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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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wen you go back to school

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Move in on the 4th, frosh until the tenth, classes start thursday the tenth, but I don't have any classes on thursday or friday, so I don't actually start until the 14th.

Which school?

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Move in on the 4th, frosh until the tenth, classes start thursday the tenth, but I don't have any classes on thursday or friday, so I don't actually start until the 14th.

Which school?

Nipissing University.

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Move in on the 4th, frosh until the tenth, classes start thursday the tenth, but I don't have any classes on thursday or friday, so I don't actually start until the 14th.

Which school?

Nipissing University.

Ouch... :P I start at York in September, if you don't mind me asking why Nipissing?

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First day of high school september 8th, wooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooo. 2 more weeks of nothingness

Haha have fun with that bud I'm going into my senior year of high school ;)

Ill let you guys know when I get the sh*t bweat out of me for the first time. Supposedly, Im racist according to my frends. It'll be a fun first week

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thats not good, racism - not cool.

idk, Im not racist. My best friends are black and they never say anything. My white friends say im racist. Im just gonna keep my mouth shut in HS

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thats not good, racism - not cool.

idk, Im not racist. My best friends are black and they never say anything. My white friends say im racist. Im just gonna keep my mouth shut in HS

Haha word of advice.. Don't make fun of the emo kids... You never know what some of them have in their backpacks.

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Funny how much I used to dread this time of year when I was kid. Now I love it, get rid of the teenagers from lunch hockey.

Ditto that. I love being able to play on my lunch break.

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thats not good, racism - not cool.

idk, Im not racist. My best friends are black and they never say anything. My white friends say im racist. Im just gonna keep my mouth shut in HS

Haha word of advice.. Don't make fun of the emo kids... You never know what some of them have in their backpacks.

Nice generalization. Most of my friends through high school were these "emo" kids, and you'll be happy to know they all turned out as well adjusted, smart, adults.

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thats not good, racism - not cool.

idk, Im not racist. My best friends are black and they never say anything. My white friends say im racist. Im just gonna keep my mouth shut in HS

Haha word of advice.. Don't make fun of the emo kids... You never know what some of them have in their backpacks.

Nice generalization. Most of my friends through high school were these "emo" kids, and you'll be happy to know they all turned out as well adjusted, smart, adults.

I have no idea what te mae up of my classes are. Im in high honors corses all around. I have to keep my scholarship or else I go to HS in the deep ghetto

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I don't think the term FML should be used by any male, especially if he is a hockey player.

"during last night's game I got a slapper in the nuts. doc says to avoid sex for a while to let the swelling go down, but I have a date with Megan fox tonight. FML"

still no?

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I don't think the term FML should be used by any male, especially if he is a hockey player.

"during last night's game I got a slapper in the nuts. doc says to avoid sex for a while to let the swelling go down, but I have a date with Megan fox tonight. FML"

still no?

Man up and play through the pain.

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I don't think the term FML should be used by any male, especially if he is a hockey player.

"during last night's game I got a slapper in the nuts. doc says to avoid sex for a while to let the swelling go down, but I have a date with Megan fox tonight. FML"

still no?

Who says Megan Fox would give it up on the first date anyway? :P

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I don't think the term FML should be used by any male, especially if he is a hockey player.

"during last night's game I got a slapper in the nuts. doc says to avoid sex for a while to let the swelling go down, but I have a date with Megan fox tonight. FML"

still no?

Who says Megan Fox would give it up on the first date anyway? :P

Don't know about that, but the fact she was nailing one of the wash up's from 90210 means you might at least have a shot.

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I don't think the term FML should be used by any male, especially if he is a hockey player.

"during last night's game I got a slapper in the nuts. doc says to avoid sex for a while to let the swelling go down, but I have a date with Megan fox tonight. FML"

still no?

Who says Megan Fox would give it up on the first date anyway? :P

Who wouldn't be packing roofies, just to make sure?

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