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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

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Just got these in the mail on friday. Ordered them on the 19th of April and it only took 2.5 weeks from order to delivery. Needless to say I was pretty stoked what with the disclaimer warning of a 6-8 week wait. Ordered them from the Ice Warehouse site using the Warrior customizer. Option C striping, black/brass/white colors (i'm a Pens fan), beefed up padding, and my name on the 6 pack pad. As many have observed with regard to the Hustler pant, they run large.......especially compared to my old Tackla pants. Just got them on the ice the other night for the first time and i'm loving them. Gonna take a bit of break-in though being so stiff.






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I just picked up Dana Tyrell's TotalONE stick and one of Bugsy's Warrior Black Widow (broken toe) sticks. I need to do the same for all of my stuff. I'm new to the site so I'm still learning

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A couple of my newest additions

Marian Hossa Pro Stocks, Skille Pro Stocks and Sturm Pro Stocks


Check out the thumb on the Sturms. Felt type material.


(a BIG thank you to Shaun down in LA, awesome guy!)

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ucla, as a Hawks fan...DAMN I'M JEALOUS of the Hoss gloves. If you EVER decide to offload those I am first in line! Awesome gloves man! Awesome.

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Yeah, they're basically hossa clones (same cuff and carbon pinky design, and interior padding (cut away pad on back of had) but different palms. Hossa has mustang and the skilles are a leather palms that isnt mustang or kangaroo).

Edited by uclahockey707

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Those skille pro stocks look an awful lot like the hossa's. same cuff?

they're pretty much identical except they have 'Skille' on them and no number. Same cuff, carbon stripe, and I'm pretty sure it's the same palm.

Edit: Sorry, Scott- didn't see your post!

Edited by silver571

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From a Modano Rbk 6k heated to a Ovy clone.

That thing looks like it's going to break on the first shot.

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A couple of my newest additions

Marian Hossa Pro Stocks, Skille Pro Stocks and Sturm Pro Stocks

Did Strum ask for a different font for his name?

Edited by JR Boucicaut
Please, people, don't quote pictures

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