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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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flip12 last won the day on January 18

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718 Excellent

About flip12

  • Birthday 03/16/1984


  • Skates
    Graf 707, MLX
  • Hockey Bag
    Graf Goaler
  • Shin Pads
    Jofa 3195
  • Elbow Pads
    Reebok 20K
  • Shoulder Pads
    Warrior AX1
  • Pants
    Tackla Air 9000 with suspenders
  • Helmet
    Bauer 4500, CCM FV1
  • Gloves
    Warrior AK27
  • Stick
    CCM RibCor 2 PMT P46 amongst many others

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  • Interests
    Soviet Hockey, IT, Literature, Architecture, Biking, Food+Drink, Philosophy.
  • Location
    Copenhagen, Denmark
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  1. Maybe. I don’t look at those. The farthest down I’ve looked was at Vapor X4, and there you have the three options. There’s some argument for looking somewhere below the top of the line for replacing X:60s, but I wouldn’t seriously recommend anyone that’s that used to a boot of X:60’s calibre to go low end. From just checking X3, it looks like that might not be offered in Fit 1, but our LHS offers them in Fit 2 or Fit 3. I guess if you call Fit 2 a D, you could say D exists, but it doesn’t translate well back to when Bauer labeled their skates D and EE.
  2. No. In fact there is no current Bauer 9D. Back when there was 9D it was also a lie because the width of the foot last each line was built on was different. When the 3 Fit System came in Bauer started having the updated version of the different fits available in your preference of Vapor or Supreme. Bauer was wishy-washy on the language about Fit 1 being close to a Vapor D, Fit 2 Supreme, and Fit 3 Nexus, with the updates to those fits coming from their 3D scan data. If you search MSH there are similar stories to yours where a happy Vapor D wearer wasn’t able to find the same degree of fit from their size or even a size down in Fit 1. The new toe cap can push people down half a size as well, just like the switch in the forefoot shape from the straight sidewalled TechMesh boot to the curved TrueLasted (or whatever it was called) CURV boot did for some.
  3. You could get Graf to make a nice Vapor replicant if they still have the materials: Ultra G9000 pattern looks like their closest to the Vapor L-cut: https://grafhockey.com/skates/ice/player/ultra-g9000/ (says it's available for custom order). Reposition the eyelets though so spacing is even top to bottom--no extra space between 1st and 2nd eyelets at the cuff. EPP teclite mesh monocoque quarter construction = TechMesh: https://www.purehockey.com/product/graf-custom-ultra-g5-xi-ice-skates-senior/itm/6628-41/ Oversize traditional Graf toe cap. It's not very anatomical, but going up a size can get you more wiggle room. It's pretty low volume, which is nice. Details: 1. The tongue is crucial to classic Vapor flex. I'm not sure what they offer that would be closest. Maybe their updated Flex-insert panel tongue that's standard on Ultra 9000, but the last time I saw G75s in a shop with those tongues they didn't have the lace bite protector's stiffness in the upper half that Vapors have had since the Vapor 10 (Vapor 8 tongue was closer to a Supreme tongue flex profile). 2. You would maybe want to ask that they don't reinforce the collar. A lot of Graf skates have an extra stiffener that wraps the top eyelets and the collar, forcing the top of the boot to flare. That's not the case with traditional Vapors. 3. They even used to offer a fully composite outsole, rather than their Texalite outsole. I had G35X with that outsole, and while it was stiff enough, it turned out to be rather disappointing on closer inspection. It was mostly plastic with a carbon weave injection printed fabric to make it look fancier. 4. Depending on which generation of Vapors is your favorite (mine's Vapor 10), you may want to ask for reduced vamping in the first 3-4 eyelets. Hell, writing this out is getting me tempted 😛🤑
  4. True's fit was large on the original TF line. That was corrected on all retail lines since then. If their toe cap were as anatomical as Bauer's current toe cap, they'd be closer to 1:1 fit. Right now I fit True 9.5 like a Bauer 9. I wish I could drop to True 9 because the boot fits sloppy compared to my 9.5D Vapors.
  5. But what about the PE acquisition? Can you share some links to that? I tried searching but nothing comes up. I can only find articles on CCM’s sale last year.
  6. These refreshes keep enshittifying the cosmetics of iconic skates. 652, Air Accel (not “Excel” like @justdohockey posted last week) Elite, Vapor 10. They just look awful compared to the originals and today’s skates. Any other available option would look better.
  7. Can you share links to the news? I searched but couldn't find anything.
  8. I believe the big difference for a lot of people in the jump from TechMesh to CURV Vapors was the forefoot having more of a curved shape…I think they called it TrueLasted or something. But damnit I wish you had said something about running dry months ago. Someone on Kleinanzeigen (German classifieds) sold three or four pairs of barely used if not new 9D TechMesh Vapors a few months ago. They had X7.0, X90, a couple other skins. I was eyeing them with envy because I’m a 9.5D! In the new Fit System I’m a 9-Fit 1, because of the new toe cap. I’ve only tried them on though, haven’t gone for skate in any Vapors newer than X100 (APX2 gen.).
  9. It might help if you share more info about what didn't work for you in the fit change between the TechMesh and CURV builds. It also sounds like you haven't tried the new 3 Fit System. If I recall correctly, that started with the second season of the 2X. Also, what size do you wear in X:60s and how long does a pair tend to last you?
  10. I gave up too soon, it's not PRO in the circle, it's his flex: https://media.gettyimages.com/id/2192989281/photo/washington-capitals-v-buffalo-sabres.jpg?s=1024x1024&w=gi&k=20&c=bI-0OPPAJ_GGcrDg8sScdieCj8zdrvHUxuijqcUAE6o=
  11. There's been a lot of chatter that it's PSHS, but I can't point to a definitive source pinpointing it. Someone probably has a clearer view, but the best UFO shot I can find is this one: https://media.gettyimages.com/id/2195387491/photo/washington-capitals-v-edmonton-oilers.jpg?s=2048x2048&w=gi&k=20&c=YeRRoLqRuaBP92F2CD5uJ5ko8CPBBAbJSwAGRXG6FiI= It's a bit blurred, but I think that's the "PRO" circle logo at the end of the "PRO STOCK. INTENDED FOR OVIE USE ONLY." And that text alone is enough to implicate Geppetto.
  12. He has been since around the end of his slump last season.
  13. I think what’s confusing is the discussion of it being the P28 curve with the P92 face. It looks more like it’s what you describe, just a regular P92 curve with a little bump at the toe.
  14. How? How do you get through the day?
  15. Ha. I noticed that about CCM's P28, and Warrior's seems closer to that than Bauer. (TC4 was its own thing last I checked, they may have changed it.) I like CCM's sticks too, but the slightly more vanilla toe on the CCM and Warrior really appeal to me. Bauer's is a bit too augmented for my taste. Luckily, any P28 I've tried feels so nice compared to most curves that I don't have to look at it much when I'm using it.
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