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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. 1. VH 2. Easton Mako 3. Reebok 8K Pump (didn’t fit, but I still think they looked fantastic) I don’t have a #4 or 5. Have never worn anything else that didn’t hurt.
  2. Yeah that’d make sense. The foams are definitely going to compress a bit.
  3. You talking about this for honing coated steel? https://blackstonesport.com/en/product/black-magic
  4. Yes, obviously if they are saying they are molding them and aren’t then it’s a pretty big false claim. The problem is that there is absolutely zero evidence to suggest that they aren’t.
  5. Yeah if they were going to use cream shells they should have made all the white on the jersey and socks cream instead. That would have been super sharp, especially if done in felt.
  6. Yeah they made a mistake. Do you care enough to return them?
  7. I don’t get the point of this thread. You’re upset that a) CCM won’t show you any details of their proprietary process and b) you’re upset about how perfect the skates are?
  8. Those are definitely better than the Nashville ones, but that’s a pretty low bar.
  9. https://www.5ivehole.com/ They make the MSH jerseys for all events.
  10. I had the funds to buy whatever (home sharpener) I wanted. I went Sparx and would happily do so again.
  11. The best part of being on that team for sure. LOL
  12. Kinda glad I’m not there. Not looking so good. Still have trouble getting people to show up. Usually 7 skaters, and looking at attendance the last couple games most of them are former rookie league guys (who therefore have decent skill but little experience) meanwhile the other teams continue to load up. It’s amazing to me that every single season the top goal scorers of the league are new guys that just joined the league - and none of them are ever on our team. Like I said, losing is one thing but getting blown up because a) nobody shows up and b) because all the other teams bring D4 guys down while we bring D6 guys up and it’s really hard to justify the drive every week. I honestly can’t say I miss it that much. I miss it in theory (and want some new pads!) but I think my league days may be over. May be sticking to pickups from now on.
  13. I had just come here to post this. It just seems lazy.
  14. Zero problems here, and I was on the original kickstarter so I’ve had it since the beginning.
  15. When I had a reactor i gathered about an inch at the top of the arms stitched using a speedy stitcher. Worked really well.
  16. Probably just a matter of time. It makes sense to go after the biggest name first.
  17. True skates feel exceptionally stiff in your hand, but flex just right when actually skating.
  18. Yeah we know all about the custom CCM options, I just didn’t know they were available for goalie skates yet. I kept hearing “not yet”. I’m sure the custom options are going to be the same as with player skates if that’s what you’re looking for.
  19. I didn’t think they were doing goalie skates yet. Do you know when they started?
  20. I mean, sure if you can find a way for the retail store to be able to modify the curve without needing any sort of special machinery. But that would require sticks to be made of a completely different material than they are now. Something that hasn’t yet been invented. So it may be a ways off.
  21. So what happens there? A fine? A warning? Assuming it was even noticed.
  22. So you’re suggesting we should permit people to intentionally spread misinformation because it’s the Internet? I don’t think so. Lets get the thread back on topic.
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