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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut


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The legs are the strongest muscles on your body. Stop worrying about skate weights. Each vendor is so busy measuring their skate weight against the NBH competition it has gotten silly. That is all the other guys were worried about. NBH didn't bother. They didn't have to.

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Afinogenov is the fastest skater in the league and he is wearing Vapor 10s. If you find that heavier skates are slowing you down, invest in a squat rack.

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Faster, no. Quicker, maybe.

but you are rigth about the weight of the skates, it doesn't help like everybody thinks, it might help just a little bit, but not that much.

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First off half of the guys in the NHL have a lot of added weight to their skates. The custon One90's are extremely heavy compared to the retail version. Many pro's add custom tounges and such to their skates so skate wieght really cannot make that big of a difference. For anyone who says that heavier skates slow them down, its not true because you feet can't tell the difference between a few grams its so minor.

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For anyone who says that heavier skates slow them down, its not true because you feet can't tell the difference between a few grams its so minor.

wrong. ask a cyclist. your feet can tell the difference between a few grams when it has to lift that much more weight thousands of times.

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yeah, thats why all the pros wear the best gear to give them that small edge. but still, they could wear the worst stuff (like stuff from ten years ago) and i bet they could still kick (most of) our butts.

Modano's Easton gloves for Eg, those things are ancient...

Mike's wife: "Michael! Are you EVER going to throw those disgusting things out? Everytime I go near your bag I feel like dry retching!

Mike: "Never" *holds gloves to chest like a teddy bear. ;)

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Faster, no. Quicker, maybe.

but you are rigth about the weight of the skates, it doesn't help like everybody thinks, it might help just a little bit, but not that much.

Exactly, the only time it has any effect is in the recovery stage pulling your leg forward. It would make a bigger difference in practice if you're getting bagged or something than in a game.

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For anyone who says that heavier skates slow them down, its not true because you feet can't tell the difference between a few grams its so minor.

wrong. ask a cyclist. your feet can tell the difference between a few grams when it has to lift that much more weight thousands of times.

Comparing hockey to cycling is really a reach. Shaving grams is crucial in cycling - it's a race, typically over long distances, and you are repeating the same motion for hours at a time against others doing the exact same thing.

In a hockey game, most of us would play 15-20 minutes in 1-2 minute shifts over a period of an hour and a half. The effect of a few less grams over that time is going to be negligible.

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For anyone who says that heavier skates slow them down, its not true because you feet can't tell the difference between a few grams its so minor.

wrong. ask a cyclist. your feet can tell the difference between a few grams when it has to lift that much more weight thousands of times.

Then why are not they cycling barefeet.

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yeah it seems kinda silly to say that cycling is the same thing over and over again but skating isnt. most of the time its that same forward pushing motion over and over again. sure cycling is confined to the pedals. but i think skating is, for the most part, repetitive.

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Speed skating, sure. Hockey is a combination of starting, striding, turning, stopping, and gliding over a series of 1-2 minute shifts with rests between them. I just don't see skate weight being an important factor.

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weight does matter but for something like skates and roughly a few grams it's not going to effect you enough for you to actually notice. It's certainly not a reason to buy a skate or to not buy a skate.

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A few grams won't make a difference. If you are comparing Bauers from 10 years ago vs. Vapors now that is a little more noticeable-- but if you are a good skater it shouldn't matter. I think the only thing I've noticed is the weight factor at the end of the game--the older skates feel pretty heavy from moisture, etc.

Weight reduction is a marketing tool. If your kid wears Air Jordans--he has to play better, right ? Sales dollars don't lie.

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well at a microscopic level it will make a difference but nothing a better toe flick wouldn't eliminate. It's such a small difference that it's not noticeable in this kind of sport. Same goes for sticks, weight won't really effect you soo much as balance. There's many more things that make or break a product a few grams weight difference shouldn't be one of them.

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For anyone who says that heavier skates slow them down, its not true because you feet can't tell the difference between a few grams its so minor.

wrong. ask a cyclist. your feet can tell the difference between a few grams when it has to lift that much more weight thousands of times.

Then why are not they cycling barefeet.

Energy transfer. High-performance cycling shoes, much like many hockey skates, have soles made of extremely light-weight, extremely stiff carbon weave. The rigidity of the shoe ensures that ALL of the energy expelled from the cyclists legs is put directly into the pedal/crank. It's all about efficiency.

If they were to try pedaling bare-foot, or in any other light-weight, flexable shoe, they would find that a large percentage of the energy expended by the rider would be wasted.

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Actually, no, Modano has used new gloves the past two years, so no fights with Willa Ford just yet.

I thought Mike tried the new RBK's when he landed the sponsorship deal with them. But, swicthed back because he preffered the old over the new. Has he done a double back flip by now?

From Nov 06...

Mondano on the Bench

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He did, but the "RBK" 9500s and his current ones were new models. One (The "RBK") was made for him, and the Eastons that he is wearing, he bought from a memorabilia collector.

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Co-worker of mine said they were pretty heavy. He wasn't impressed with them at all.

I think it is all relative...are they heavy, no, not even close...1998 CCM 952's were heavy. They are extremely light...lightest skate out there? No. Heaviest? No.

The 952 Kevlars were heavy, but the best pair of skates I've ever owned. I wish I hadnt traded them off 5 years ago.

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Malkins wearin the XXXX tonight

Yea I noticed that. He also made a few stick changes. I noticed on most powerplays he was using a one90 and for casual play he had his warrior.

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