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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2017-2018 Gear Sightings

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7 hours ago, Jason said:

I guess he gave up on the True skates?

These are VH boots with Graf cowlings. He did the same sequence last year. He wore all VH in the beginning, struggled with his stats, then he changed to cowlings (about December I think). Not going to be surprised that he just put last year skates on, although the cowlings I think, are brand new.

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I came across this photo and figured I'd post this strange combo... Definitely, not digging the look, but hey, somebody wanted it, so have at it.

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16 hours ago, nutters said:

Interesting seeing Duchene using a Jetspeed branded Ribcor/40K


Not certain it's a repaint :ph34r:

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30 minutes ago, Hills said:

So the new Jetspeed has Ribcor ribs? 

ah I didn't zoom in, his latest shipment was actual jetspeed sticks 

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On 12/12/2017 at 1:47 AM, Kgbeast said:


I came across this photo and figured I'd post this strange combo... Definitely, not digging the look, but hey, somebody wanted it, so have at it.

On the contrary, I think these look better than with the Graf cowlings.

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2 hours ago, GoalForFun said:

On the contrary, I think these look better than with the Graf cowlings.

Well that's not hard to accomplish! haha

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He changed his gloves from Ultra Tacks to QRL's too. Surprised to see Hoffman wearing True skates. Thought he was skating really well in CCM's.

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On 12/16/2017 at 3:56 PM, EBondo said:

Someone posted a bench picture on PHEW, so went and found a clearer picture...hmmm.connor-mcdavid-of-the-edmonton-oilers-an

Surprised no one is going bonkers over this

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2 hours ago, XS222 said:

Surprised no one is going bonkers over this

There's no context with the photo.  Did he use a Vapor the whole game?  Did he break his stick and grab one from a teammate?  Is is still using a Vapor?  Without that info, it's nothing to get excited about.

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39 minutes ago, boo10 said:

There's no context with the photo.  Did he use a Vapor the whole game?  Did he break his stick and grab one from a teammate?  Is is still using a Vapor?  Without that info, it's nothing to get excited about.

Not sure this provides much context but this photo appears to show his name on the stick so it wasn’t borrowed. 



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1 hour ago, aintitthelife98 said:

Not sure this provides much context but this photo appears to show his name on the stick so it wasn’t borrowed. 



Well now that is interesting.

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1 hour ago, chippa13 said:

This means nothing until it's a trend. Competitors do up samples for the big names all the time. 

Exactly, no biggie. Maybe his deal with CCM doesn’t include sticks, which would make this even less of a deal.

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3 hours ago, stick9 said:

Exactly, no biggie. Maybe his deal with CCM doesn’t include sticks, which would make this even less of a deal.

It most certainly does include sticks. He has a pattern named after him.

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22 hours ago, nutters said:

looks like custom colors are available for the Jetspeed stick


players for Finland had blue ones as well

To go off of your observations:


Canadian colorway (Photo by Matt Zambonin/HHOF-IIHF Images):




Czech colorway (Hickling Images):




Danish colorway (Photo by Andrea Cardin/HHOF-IIHF Images):




Finnish colorway (Photo by Andrea Cardin/HHOF-IIHF Images):



Swedish colorway (Photo by Andrea Cardin/HHOF-IIHF Images):



Swiss colorway (Photo by Andrea Cardin/HHOF-IIHF Images):


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