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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ribcor Reckoner

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So CCM was sneaky and with next to no time in hyping up the new Ribcor Reckoner is being released in a couple weeks. Now I don't know about you but I absolutely LOVED my Reebok Ribcor, it was stupid light, great puck feel and my

Shots were just effortless. The only thing I didn't like was that wrist shots felt weird because the stiffness of the stick when you needed to just flex the shaft. Snap and slapshots were great though. Something about the 40k felt off, it wasn't the same, felt heavier too but this thing looks sweet. Here are some snaps from the ice warehouse review I saw. Maybe Chase can elaborate on it. I'm even more tempted to get one of these than a 1N honestly. Though a lot of pros don't use real ribcors, Duchene, Mackinnon and Tavares actually do use them.




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I'd be more than happy to. Me and my fellow product tester Chris were lucky enough to get the Reckoner early on in the year, so we've had a lot of time to give them a good run. I've also had the chance to chat with Ryan Crelinsten, CCM's Stick Category Manager, about this new line too.

The goal of the Reckoner was to enhance pop, speed up the loading process and to add more feel for the player. The new concave walls replace the previous generation's "ribs" and it allowed CCM to do a few different things here. First is that the shaft corners actually protect the sunken and special fibers in the concavity. (As a side note, Technora is still used on the Reckoner.) These sunken fibers are extremely responsive and really drive the kick of the stick. Next is that the geometry itself can be thought of as a balloon that you press on from both sides, you can feel the balloon trying to push itself back outward. That's how the fibers in concavity behave, ready to spring during the release. In terms of the stick itself, it follows the same ideology that RibCor's been known for; quick and explosive release by constructing fibers that are already in tension so you don't have to load them when you shoot.

The other change this year is the Ascent Blade. The heel has been softened a tad but it still maintains that progressively stiffer profile as you near the toe. Both Chris and I thought it played a bit softer and felt a bit more dampened than the 40K.

Compared to the 40K, the Reckoner sure does load and release quicker. I didn't get to spend a whole lot of time with the 40K myself but it was one of Chris' favorites and he sure noticed a difference between the two. In his words "the Reckoner was easier to load, but it was more difficult to load for hard power." In other words, he felt there was a slight trade off, a quicker release for a little less hard shot power.

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That is one hot looking stick. Currently the Reebok Ribcor is my go-to stick in my stick rack, and I think it's a phenomenal stick. It's interesting that you say "Something about the 40k felt off" because I would likely strongly consider a clearout one once the Reckoner hits shelves.

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Given the way SWD was sued for use of "Nexon" by Bauer, and the subsequent name change to "Rekker". I can't imagine that they would be happy with the "Reckoner" coming to market.

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Got some great news earlier this week from CCM and this stick will be available to test at our CCM Made of Hockey event this week in Denver, really would like to see this and the other CCM sticks vs the new Nexus 1N, so many options right now.

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Seriously cannot wait for this twig! Loved my Reebok Ribcor, but much like OP the 40k just felt off. Hopefully these don't flex out as quickly as the Reeboks, always seemed like right around the 30 day mark they would turn into pool noodles. Happy about the blade changes and hopefully the lower fibers keep the shaft from twisting, ran into that with the 40k.

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Any word of they may add a e28 curve? Been using it for a while. That's the one thing about ccm. Don't like their curves

I like CCM curves, don't like Reebok curves.

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what is P14 gonna be? they have P14 listed in the catalog for the new ribcor stick and its still list the P46 which is suppose to be the P14 clone even though it isn't. Is there P14 a true P14 clone now or is it something different entirely?

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my hopes aren't going anywhere on this, not a p28 guy, just saying if CCM thought there would be enough of a market for them to add the curve, they probably wouldn't mind doing it post release. two recent examples is Sherwood adding the Trouba after the EK15 release, and True post adding the TC4 curve to the A series.

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Don't get your hopes up. It almost never happens especially in today's market

Sure it does, just as Stewie mentioned.

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I'm the exact opposite. I wish they would offer the old Reebok curves on all CCM sticks and not just the Ribcors.

I am with you on this.

I liked Reebok curves much more than CCM, matter of fact I don't like any CCM curve atm.

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