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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by VegasHockey

  1. If you take the steel out of the holder, does the holder look aligned? Is the steel itself bent?
  2. Is this the study? https://dr.library.brocku.ca/bitstream/handle/10464/8681/Brock_McGurk_Michael_2015.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
  3. When I get back home I will take a pic of it next to a P28, P29/92, and a P90T and you will see they aren't nearly the same. Does this make sense? No. But I dont work for CCM so I didnt pick the naming convention.
  4. Yeah, prob should have an admin move it there 😉 75 flex
  5. Yup. We have that. The main issue is the structural integrity of the cap is diminished when you heat and punch it as you are technically warping it. Do you have like a bunion or something on your toe rubbing? Crooked toe? I am trying to understand whats hitting.
  6. Crazy. I didn't even notice until the game the other day. These pros swapping sticks so often is very strange to me.
  7. Thats a tough spot to modify, heat changes the composition of the toe box and can weaken it and its not really possible to "punch it" without heat. You may want to try and take a dremel and see if you can shave off a little of the inside of the to cap. Proceed at our own risk.
  8. I have been testing this blade and love it. I think its going to quickly become the new "go to" pattern to replace the P92/P29.
  9. I agree, this dude was certifiable for sure. I personally have not seen such a large personal collection of knives and swords in my life time. I felt like he could have been the main villain in a Jame Bond movie. lol
  10. I think those can be aligned without having to drill new rivet holes if they know what they are doing.
  11. Comparing the specific forces applied to a knife or sword vs a hockey skate blade are entirely different. But yes, I agree, knife people do know their stuff. The best skate sharpener I have ever known was also a huge knife and sword collector as well.
  12. I bet his equipment manager loves dealing with all of his constant changes. Lol
  13. Yeah, this confused me a well. There is absolutely such a thing as too hard. I think most of us have seen some others manufactured steel that would easily snap under load 😉
  14. The shop doing the order needs to request it specifically for you.
  15. I'm kinda the same. A 14" fits well everywhere but length and a 13" doesn't wrap around my calf properly. I usually just go with a 14" and modify the shin and liner. I like to go under the tongue and don't like my shin to interfere with the cuff on my skate boot.
  16. The AX9 is more of a low kick hybrid than a ridiculously low kick point like a QRE or similar. IMO, those sticks are too one dimensional. The release on the AX9 is something wicked. Very low effort to get off a fast, accurate and hard shot. If anything, I would say the AX9 is like a blend of a FT2 + 1X Lite + Alpha DX.
  17. My understanding is this was before they had the same technology released in the Supreme line, they are now stamping them differently.
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