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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Things Customers Do

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I should note, that doesn't mean that the MFRs won't continue to introduce really high-end stuff and charge an arm and a leg for it; it just means that they will always have a relatively inexpensive, entry-level line. Segmenting your market is a very smart thing to do in any business; you charge more from the people who are willing to pay more (by offering them higher-end or exclusive products) while still getting money from people who aren't willing to pay much (by offering them entry-level products with fewer features, that cost you less to make). You try to encourage the lower spenders to move up the ladder, sure, but you have to have that entry level to bring in new customers. Nike and Reebok absolutely want to make their hockey products more popular, not less, especially with people who don't buy from them now, and making entry level gear more expensive is directly counter to that. (Prices will go up over time due to inflation, but if you adjust for inflation I bet you'll find that entry level gear has stayed basically the same--or possibly even gotten cheaper--over the last 30+ years.)

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To add a small comment to the stick flexing discussion.

I realize 85 flex is pretty much the same across the board between Easton models. But my reason for flexing a stick is to find out how a Whip or Regular in TPS, or Mid-Flex in CCM, or 280 in Innovative compare to that standard 85 flex. I'm probably not going to trust some post on a forum saying that they are close or not. I would want to know for sure myself.

I understand the shafts flex during passes and shots, so a flex (within moderation, yes) in the store shouldn't damage the stick.

I think the "You Break It, You Bought It" signs are a great idea, too.

The positioning is different and there is no whip back. Chances are, when you are flexing in the store, your really only seeing "Whippy" "not-whippy" "stiff" so it doesn't make a huge difference for you either. You'll see the stick flex and stop, but it still puts an alot more stress on the stick than a normal shot does because it isn't pulling through.

You break it, you bought it is great, but when the kid who buys the stick after you breaks it on day 2, then waits 2 weeks for his replacement, it doesn't work out so well.

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Dude, you can go to hockeymonkey and shop your brains out. Like i said, you are the asshold customer none of us want to deal with. I wouldnt care if you spent a grand in the store, Id still be annoyed at you flexing all the sticks. And if people really want to know where my store is, PM me.
PM sent.

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To add a small comment to the stick flexing discussion. 

I realize 85 flex is pretty much the same across the board between Easton models.  But my reason for flexing a stick is to find out how a Whip or Regular in TPS, or Mid-Flex in CCM, or 280 in Innovative compare to that standard 85 flex.  I'm probably not going to trust some post on a forum saying that they are close or not.  I would want to know for sure myself. 

I understand the shafts flex during passes and shots, so a flex (within moderation, yes) in the store shouldn't damage the stick. 

I think the "You Break It, You Bought It" signs are a great idea, too.

The positioning is different and there is no whip back. Chances are, when you are flexing in the store, your really only seeing "Whippy" "not-whippy" "stiff" so it doesn't make a huge difference for you either. You'll see the stick flex and stop, but it still puts an alot more stress on the stick than a normal shot does because it isn't pulling through.

You break it, you bought it is great, but when the kid who buys the stick after you breaks it on day 2, then waits 2 weeks for his replacement, it doesn't work out so well.

That's only true if you flex and hold. If you just put enough pressure to see how the stick flexes and let it snap back to straight right away then you aren't doing anything more than a strong wristshot would do to the stick.

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I should try you a 1/2" so you get more use of your blade and won't have to come in every week. It is wearing down fast.

I thought it was the opposite, all things being equal (weight..ice conditions.. skating style.. etc) a deeper hollow would lose its edge quicker... I'm probably wrong though..

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Dude, you can go to hockeymonkey and shop your brains out. Like i said, you are the asshold customer none of us want to deal with. I wouldnt care if you spent a grand in the store, Id still be annoyed at you flexing all the sticks. And if people really want to know where my store is, PM me.
PM sent.

Cool, let us know if he ever tells you. He's resigned to using cuss words now so I guess he's out of things to say.

And this is the guy who complains about customers not listening. He tells me to go to HockeyMonkey when I already told him I bought all my gear at my LHS and prefer to shop there. In fact, I've never bought off the web!

So to be clear 'hater, every time a customer flexes a stick in your store, do you call them an a-hole and chase them out? That's how you make it sound.

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I have a question for you owners.

What is the benefit of a shop telling you to change your hollow to be deeper?

I am getting my skates done 5/8 and have started a new place a month back. Last week he seemed surprise that I was back within a week (I skate 2x a week).

Anyways, this week he tells me- We should try you a 1/2" so you get more use of your blade and won't have to come in every week. It is wearing down fast.

I then told him that I understand what he is saying, but I like the glide I get from the shallower hollows. He looked at me like I was nuts. He then pretty much said that he will have to try me at 1/2 when I come in next week.

Haha, I didn't even object, but found it funny. I know what I like and I am pretty content as is. I don't understand why he wouldn't want my business weekly either. He does take quite a bit of time on my skates, so maybe that is an issue. Or maybe he just hates me?

really what an idiot.

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-The yuppie dad that has NO idea about hockey equipment, and lets his little shithead of a kid destroy the shop, and then when his kid damages something, freaks out that it was a $200 Stealth

lol..want to hear that story :D

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I am surprised that nobody has listed the all-time dumbest question - when you are standing next to the sharpener and they walk in and ask "Do you sharpen skates?"

My response is - "Yeah, we have this machine here.  I just watched the video and yours are the first ones I'm about to do."

With regards to selling direct, take my stance on MiA. I have told and will continue to tell fellow store owners not to deal with them. They sell direct to the consumer. I need to protect my business and will continue to support those who support me.

All the people on MSH that have their noses stuffed up MiA's ass, they think "OMG, I'm getting these, awesome gloves, great service, great price." YOU'RE GETTING RIPPED OFF!!! They are not only making the profit on what they would sell the gloves to a dealer for, they are making the dealer's profit to boot! How did you get a deal? If they were doing you such favors, you would be paying $120 instead of $179-189! One word for all of you...SUCKERS!

I won't get into, what is my opinion (as well as others on MSH), their unethical way of STARTING their business, as well as trying to pass themselves off as "Made In America"! I have NEVER met a Canadian who wanted to be known in any way, shape or form as an American! More so for those from Quebec who, 9 times out of 10 think that they are far superior to everyone (and dead wrong for thinking it!). What comes around goes around boys. Let's see how far you make it.

Enough out of me for tonight. Enjoy the NHL Trade Deadline.

With regard to the part about MIA, what if you want to get custom colour gloves done. Can an LHS set that up, or is it only places like MIA that do individual orders for customers?

Not trying to be an a-hole, and certainly not looking for custom gloves, but just curious as to how someone who wanted the customs could get them without direct sales from the manufacturer.

As far as how they started the business I know nothing about them, so Iwill assume it was shady somehow

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well my lhs has a display of 'em and you can set everything up there and he sends it in and you pick 'em u there so i guess its not exactly direct order from MIA

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DARKSTAR...gotta love the little kids with the momies that have just started out and tehn they go over the the stick racka nd pick up a stick thats way to big for them and jump on the stick trying to flex it!! Ive seen about 3 of those the last time I was at the icehouse for a game..quite funny since the mother is standing right there too...

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DARKSTAR...gotta love the little kids with the momies that have just started out and tehn they go over the the stick racka nd pick up a stick thats way to big for them and jump on the stick trying to flex it!! Ive seen about 3 of those the last time I was at the icehouse for a game..quite funny since the mother is standing right there too...

Speaking of mommies..

Nothing better than when the hot moms come in ..

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DARKSTAR...gotta love the little kids with the momies that have just started out and tehn they go over the the stick racka nd pick up a stick thats way to big for them and jump on the stick trying to flex it!! Ive seen about 3 of those the last time I was at the icehouse for a game..quite funny since the mother is standing right there too...

Speaking of mommies..

Nothing better than when the hot moms come in ..

Not even when a hot single girl comes in?

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I should try you a 1/2" so you get more use of your blade and won't have to come in every week.  It is wearing down fast.

I thought it was the opposite, all things being equal (weight..ice conditions.. skating style.. etc) a deeper hollow would lose its edge quicker... I'm probably wrong though..

You are correct. The deeper hollows have thinner edges that wear quicker, they are just more fragile, so the sharpening does not last as long.

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DARKSTAR...gotta love the little kids with the momies that have just started out and tehn they go over the the stick racka nd pick up a stick thats way to big for them and jump on the stick trying to flex it!! Ive seen about 3 of those the last time I was at the icehouse for a game..quite funny since the mother is standing right there too...

Speaking of mommies..

Nothing better than when the hot moms come in ..

Not even when a hot single girl comes in?

That's never happened in any shop I've been in.

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I am not a sucker if 100% of the profit on a pair of gloves goes to the manufacturer, as opposed to splitting the profit between retailer and manufacturer. As a consumer, I am indifferent to where the profit goes or how much profit is made by the manufacturer, all I care about is the product and how much it cost me. I don't own MIAs, so I don't know what the equivalent glove is, but let's assume for argument's sake that it is an Eagle glove of some sort. If I can get a pair of custom MIAs direct for cheaper than a comparable custom Eagle bought through a retailer, and then if I can get them faster, then it IS a good deal compared to the Eagle. The deal isn't better or worse for me just because the retailer did or did not get his cut, it's just better or worse for the retailer

I agree with your point there, for the customer who wants to save and just get a good deal, but alot of guys on this board will pay more if they purchase from the lhs becuase they want it to keep running and give them the service they need.

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Just got back from my LHS. It was only a 50 dollar blade, but they chatted me up and told me hockey stories, and their experiences with the blade and combo.

That in itself is worth paying a few extra bucks.

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DARKSTAR...gotta love the little kids with the momies that have just started out and tehn they go over the the stick racka nd pick up a stick thats way to big for them and jump on the stick trying to flex it!! Ive seen about 3 of those the last time I was at the icehouse for a game..quite funny since the mother is standing right there too...

I'm usually looking through the glass sharpening skates when that nonsense starts. I walk out and nicely ask them please don't flex the sticks. Coming from an "older guy" they tend to stop quickly. It is pretty ridiculous when Mom or Dad is right there.

As for some things I posted before in this thread: today right when we opened at noon a hockey mom walked in with the Jofa 365 helmet combo bought at Modells with the mask falling off. I just started laughing to myself. When will they ever learn?

Now although my stories may sound like I'm a Scrooge in the shop, I am actually totally the opposite. I love my job and getting players into hockey with the right equipment. I will treat the customer like a king as long as I know I'm not getting dicked around. I spent an hour yesterday with a 65 year old retired NYPD cop who bought a new pair of 692 Tacks. We had a great time bs'ing together and he got skates that fit. I told him everything he needed to know plus stuff he would probably forget just to make breaking in the new skates easier. It was a fun sale.

This thread is interesting because guys who run the LHS see a totally different side of the biz than the customers. We see it day after day so we can laugh about it. There will always be customers who are truly friends and others who are truly a pain in the ass. For those in the latter category, we know who you are because you make sure we know who you are.

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