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2008 US Election Thread

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They both were more professional this time. Last time they were each talking over the other to try to explain their side.

I don't think McCain chose the right strategy, although I suspect he felt somewhat backed into a corner due to his recent slippage in the polls. He was too combative. He came across as less skillful for engaging in delicate negotiations.

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Again, nothing from either that says "leader" to me. Damn you, Romney.

I don't think anyone with enough ego to think he should be president deserves the job.

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I was driving home from the shop listening to McCain speak on the radio and he sounds tired and spent, no matter how hard he tried to work on his delivery. Then when I got home and turned on the TV, McCain just looks so old. And I don't care if Obama is in the room or not, McCain just presents this appearance to me.

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Dan Quayle will have “POTATOE” etched on his gravestone. But how many times have late-night comedians and cable shows replayed the video of senior statesman and six-term Sen. Biden’s own spelling mishap last week while attacking McCain’s economic plan?

“Look, John’s last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the No. 1 job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S.”

Thank goodness the Democrats VP candidate is smart.

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Dan Quayle will have “POTATOE” etched on his gravestone. But how many times have late-night comedians and cable shows replayed the video of senior statesman and six-term Sen. Biden’s own spelling mishap last week while attacking McCain’s economic plan?

“Look, John’s last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the No. 1 job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S.”

Thank goodness the Democrats VP candidate is smart.

haha! First I've heard of that, wow.

Good 'ol Foot-in-mouth Joe Biden, for ya! :)

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For all the yapping everyone has done in this thread, including me, how many have you voted yet? How many will vote on Tuesday?

I waited 3 hours in line and voted today in Colorado. I have earned the right to judge and so should you ;)

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For all you people who bitch about having to wait in line voting be thankful you still get to vote like that. Filling out a mail in ballot two weeks early is the most unfulfilling way of voting ever.

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I found it to be quite the opposite, particularly with the referendums, since they are often written to intentionally obfuscate. The Big D and I read the issues, discussed what we understood them to be, disagreed on only one referendum, then filled out the ballot.

I found it more conducive to giving the proper consideration to each issue.

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I can't wait for this shit to be over, regardless of who wins. I got five pieces of election junk mail, three phone calls and two different people showed up at my house TODAY. So much for a no call list and a neighborhood that prohibits solicitation.

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I can't wait for this shit to be over, regardless of who wins. I got five pieces of election junk mail, three phone calls and two different people showed up at my house TODAY. So much for a no call list and a neighborhood that prohibits solicitation.

No kidding. I just talked to a guy here at work who is from Australia and lived in Japan. In both places elections are six weeks long. That's what we need here. I almost pull a hammy trying to hang up on political calls so fast.

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I can't wait for this shit to be over, regardless of who wins. I got five pieces of election junk mail, three phone calls and two different people showed up at my house TODAY. So much for a no call list and a neighborhood that prohibits solicitation.

No kidding. I just talked to a guy here at work who is from Australia and lived in Japan. In both places elections are six weeks long. That's what we need here. I almost pull a hammy trying to hang up on political calls so fast.

I have been getting endless emails on my school account from barackobama.com- despite my efforts to be removed, block or filter them to junk. At least I don't live in my district or have a home phone- I disconnected my apartment phone 2 weeks after moving in.

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We've gotten both here - as my dad is a registered Republican. The aborted fetus one was gross.

Sad that Obama's grandmother died one day before the election. RIP.

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Sad that Obama's grandmother died one day before the election. RIP.

Call #3 was someone informing me that Obama needs my vote because it would be too devastating to lose his grandmother and an election in the same week.

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I don't even answer the phone. Being a registered independent in a swing state is AWESOME. I wasn't home yesterday but there were 12 "numbers" on our caller id.

Sidenote: noone elected me president when my grandmother died.

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