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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 2010/2011 sneak peek...

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Just out of curiosity, it was mentioned somewhere that Bauer will only make a small fixed number of TotalOne skates. Does that number include the skates distributed for pros, or just the number they'll offer at retail?

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Just out of curiosity, it was mentioned somewhere that Bauer will only make a small fixed number of TotalOne skates. Does that number include the skates distributed for pros, or just the number they'll offer at retail?

My first guess would be that has to be retail. They don't know how many pros will want to use them and they'll obviously want to get them on as many pro's feet as possible.

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will the totalone skates be offered in junior sizes?

Sorry, no Junior TotalONE skates. Senior size 6 will be the smallest.


Im assuming the one100 skates will be offered in junior sizes though?

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I'm really curious about these skates. Find it bizarre they would launch a better skate (totalone) in limited amounts, and then put the one100 out for mass distribution.

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I'm really curious about these skates. Find it bizarre they would launch a better skate (totalone) in limited amounts, and then put the one100 out for mass distribution.

I'm sure the purchase of Mission and this happening are just a coincidence but Mission did it with the DLimited.

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I'm really curious about these skates. Find it bizarre they would launch a better skate (totalone) in limited amounts, and then put the one100 out for mass distribution.

It might make more sense when you see more of the details such as specs and MAP.

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I'm really curious about these skates. Find it bizarre they would launch a better skate (totalone) in limited amounts, and then put the one100 out for mass distribution.

You could think of it like cars. You can buy different variations on the same model, ie 911 Carrera vs. 911 GT3. The GT3 is higher performing, but has limited production (theoretically) and costs more than the Carrera.

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I think it all depends on what they consider as being "limited", limited to a number, let's say 1000 pairs per total, or per year, limited as in: limited for a period of time, kinda like the X:60 LE, or.......... "limited to as many we can sell" :)

The case of limited edition sports cars like the 911 is that they make a limited number of GT3 per year, in the case of let's say the Ferrari Enzo there was a limited number from the start of 449 cars, then they made 50 more and the Enzo number 500 was donated to Pope John Paul II.

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I understand the concept behind being limited and better performance for more money, but people don't buy ferrari's because they need better performance driving to and from work (different story if you are a race car driver).

I just think that if a skate performs better, why limit it when a lot of customers are looking for better performance.

Either way I want a pair lol.

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will the totalone skates be offered in junior sizes?

Sorry, no Junior TotalONE skates. Senior size 6 will be the smallest.

Damn, not that I would have been buying them, but it would have been nice to try one a 5.5EE

From what I'm hearing it might just be monetarily comparable to get a x60 custom

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I understand the concept behind being limited and better performance for more money, but people don't buy ferrari's because they need better performance driving to and from work (different story if you are a race car driver).

I just think that if a skate performs better, why limit it when a lot of customers are looking for better performance.

Either way I want a pair lol.

My guess is because of the price at which the skate will be offered. Two reasons they only build so many Ferrari's; first, because they're put together by hand and you can only build so many; and, second, because at the price you know you're not going to be able to sell 2 million of them.

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My guess is because of the price at which the skate will be offered. Two reasons they only build so many Ferrari's; first, because they're put together by hand and you can only build so many; and, second, because at the price you know you're not going to be able to sell 2 million of them.

Not only that, when it comes to Ferrari they can build more, not all at once but over time like they do with all their cars, but in the case of the Enzo they wanted to keep it a very exclusive car, they sold them all before the cars wore even of the factory's doors. Same thing with limited edition watches, the idea of exclusivity. But we were talking about skates, not luxury exotic cars.

The best thing, in my opinion, if it's going to be so expensive, have a number of pairs on retail and then if anybody wants them they could get them custom made, Or have them custom made from the start, a ONE100 high performance skate for the average Joe and the TOTALONE for those who want something special.


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Maybe he was busy. There is more to life than MSH! OMG!!

Everything comes to he who waits. Some just have to wait longer than others.

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Sorry - was not home last night til late.

Anyway, just wanted to clear up any misconceptions or bad info that is floating around out there.

I know a lot of guys are asking why are there two different models next year - let's start with the ONE 100. It is essentially the ONE95 skate, but with a thick (52 oz) felt tongue. Obviously the ONE95 is no slouch and is still a pro level skate, but it was taken one step further with the TotalONE.

The TotalONE, as stated, will be a limited skate. It will be armed with a lighter liner and a new vented outsole.

That's it.

:D All this drama for nothing...

Nah -

The theme behind the skate is increased range of motion. The plantar flexibility has been increased which will help for longer strides and push-offs and forward flexibility has been increased by adding a new tongue with removable stiffeners. The skate is included with a medium, stiff and extra-stiff stiffener, which is an ALIVE shank. The stiffener starts right above the toe cap and goes up slightly past the top eyelet. They will also be sold aftermarket so if you like a particular stiffness, you can buy it again to maintain the same feel as it was out of the box.

Also comes with the LSFusion - which is the same thickness and shape of a LS2 blade, however, the top half is high-grade aluminum, removing 30g.

Skate is coming at a full 100g lighter than the ONE95/ONE100, at 695g.

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TotalONE sounds pretty cool. No customs on a limited release, correct? I'm curious what the price will be.

Am I to assume the LSFusion runners will be available to buy separately? By the time these are out I'll probably need new steel, so the LSFusion has piqued my interest.

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