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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by shoot_the_goalie

  1. This makes a lot of sense. The sock would make it harder for skate blades to get under the tendon guard. Or maybe to keep snow from getting into their skates?
  2. Like someone else said, after I cut my stick, I sand the edges down and then put the butt cap back in. Then when I put a Tacki-Mac on, I make sure there is a little overhang from the end of the stick (maybe 1/4") so that there's no way I would ever touch the cut part of the shaft.
  3. I don't use it on hockey sticks anymore, but the Wilson Sensation Overgrips are very thin providing much more feel than the standard over grip.
  4. Hmmm. I've never had a problem contacting them via e-mail. But that was years ago, so....
  5. I agree, those stick graphics aren't the easiest on adult eyes, but a lot of the kids love that stuff. Personally I like the FT4 Pro look.
  6. My bad. For some reason I thought the P30 was re-released, but I was incorrect. Thanks.
  7. It might be a big jump, but probably the P28 or P29. With that said, you can tweak your shooting technique with the P88/P40/P80 to hit top shelf too. I don't have a problem doing so, but I do have to slightly tweak my shot to get the higher angle.
  8. Obviously besides grinding wheels, I would recommend a cover. Maybe a travel case if you're going to move it around a lot. Maybe some rubber hones if you're going to sharpen mirror finished or DLC blades.
  9. Those are some serious Franken-pads. What's the blue material on the chest? Any ideas?
  10. TBH, from what you describe, it sounds like a technique issue. You probably have a more solid base off-ice when shooting than you do on ice, and that could make a world of difference. Also, could be length of stick is longer off ice than on ice (skates) or maybe even equipment interfering with the kinetic chain when shooting. Have you experimented off-ice with full gear and on skates (roller or ice)? Maybe videos of off-ice and on ice shooting could help?
  11. SF Black does have a smaller arch and lower profile than the SF Carbons by a little. They also flex a bit more than the carbons. Worth a try with SF's money back guarantee policy. SF Black btw is marketed for dress shoes and shoes of low volume.
  12. If your ring is done, it will start to spark when you dress the wheel. Also would probably look shiny in the center. Otherwise you can clean the ring, or you could try a different grinding wheel. I've definitely had the rare occasion where something is wrong with the grinding wheel.
  13. I find that they never answer the phone, but if you email them with your contact info, they will eventually contact you.
  14. Sparx Fire is ok. Nothing revolutionary. It's not better than FBV, but I switched to it cause the convenience of the Sparx vs hand sharpening on a Blackstone was worth it enough to me. FBV has better glide, but not THAT much better. Give and take.
  15. From my understanding, it's not many cause it's a PIA for the EQMs, and the fact that the edges are more prone to being lost isn't very popular in the pro ranks. Only NHLer (past or present) that comes to mind is Cory Stillman.
  16. Seems a bit excessive for him to be worrying about edge feel from tiny little nicks, etc. but if it affects his confidence, it affects his confidence. I use both Step Blacksteel, Step Stainless, CCM and Bauer steel in the family. I find the major difference is not it's durability, but how they sharpen. The higher end steel sharpens cleaner with less "fight" on the sharpener. Not as much de-burring necessary either. (with Blacksteel, virtually no burrs) But on the ice, nicks/gouges are gonna damage any blade. Remember, the edges are like microscopic and any trauma will mess up an edge. My best guess is that he's just dealing with more contact at higher speed...
  17. It happens all the time, but like others said, it's not heavily advertised. I have gone into big box retailers and definitely seen lower prices on items than advertised on their websites. Not just with hockey.
  18. From what everyone is saying, it sounds like it's a good product but not worth the price in comparison to regular stick tape. If it was incredibly durable and lasted for a long time, then I think I would purchase it for the price. Thanks all.
  19. Hey all. Has anyone tried this product? https://www.rezzteknorthamerica.com I think PBH posted about this in the past, but it's now finally for sale to the general public. Pretty expensive, especially compared to tape. Wondering if anyone has any experience with it.
  20. I used to use Superfeet, but when I switched to True, I just use the stock blue insoles (no red) and it's fine.
  21. Hey. If putting on blockers means you never get hit in the foot again, I'm all for it!
  22. These look awesome. And this company has top notch customer service.
  23. Not to sound critical, but if a 5-6 year old kid is getting frustrated because he/she is a stronger player than the rest of the group...something has already gone wrong.
  24. I use the UA mask, and it pretty comfortable when I'm on the ice, since it sits off the face a bit. I find it allows better ventilation and comfort than other masks. It does get wet and can exacerbate fogging visor problems, but I find that since it sits off your face, you don't feel the wetness of the mask when wearing it.
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