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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Nike/Bauer Supreme ONE95 Initial Thoughts

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For the record, I'd like to say that about 90% of the employees at Hockey Giant and Hockey Monkey in SoCal don't know shit about hockey equipment.

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MLS, you must have schooled somebody else, because the younger guy I had today told me not to stand. I knew better though.

One would think they would spend a few minutes to ask if they were doing it right. Hope you enjoy them!

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16-25 year old males are the most arrogant people on earth, next to 16-25 year old women.

What a stupid thing to say.

Sorry, forgot the part about lacking justification for the arrogance. I was the same way when I was in that age bracket, not a knock on anyone. It's amazing how much you think you know when you're younger and how much you realize you don't know as you get older.

As it relates to this topic, the "typical" pro shop employee in that age group is absolutely positive that they know everything there is to know about hockey, yet they frequently know far less than the average member on this website.

I'm part of this age bracket and I know I don't know everything. Part of the reason I joined this site was to learn more about the industry. I do my best to learn as much about each piece of equipment that we carry in the shop and even more than that. The worst feeling is having a customer ask a question and not having an answer, it just leaves me with a feeling of stupidity. I hope to think of myself as an exception to this generalization, but the mentality of being young and having a lack of knowledge is what discourages customers from fully believing what I have to say about a certain product.

Sorry about the rant...It's been a long day

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Obviously everyone doesn't fall into that generalization. It does apply more frequently than some people are willing to admit though.

As for not knowing the answer; it's better to tell them you don't know but will find out than it is to make up an answer. Honesty and a willingness to find out the answer will go a long way.

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Custom order went in yesterday. June can't come fast enough!

Do all Bauer custom orders take that long? (3+ months) Or is it only because it's the One95's?

On XXXXs it's about a couple of weeks at this time to the best of my knowledge

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Glad to read how much everyone is enjoying their new ONE95 skates. How about a round of applause for "skates" and "covo" back at NBH in St. Jerome!! Way to go guys, they like it, they like it.

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Custom order went in yesterday. June can't come fast enough!

Do all Bauer custom orders take that long? (3+ months) Or is it only because it's the One95's?

On XXXXs it's about a couple of weeks at this time to the best of my knowledge

Actually since they allowed me to send in the paperwork early, it went into production and they are done. They were not supposed to be shipped June 1.

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So to sum up since you're coming off S15 JR (which you also gave a positive review) what would be some of the advantages One95 has over S15 (excluding blade/holder)?

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Shift2 just did not have enough volume for me. Had a pair then passed them on.

Had skated in Shift1, liken it to more along S500 lines than ONE95 due to the ankle mobility.

S15 has decent energy transfer from front to back - but not laterally. Plus, the 95 is just a better all around fit due to the shape of the boot. It is an improvement from the previous SyNergys, I will give it that.

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When you say the ALIVE material is pliable, does that mean most of the stiffness in the boot is coming from the stiffeners?


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Shift2 just did not have enough volume for me. Had a pair then passed them on.

Had skated in Shift1, liken it to more along S500 lines than ONE95 due to the ankle mobility.

S15 has decent energy transfer from front to back - but not laterally. Plus, the 95 is just a better all around fit due to the shape of the boot. It is an improvement from the previous SyNergys, I will give it that.

Gotcha... My LHS has the One95's (killer price at $575) and I compared my Shift 2's with them and the boot height seemed to be the same. Tongue looked a little short to me and the tongue padding seemed light, but I'd go custom anyway so it wouldn't matter.

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When you say the ALIVE material is pliable, does that mean most of the stiffness in the boot is coming from the stiffeners?


No, pliable as in it can change shape. Once set, it is stiff.

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For the record, I'd like to say that about 90% of the employees at Hockey Giant and Hockey Monkey in SoCal don't know shit about hockey equipment.

You know this is why some of us shop online for skates nowadays. I know this will not go over well with the mods but if you simply get this kind of service no matter where you go in your area, why would you ever buy skates from these local companies?

I'm almost tempted to delete this response for fear of a overwhelming negative response but if I had JR's shop in Western New York I would be in there everyday.

Case in Point: I took a pair of 8090's into GreatSkate in Amherst, NY (huge store in the Buffalo area) to get Clear LS2 powers mounted on them. When I got them back after paying almost $50.00 to get them mounted I had to try and straighten out the runners because they were mounted incorrectly. I couldn't do it myself so I returned them, the kid at the counter argued with me until I laid them on the counter and proved it to him. Needless to say they attempted a repair and removed them and remounted them. After skating in them for about a month, the holders completey loosened up. The rivets were never completely crimped.

This is just one of the problems I've experienced. I bought my own skate sharpener because I got sick of getting skates back after paying for a sharpening completely missing an edge.

I truly wish I had enough confidence in my local shops. I love checking out equipment and spending cash, silly cash.

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For the record, I'd like to say that about 90% of the employees at Hockey Giant and Hockey Monkey in SoCal don't know shit about hockey equipment.

You know this is why some of us shop online for skates nowadays. I know this will not go over well with the mods but if you simply get this kind of service no matter where you go in your area, why would you ever buy skates from these local companies?

I'm almost tempted to delete this response for fear of a overwhelming negative response but if I had JR's shop in Western New York I would be in there everyday.

Case in Point: I took a pair of 8090's into GreatSkate in Amherst, NY (huge store in the Buffalo area) to get Clear LS2 powers mounted on them. When I got them back after paying almost $50.00 to get them mounted I had to try and straighten out the runners because they were mounted incorrectly. I couldn't do it myself so I returned them, the kid at the counter argued with me until I laid them on the counter and proved it to him. Needless to say they attempted a repair and removed them and remounted them. After skating in them for about a month, the holders completey loosened up. The rivets were never completely crimped.

This is just one of the problems I've experienced. I bought my own skate sharpener because I got sick of getting skates back after paying for a sharpening completely missing an edge.

I truly wish I had enough confidence in my local shops. I love checking out equipment and spending cash, silly cash.

I agree with you 100%. Giant and Monkey are technically my LHS's but I don't want to give them my money because I don't agree with the way they conduct business.

The closest other shop to me is a pro shop at Anaheim Ice, and all they carry for the most part is Graf skates, so I'm SOL if I want something other than that.

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sorry im kinda behind on this thread.. but how do they fit as compared to RBK 9K, the original ones? especially how high they are cut..

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I'd like to do Custom One95's with a Pitch 3 holder. Do I order the skate without the holder?

The other issue is my right foot appears to be a full size smaller than the left. Sizes 7.0 versus 6.0. Will I be able to use the same holder's on both skates? On my Shift 2's (size 7.5) the runner size is 263mm.


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Case in Point: I took a pair of 8090's into GreatSkate in Amherst, NY (huge store in the Buffalo area) to get Clear LS2 powers mounted on them. When I got them back after paying almost $50.00 to get them mounted I had to try and straighten out the runners because they were mounted incorrectly. I couldn't do it myself so I returned them, the kid at the counter argued with me until I laid them on the counter and proved it to him. Needless to say they attempted a repair and removed them and remounted them. After skating in them for about a month, the holders completey loosened up. The rivets were never completely crimped.

Should have come to us.....we have to deal with their fuck-ups on a daily basis. :rolleyes:

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where is us? im coming up tp buffalo for a family thing and wanted to check out greatskate but ive heard the have awful ppl working there and everything is over priced..so if there is another store please share!

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where is us? im coming up tp buffalo for a family thing and wanted to check out greatskate but ive heard the have awful ppl working there and everything is over priced..so if there is another store please share!

Go to the Pepsi Center...

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