, I ask him to get his stick so I can see it. Then once he hands it to me, I just lean into it big time.

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Please don't get me started on the OPS flexing bit. Now that Vapor XXXX OPS and the rest of the new line is out, it is starting all over again. I'm really looking forward to S17 OPS at the end of the week! Sometimes when I see a kid flexing a stick, I ask him to get his stick so I can see it. Then once he hands it to me, I just lean into it big time.

ever broken some kids stick before? what happens if you do?

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The idea isn't to break their stick. A 12 year old flexing a stick means nothing to a 12 year old. The good old days of pulling a woody off the rack and checking the weight and balance are fading fast. It was never about flexing a woody.

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I'm going to have to go with the glove on the wall thing. We don't come into where you work at and mess up your desk or anything, so don't think it's okay to do it here. It doesn't take that much to put the glove back on the wall where you found it.

Also, the people that come in, see someone in the back sharpening skates, yet still ask if we do sharpenings. Come on, seriously.

We had a kid a week ago flex a youth XXX-Lite and snap it, when we told him we would have to call his parents and let him know that he had to pay for it, he started bawling his eyes out. He was around 11 or 12 and should have known better, yet did it anyway. People just don't have common sense anymore I guess...

i mean...i need to flex a stick b4 i buy it...but i know how to do it...just put some flex on it....like mimicing shooting...i've seen some kids look like they're TRYING to break it.

I don't even work in an LHS and i always subconsciously put the sticks in order....and i feel bad for those of you who have to deal with annoying kids...at my LHS yesterday...these 2 brothers pick up 2 brand new XXXX sticks, a stickhandling ball...and start whacking their sticks around "Playing" hockey....the guys are so nice in my LHS, and they never say nething.

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I'm going to have to go with the glove on the wall thing. We don't come into where you work at and mess up your desk or anything, so don't think it's okay to do it here. It doesn't take that much to put the glove back on the wall where you found it.

Also, the people that come in, see someone in the back sharpening skates, yet still ask if we do sharpenings. Come on, seriously.

We had a kid a week ago flex a youth XXX-Lite and snap it, when we told him we would have to call his parents and let him know that he had to pay for it, he started bawling his eyes out. He was around 11 or 12 and should have known better, yet did it anyway. People just don't have common sense anymore I guess...

i mean...i need to flex a stick b4 i buy it...but i know how to do it...just put some flex on it....like mimicing shooting...i've seen some kids look like they're TRYING to break it.

I don't even work in an LHS and i always subconsciously put the sticks in order....and i feel bad for those of you who have to deal with annoying kids...at my LHS yesterday...these 2 brothers pick up 2 brand new XXXX sticks, a stickhandling ball...and start whacking their sticks around "Playing" hockey....the guys are so nice in my LHS, and they never say nething.

Pet peeve of mine...the playing in store. That's why I lock all of the balls away, keep SmartHockey on or behind the counter, and scream at kids. Nothing worse than having to discount product because your brat couldn't act like a mature person in my store.

How ironic - I'm making signs on PS for the store - telling kids not to flex sticks.

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I'm going to have to go with the glove on the wall thing. We don't come into where you work at and mess up your desk or anything, so don't think it's okay to do it here. It doesn't take that much to put the glove back on the wall where you found it.

Also, the people that come in, see someone in the back sharpening skates, yet still ask if we do sharpenings. Come on, seriously.

We had a kid a week ago flex a youth XXX-Lite and snap it, when we told him we would have to call his parents and let him know that he had to pay for it, he started bawling his eyes out. He was around 11 or 12 and should have known better, yet did it anyway. People just don't have common sense anymore I guess...

So you did make the kid pay for it, i say good call i would do the same

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i definately hate it when sone guy/girl comes in, tries on a skate or padding or w/e and then tell me they're gonna go buy it online

i absolutely hate that...it's like, go buy it online in the first place!

sometimes i feel like smacking them upside the head


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1)I just fucking love expert non-sharpeners. Come in plop your skates and proceed to tell me how to do my job although you just dont know shit. Talk out of your ass since you know what cut you like and then ask "did you dress it properly?

Oh for fuck sakes, I dont bust my ass for a good reputation for nothing. And I got another one of these the other day, *Looks dead at me* "Do you do a good job?

Well fuck you buddy I know a good job but should I waste it on you since you cant skate jackass? I should have replied "Can you skate circles around your opponents?" but being the nice guy I am I just said, "I'll eliminate your excuse of a bad sharpening, everything else is your game"

2) Smart balls are for display until you buy it stupid kids. Dont take it out of my box and play with it. Next kid who takes a ball out to mark it up, im gonna whip one in their head while my other hand is doing a final pass on a skate! (match that JR! and yes it must hit square on the forehead)

3) Wet skates again. Dont EVER give your sharpener wet skates. His job is too sharpen your skates not do the work that your too lazy to do. Hey ass hat it takes 2 seconds of your time.

4)The late comer. Holy hell if your late for your game do you expect me to give you a hug and put your skates ahead of others? Every shift there's one of these guys whom is a superstar of course and yes we only open the store for you! My ASS! Put your skates in line bitch get changed come back and wait! It's better to be 1 minute late than on time with no edge.

We'll thats it for now until next time I have to urge to tell stories.

Are we supposed to be impressed or intimidated by the cursing?

Of course not, why would you feel that way? It's not directed at you or anyone on this board unless the customers use this board.

I don't. I was just trying to figure out the genius of the vulgarity laced tirade on a message board frequented by kids as well as adults.

The idea isn't to break their stick. A 12 year old flexing a stick means nothing to a 12 year old. The good old days of pulling a woody off the rack and checking the weight and balance are fading fast. It was never about flexing a woody.

There is a difference between the quick flex that mimics the timing of taking a shot and the flex and hold that folks do. As for woodies, I always gave them a quick test back in the day.

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I'm going to have to go with the glove on the wall thing. We don't come into where you work at and mess up your desk or anything, so don't think it's okay to do it here. It doesn't take that much to put the glove back on the wall where you found it.

Also, the people that come in, see someone in the back sharpening skates, yet still ask if we do sharpenings. Come on, seriously.

We had a kid a week ago flex a youth XXX-Lite and snap it, when we told him we would have to call his parents and let him know that he had to pay for it, he started bawling his eyes out. He was around 11 or 12 and should have known better, yet did it anyway. People just don't have common sense anymore I guess...

i mean...i need to flex a stick b4 i buy it...but i know how to do it...just put some flex on it....like mimicing shooting...i've seen some kids look like they're TRYING to break it.

I don't even work in an LHS and i always subconsciously put the sticks in order....and i feel bad for those of you who have to deal with annoying kids...at my LHS yesterday...these 2 brothers pick up 2 brand new XXXX sticks, a stickhandling ball...and start whacking their sticks around "Playing" hockey....the guys are so nice in my LHS, and they never say nething.

Pet peeve of mine...the playing in store. That's why I lock all of the balls away, keep SmartHockey on or behind the counter, and scream at kids. Nothing worse than having to discount product because your brat couldn't act like a mature person in my store.

How ironic - I'm making signs on PS for the store - telling kids not to flex sticks.

Kind've on the SmartHockey note: We have a CCM rug with a sign that says employee's only on it infront of the opening to our counter. We also have a little step blocking off the counter, that also has a sign on it. We have two buckets with balls. One that has a few balls for the customers to play with, seeing as how that seems to be their uttermost desire. But every once in a while, some kid, or even an adult, while climb the stair with the huge ass sign that says "Employee's only!", and grab a brand spankin fucking new SmartHockey ball, and wack it around. First off, we have a bucket with used balls, all you have to do ask, and secondly, don't come behind the counter that has two huge signs saying don't do it. I don't care if you're spending 1.5K at my store that day, I will kick you out. Which I've done before. Fortunately, the guy was only spending around $500 that day.

i definately hate it when sone guy/girl comes in, tries on a skate or padding or w/e and then tell me they're gonna go buy it online

i absolutely hate that...it's like, go buy it online in the first place!

sometimes i feel like smacking them upside the head


This is why some LHS will charge a fitting fee. We've been tempted to do so on occasion, but we have a very large supporting group of regulars, and they bring in their friends. It's rare that we get an asshat like that. We've been fortunate. So far.

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I agree chippa13.

It is the same no matter what line of business you are in. When you have to deal with the public you get all types.

I worked at Wal-Mart in high school and it was the same way. People would take stuff out of packages, try and return something they have used for a year without a receipt, and the worst is stealing. People would open a package of underwear and steal one pair. I mean if you are going to steal why not just take the whole package.

You are going to have to deal with jerks as well as good customers. That should make you value the good customers even more.

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I'm going to have to go with the glove on the wall thing. We don't come into where you work at and mess up your desk or anything, so don't think it's okay to do it here. It doesn't take that much to put the glove back on the wall where you found it.

Each pair of gloves in my shop is zip-tied together at the thumbs and hung on hooks. We don't have too many problems with the mitts. Shin guards, on the other hand, are always a bitch.

I like the people who try to bolt out of the store without paying for a sharpening.

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I'm going to have to go with the glove on the wall thing. We don't come into where you work at and mess up your desk or anything, so don't think it's okay to do it here. It doesn't take that much to put the glove back on the wall where you found it.

Each pair of gloves in my shop is zip-tied together at the thumbs and hung on hooks. We don't have too many problems with the mitts. Shin guards, on the other hand, are always a bitch.

I like the people who try to bolt out of the store without paying for a sharpening.

my store is just a pro shop so the second we finish sharpening payment is made. You guys should implement tagging the skates with an alarm or something. Or better yet chase the guys take their skates and bang it on the cement.

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When we tag the skates for sharpening at the front register, we ask if you need anything else. Then we ask the customer to pay then "so you won't be stuck on a line waiting to pay after they are done."

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I thought I was the only one with the Smartball problem. Gard called and asked why I don't buy his product anymore. I told him it was a great product, but until he puts it in a clamshell I'm not going to buy it anymore.

It drove me nuts when the kids would grab a $200 stick and start whacking it around. I was waiting for the day when one went through the window.

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I'm going to have to go with the glove on the wall thing. We don't come into where you work at and mess up your desk or anything, so don't think it's okay to do it here. It doesn't take that much to put the glove back on the wall where you found it.

Each pair of gloves in my shop is zip-tied together at the thumbs and hung on hooks. We don't have too many problems with the mitts. Shin guards, on the other hand, are always a bitch.

I like the people who try to bolt out of the store without paying for a sharpening.

my store is just a pro shop so the second we finish sharpening payment is made. You guys should implement tagging the skates with an alarm or something. Or better yet chase the guys take their skates and bang it on the cement.

We're just a pro shop, too. The problem lies in the fact that the store is relatively tiny and gets rather congested when two or three entire teams decide to come in and "kick tires." We try to ring people up as soon as they bring their skates in, but when there are a lot of people in the shop, things can get kinda hectic and discombobulated. People have been known to take advantage of such situations.

Our SmartHockey balls are kept in a clear plastic case with some other products on top of it and a big "Do NOT Touch SmartHockey Balls - If You Wish To Buy One, An Employee Will Hand It To You" sign on the front. It's right near the register, so it's relatively easy to monitor.

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Here's a good one. Guy comes in to pick up a Bauer goal stick I repaired for him. He then goes on to tell a story how he bought the stick online, then broke the original out side of the warranty period. He then goes to the local chain hockey store and convinces some kid working there to give him a fake receipt so he can get a new replacement stick. He didn't even buy the stick there. Then Bauer screws up and send him a junior replacement instead of an intermediate. He complains to Bauer and Bauer realizing their mistake sends him an intermediate right away and tells him to keep the junior one for his troubles. He then goes to the chain store and trades that for a intermediate. So, here's a guy who shouldn't have goten nothing, gets two sticks. Sad thing he was so proud talking about his escapade. And we wonder why sticks are so expensive.

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I've always tried to be more courteous than the next guy, especially knowing how annoying customers could be when I worked retail. However, I never thought I was being annoying by flexing sticks...I can see how I would've fit the mold of the snot-nosed, over-equipped kid coming in to flex all the sticks I'd never buy, then commenting to my friends about how whippy one was and how I'm sure I'd be better with that one or I'd snap that one first shot.

Uggh...yay for maturing.

Good thread, I enjoyed it immensely.

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At my LHS ( I don't work there(yet) but my friend does ) some guy was getting his 5 year old fitted for skates. He bought the 9k's and had them heat-molded, blade holder re-ajusted, skate orthotics put in and the whole sha-bang. After this was all done the kid tried on the skates after the initial sharpening was done. Apparently, the kids mom walked in and he went running for her with his skates still on! :blink: :P

In the end he ended up wrecking his blades and, because the Dad had just forked over all the paper, wanted warranty on them. The manager said no because that "scenario wasn't covered".LOL. The dad then had to fork over more money to get new blades and another sharpeneing and made a scene leaving the store vowing, "NEVER TO RETURN AGAIN!!!"

One of the funniest stories I have heard. :D

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What did he do go run through the local quarry? Few passes on the grinder should fix them up if all he did was step on a patch of concrete.. especially someone that only weighs 45 pounds.

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this topic is hilarious. It gives me some good information about how the customer should act and expect from shops. After basically having to order everything online (my local shop only carries youth gear and i quote "we dont plan on ordering anything in your size"). i am i guess 'giddy' about my coming trip to an actual shop. Thanks!

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What did he do go run through the local quarry? Few passes on the grinder should fix them up if all he did was step on a patch of concrete.. especially someone that only weighs 45 pounds.

The shop has just moved to a wharehouse and is only a few weeks old. They have been drilling in the concrete walls so there are chucks and pieces of concrete on the floor. They also haven't put in their final panelling over the rough concrete floor so it "raped the skate blades". When I was in 3 days ago he showed the blades to me.

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