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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by IPv6Freely

  1. Bauer has one with a jock that I just cut out. I use them with my goalie jock.
  2. I ordered my Model 3 on Wednesday. Delivery estimate was 2-4 months and I had to make sure I got it by the end of the year for the full tax credit. I got an email yesterday saying it will be ready for delivery next Wednesday. Well, okay then. A bit sooner than I expected!
  3. Okay glad you weren’t referring to me 😂
  4. I'm not sure disagreeing with people is being thin-skinned.
  5. I think saying they miss just as often is a bit unfair. It sounds like the misses are few and far between. Though on a site like this with educated users things are going to be skewed. I also put fit before all else. I can deal with skates that are ugly, have some excess glue showing, and are a bit heavy if it means skating without pain. Suggesting we aren't impartial or not being objective just because we're happy with a product is also a bit unfair IMO. All that said, I'm looking forward to Bauer and CCM getting into this game at this level. I'd love to be wearing a Bauer that's half the weight but equally as comfortable. I just hope Bauer moves into the goalie skate realm with their custom program soon (and/or CCM figures out how to make a cowlingless skate) or I'll be buying another pair of True goalie skates.
  6. Not so sure about that. When you get it right 90% of the time it’s probably cheaper to make the last 10% twice than to figure out a way to be able to test the fit of a custom fit item at every store.
  7. Added a pair of Easton CXN holders.
  8. In the VH days if you identified your pronation at the time of ordering they could build the necessary modifications right into the boot. No idea if that’s still possible though.
  9. Well he IS wearing a Bauer helmet... Also it wasn't a "He's using Warrior" post from USA Hockey so I guess bauer liking it is just fine.
  10. I'm all for it, considering how much I loved the Jets wearing their old uniforms a couple seasons ago.
  11. Lost yet another game last night by 4+ goals. This has stopped being fun at this point. On the bright side, a 5-1 loss technically improves my GAA...
  12. Completely agree with both points. I think all of the vendors would be smart to get on board here. They can help us and we can help them. We talked about this at length last month 🙂 At the same time though I don't think they have an obligation to do so just because people like their products, which is what it seems like some are inferring.
  13. Should this site be getting kickbacks from the manufacturers of every popular product, then?
  14. The shallower hollow seems to be common with people moving to VH. Not sure exactly why, unless it's simply that your mechanics are better when you have a better fitting skate? Regarding the top of the skate and keeping it open with the pens... what I actually did was just spot heat the top with a heat gun and shove a softball into the top of the skate and threw it in the freezer. MUCH easier to get my foot in. That said, I still use a shoe horn to get my skates on. I don't care how silly I look. You should always take footbeds out of any skate to dry so you don't get rusty rivets. I always put mine upside down on my drying rack with a fan blowing on all my stuff. Usually dry in a couple hours.
  15. Great review. I agree with just about all of it. As a goalie I get bigger nicks in my blades than most skaters thanks to the posts and I agree sometimes you just want the ability to cross-grind. Thankfully I still have a cross-grind wheel but that won't last me forever, obviously. I haven't had any issue with burrs on my step steel, at least nothing that isn't easily taken care of by a leather strop. I need to get an inverter for my car. Can you recommend one? I assume you bought the travel case. I really need to get one. I thought about a generic Pelican case but honestly they're not THAT much cheaper and you get the precut foam and everything that's all perfectly sized. Worth it. For me, getting the box at the kickstarter price was a NO BRAINER. At $900 or whatever it is now I'd probably have a difficult time dropping that kind of cash on it - though I definitely don't miss having crap edges so there's that. I never thought about the spending a bunch of money when you take your skates in, but it's totally true! I always end up buying SOMETHING I don't need!
  16. I just joined as I really wanted to read the Matthews piece that was just posted. Looking forward to this!
  17. First time skating out in pickup since I broke my ankle in May 2016 (at least, first full session - both previous times I tried I ended up tending goal in player gear because the goalie was either injured or didn’t show up). Scored three goals.
  18. Nice. They need to go back to the green full time.
  19. Absolutely. They have such good wrap that I barely have to tie mine at all now. The bottom 2/3 of my skates are barely snug.
  20. Robertson screwdrivers, not sure of exact size. You’re looking for Easton CXN steel. I don’t know if anyone still sells it. You may have to go to eBay.
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