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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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To add to the older women list.... I have always had a thing for Annabella Sciorra.

Oh yes, I recall seeing her in the Sopranos for a while and the fact that she is Italina is always a plus. Too bad she was killed off the show. :angry:

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Her TMobile Sidekick got hacked (just like Paris' Hiltons).....And yes, she did have naked pictures on there.

o please god put these on the web. or are they already........?

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Her TMobile Sidekick got hacked (just like Paris' Hiltons).....And yes, she did have naked pictures on there.

o please god put these on the web. or are they already........?

I have them, My friend E-mailed them to me a few days ago, I diddnt think they were real until I just heard a few posts ago that they were hacked from her phone. So if you want them that bad you could PM me your E-mail or something.

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I'd have to go Joy Giovanni right now. She did some stuff for WWE (former WWF), and let me just say WOW. She has a website I think. joygiovanni.com if you want to check it out.

Also, I'd agree with Alba in Sin City, HOT DAMN!

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that girl from desperate housewives that bangs the 18 year old kid

Eva Longoria, Yeah shes nice.

Older woman wise, Rachel Hunter (aka the girl from the stacy's mom video) Hot Hot Hot.

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Older woman wise, Rachel Hunter (aka the girl from the stacy's mom video) Hot Hot Hot.

AKA Sean Avery's woman.

I've heard that good old Sean can wheel and deal with the best of them. Doesn't hurt playing for L.A. either..

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Definatly Elyshia Cuthbert or that Summer Altice. I haden't seen her before untill I started reading this thread but wow what a smile.

Older Chicks vote would go for Shania Twain, she is smokin'!

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Well this a really old topic but I feel in 4 monts things can change drastically and it sucha great topic we should get it goin again. I'm liking Elisha Cuthbert,christina milian,vida guerra , catalina cruz , jojo, etc etc etc. I'd plow anyone in this topic cept' Pam for obvious reasons and lohan cause " U-G-L-Y u ain't got no aliby.........you UGLY!"

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