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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2010-2011 Gear Sightings

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As I noticed earlier, the first 'C' in 'CCM' looks crooked, but I like the striping much better than the V10 from last year.

That's probably because the cuff isn't straight.

I really wish they didn't have those weird backrolls.

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If you look at the tops of the letters they're all aligned, just not parallel to the bottom of the cuff. Also, the serif on the M makes the space between the two Cs more noticeable, giving the crooked visual effect.

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If you look at the tops of the letters they're all aligned, just not parallel to the bottom of the cuff. Also, the serif on the M makes the space between the two Cs more noticeable, giving the crooked visual effect.

They look crooked on most of the new gloves that i've seen. For example...


(also featuring new CL skates and stick)

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I never said they didn't look crooked, once again look at the tops of the letters, and allow for a little difference in perspective due to the bend in the cuff roll.

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I never said they didn't look crooked, once again look at the tops of the letters, and allow for a little difference in perspective due to the bend in the cuff roll.

The bottom of the cuff roll looks pretty much straight, I wish the bottom of the logo was aligned with that, you can see it pretty well in the pic of Kadri, the bottom of the 'M' doesn't seem to follow the bottom of the cuff roll.

Just bugs me, and actually, now that you mentioned it, the font makes the space between the two 'C's look pretty bad too.

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They look crooked on most of the new gloves that i've seen. For example...


(also featuring new CL skates and stick)

i looooooove the new leafs jersey's

the retro look is so very nice with the new style gear, mostly gloves

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They look crooked on most of the new gloves that i've seen. For example...


(also featuring new CL skates and stick)

Why do his Edge socks have the Reebok logo on them? I thought the pro socks don't have logos...

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You are correct, to the best of my knowledge the pro socks will not have the vector logo. Most likely in a uniform exhibition Reebok prefers to use the retail socks for further exposure.

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I like gloves that have no striping. Either solid color with a logo on the cuff, or contrasting cuff with the original color logo. Classy.

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That makes sense, I just wasn't sure if there had been a rule change allowing the logos. I'm a Reebok fan and I really like wearing pro stock Edge socks, but the logo on the retail model looks horrible.

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After finally seeing the Leafs new uni with full gear, am I the only one feeling like there's something missing? I dunno... maybe white striping on the pants.

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After finally seeing the Leafs new uni with full gear, am I the only one feeling like there's something missing? I dunno... maybe white striping on the pants.

I think it looks like it's missing something because the socks are way too busy compared to the jersey. Needs less stripes.

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Anyone know what the writing says on the glove where the players name usually is???? Looks like the last word is GR8.......Great? For Great? The Great? LOL

GR8... a play on the word Great and his number. The other part is in Russian, I dunno what that says.

His license plate is AO GR8 or something similar.

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Anyone know what the writing says on the glove where the players name usually is???? Looks like the last word is GR8.......Great? For Great? The Great? LOL

heres a pic... Im gonna look up the russian alphabet and translate it

edit: the thing in front of GR8 means goal.


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