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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Heath Ledger

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Why do so many of these under-30 good looking actor's have so many problems with drugs? I just don't get it.

Im the same, but realistically these guys lead lives generally away from their families, under costant pressure to perform in their job and in the spot light. Yes they do get a gejillion dollars a year but its still hard on their mental state. Drugs fill the void thats needed, suposedly.

BTW, Im straight edge so I do in no way condone drug use or suicide.

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Why do so many of these under-30 good looking actor's have so many problems with drugs? I just don't get it.

because they don't have anyone to tell them NO. They are surrounded by "yes men" and get catered to. When you have no limits things start out looking good, until all of the excesses come around...all the drugs, sex, alchohol you want. Top that off with alot of pressure, from the public, the studios, ect. and you are destined to go over the top.

The young actors who seem to do the best are the ones with a good background that have been taught how to cope with the situation, not believe the hype and understand that they are no different than most people.

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Heath Ledger plays the Joker, whom the actor described as a "psychopathic, mass murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy".[9] Nolan had wanted to work with Ledger on a number of projects in the past, but had been unable to do so.[10] When Ledger saw Batman Begins, he realized a way to make the character work in that film's tone,[11] and Nolan agreed upon his anarchic interpretation.[10] To prepare for the role he lived alone in a hotel room for a month, formulating the character's posture, voice and psychology.[8] While he initially found it difficult, Ledger was eventually able to generate a voice which did not sound like Jack Nicholson's take on the character in Tim Burton's 1989 Batman film.[12] He started a diary, in which he wrote the Joker's thoughts and feelings to guide himself during his performance.[9] He was also given Batman: The Killing Joke and Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth to read, which he "really tried to read [...] and put it down".[11] Ledger also cited inspiration in A Clockwork Orange and Sid Vicious.[13] Ultimately, "there’s nothing that [is] consistent", as his main objective was to frighten the audience.[13] The challenge of the role put a strain on Ledger's sleep patterns, finding himself unable to rest for more than a few hours each night.[9]

The time and things he did preparing for this role may have put him in a state of mind where being insane or committing suicide would be okay.. Sad that it happened this way.

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That would explain sleeping pills and any over-the-counter or prescription drugs he had, but it's whether or not the OD was accidental or not is hard for me to understand. It's just something I'm curious to know for sure. They're trying really hard to paint the accidental OD picture on television, that's for sure.

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Yeah they definite want it to look accidental, however, you can't help but think that maybe just maybe preparing for this role did severely alter his thought process and it became more real that fake for him.

I'm not trying to get all deep and emotional here, but it for sure will make this upcoming movie hit home hard if you believe a theory like that..

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That would explain sleeping pills and any over-the-counter or prescription drugs he had, but it's whether or not the OD was accidental or not is hard for me to understand. It's just something I'm curious to know for sure. They're trying really hard to paint the accidental OD picture on television, that's for sure.

It's pretty damn tough for a healthy adult to 'accidentally' kill themselves with OTC sleeping medication.

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wwtdd is all over it.



So the main theory right now seems to be he was depressed about his divorce and had trouble sleeping and maybe took too many prescription sleeping pills or possibly just had a bad reaction. So apparently those pills don't actually call a fairy to come tap you with it's wand like they show in the commercial. They really should make that more clear.

The Sydney Morning Herald says that Heath Ledger was taking the prescription sleeping pill Stilnox when he died. Called Ambien in the United Stetes, the pill has been controversial in Australia recently because of several bizarre and potentially dangerous reactions.

Some 500 people described odd behaviours from walking, crashing cars, having sex and falling from balconies after popping a pill.

In November, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) reduced pack sizes and updated its warnings on the drug to protect people from its "worrying and potentially dangerous adverse effects".

The most serious of the newly-listed side-effects included "rage reactions, worsened insomnia, confusion, agitation, hallucinations and other forms of unwanted behaviour".

TMZ among others reported yesterday that Ledger may have had pneumonia when he died. The product information for Stilnox warns against taking the medicine if you have a severe respiratory condition and shortness of breath, which pneumonia can obviously cause. Others causes for shortness of breath include seeing my buns, but that is not believed to be a consideration at this time.






The Westboro Baptist Chruch, made famous by protesting the funerals of fallen American servicemen and victims of AIDS, has spoken out on the passing of Heath Ledger, and it's every bit as touching as you might imagine (you may remember what big fans they were of "Brokeback Mountian"). I'm a real wordsmith (I LOVE WORDS!) but they have a way of getting inside my heart and crystallizing my thoughts, right there on a poorly drawn sign. It's like they read my mind! Get out of my head, Westboro Baptist Church!

Hey look, there's a phone number here on the full press release (or on their website godhatesfags.com or a PDF of the flier here) be sure to give them a call and tell them just how much you appreciate their efforts.


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Edit: Whoops, thought that was about the "immoral" behaviours.

Ambien is some messed-up stuff. A friend of mine was on some and had an episode of walking around naked in the kitchen trying to cook eggs. Thankfully he had a GF there to keep him from burning the place down but she wasn't able to stop him from calling his parents and babbling for god knows how long.

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God sure is a hateful deity.

I was sort of leaning towards the more accidental method of death here, and that just about proves it. I actually had no idea that sleeping medication was so risky, then again I've never known anyone who has used it either. Crazy.

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Ambien is some strong shit....I took HALF of one when I was a senior in high school so I could get some sleep the night before a test. Needless to say, the next morning I was an absolute zombie and could barely move. Oh and I got a D on the test.

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I had a friend on Ambien. He'd scream bloody murder in the middle of the night and there was more than one occasion when he tried to stab the stove or toaster for threatening to burn his toast or some crazy shit.

His roommates recorded an outburst and he never took another pill. Side effects include some scary stuff with that drug. It might have crossed with some anti-depressant he was on as well. He'd only go nuts about 1 in 20 nights, but he acted like he had drank a whole keg for the half-hour after it took effect until he'd actually get tired and go to bed.

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That Joker stuff is pretty creepy. That will make the Batman movie even stranger. I actually though of Mack and Mod Squad when I heard about this because I spent an hour reading through that thread once!

FYI, that's not an official Best Buy position, just something that store's manager would have done, and in poor taste.

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Walking and having sex are odd behaviors?

Depends on who the sexie is. If it's a fat chick you're having sex with... Yes.

Just kidding, no one has sex with fat chicks.


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The Westboro Baptist Chruch, made famous by protesting the funerals of fallen American servicemen and victims of AIDS, has spoken out on the passing of Heath Ledger, and it's every bit as touching as you might imagine (you may remember what big fans they were of "Brokeback Mountian"). I'm a real wordsmith (I LOVE WORDS!) but they have a way of getting inside my heart and crystallizing my thoughts, right there on a poorly drawn sign. It's like they read my mind! Get out of my head, Westboro Baptist Church!

Hey look, there's a phone number here on the full press release (or on their website godhatesfags.com or a PDF of the flier here) be sure to give them a call and tell them just how much you appreciate their efforts.


Not to step in on the threat about Heth Ledger, but WBC is so off based with their thinking it makes me sick, they absolutely do not represent what the church is, they are too busy condeming they seem to over look some things

Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

3"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye

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