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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Your favourite tipple

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jaggerbombs are overrated in my opinion. I was at the mall the other day and I heard a 10 year old kid screaming out "jaggerbombs" its getting ridiculous

and for those who haven't tried it. If you can get it go get some iceberg, the have rum, gin, and vodka. second rated vodka in the world.

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Strongbow :)

Strongbow is filthy cider!! I'd still drink it if its all there is though. Its all about Bulmers, Magners and Woodpecker!!

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Strongbow :)

Strongbow is filthy cider!! I'd still drink it if its all there is though. Its all about Bulmers, Magners and Woodpecker!!

How dare you, go and wash your mouth out with soap! :D

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my irish friend got me hooked on guiness, i love the fact that the drinking age is 16 in switzerland! :D mainly beer, tho 1664, heineken, whatevers cold basically. when me and my friends go out, we go to this bar called the brewery and they literally brew there own beer and put it on tap in kegs cans and bottles, you walk in and can order a 24 pack! its great beer, but expensive.

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Bulmers, Woopecker and Magners ... all dirty piss

Kopparberg ... there's the future kids .... Sweden makes some good stuff .... Kopparberg, Nick Lidstrom, Snus .... what more do you want!?!

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never had bulmers, but if i recall correctly, woodpecker (as well as woodchuck) was too sweet. magners was good but tasted too "refined", if that makes any sense. it was too light may be what i'm trying to say. i don't know tasting terms.

give me strongbow any day!

i actually threw up in my [now ex-]girlfriends purse on the tube after drinking a bit too much of the higher gravity strongbow. good times, good times...

oh and it's cheaper which is of course a plus as well

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1 Coors Light

2 Bud Light

3 Miller High Life


I live in one of the best regions in the country for microbrews and I still stick to Coors Light.

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1 Coors Light

2 Bud Light

3 Miller High Life


1 Jack Daniels

2 Jim Beam

3 Jager

Wow... I guess to each his own but I would not put Coors Light at the top of my list. Their new vented cans are pretty sweet though, they actually work really well.

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I stand behind "The Man Show" idea of Shotgun Brand beer. Opening on the top and towards the bottom 1/3 of can. Let's see the vented can for what it is- a way to get your drink on faster.

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That's why I put straws in beer bottles when I was in school. Nothing wrong with a macrobrew because there is nothing worse than a beer snob.

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I hit the grocery store tonight, and giggled uncontrollably while I bought a 40 of King Cobra.... tastes just as bad as it did when I was 20. I'm not much of a drinker, but I feel like I've been hit by a truck.... gotta love that "premium" malt liquor.

I'd have to agree with the guys posting yesterday.. I like the ciders. Strongbow is decent, K, Magners is amazing..

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1 Coors Light

2 Bud Light

3 Miller High Life


My mom has drank high life ever since I can remember and I grew up sneaking some of her beer lol, it's hard to explain, many people don't like it. Its just something I grew up with and like it a lot actually.

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1 Coors Light

2 Bud Light

3 Miller High Life


My mom has drank high life ever since I can remember and I grew up sneaking some of her beer lol, it's hard to explain, many people don't like it. Its just something I grew up with and like it a lot actually.

Well, it is the champagne of beers after all....

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