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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ogie Oglethorpe

eBay idiot, or not?

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I totally get that you're trying to watch out for the folks here and it might be different if TSR still had a rack of these gloves for $110 but I'm willing to bet they don't. this seller made the trek to TSR to pick them up and they belong to her. as far as we know she didn't mislead anybody at all. heck, she honestly mentions in the listing that Seguin never wore them.

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I get TSR not having these gloves anymore makes the gloves rare and how that shapes the market price-tag that goes along with said rare item. If someone wants to pay 3 bills because they love Seguin, awesome for them & even better for Hellkitty. If someone from this "community" is interested in buying the gloves I just want them to know the deal, that is all. f someone wants to pay 3 bills because they love Seguin, awesome for them & even better for Hellkitty. If someone from this "community" is interested in buying the gloves I just want them to know the deal, that is all.

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The pro stock market has become absolutely absurd. It was one thing when products were cheaper because they were overstock or rejects, now it is for retail as much as it is for actual pro use.

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Considering a few things, Number 1 being I spotted these gloves at TSR literally a month ago & number 2 that I was also at the Bruins sale (#7 in line, slept overnight) and the Seguin Graf Gloves were not for sale there.

And no, there is nothing wrong with making a profit and I also understand it's OBO.

But I thought full disclosure would be appreciated amongst this community just in case someone was interested in the gloves.

Do the Bruins let in groups of people at different time slots? and Do they restock during the equipment sale? I know that's how the Caps run their equipment sale. It gives everyone an opportunity to pick up at least one piece of equipment.

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Edit to add - the auction is for 280mm CCM/Reebok compatible BlackEdge Runners.

I figured this is the best place to put this. Awesome deal, I checked with the seller and the price is for a pair. Would have snatched them up myself, but then I realized they're CCM/Reebok, not Bauer compatible.

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thats a complete steal at just under 5. i wonder if my dads done xmas shopping for me yet!

Well if he hasn't, he should find out for sure whether they are in good condition or better.

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Another strange thing about the Apx listing is that they posted a pic of the warranty sticker. Strange that a "pro stock" stick would have that sticker even though...weird..could have sworn that only retail sticks have those.


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Another strange thing about the Apx listing is that they posted a pic of the warranty sticker. Strange that a "pro stock" stick would have that sticker even though...weird..could have sworn that only retail sticks have those.


Nah, the entire batch of T1 pro stocks that my store had all had regular warranty stickers. Dunno about other batches, but this was 600+

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