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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Cavs019

  1. I was a lifetime Vapor D wearer and had many of the same issues. Switching to a Jetspeed D FT490/FT2 solved nearly all of my lacebite and high instep problems while adding better heel lock. I think the closest fit in the current offerings is the tapered cut.
  2. Build is a rounded grip nexus shaft with a vapor blade core. Both are cut about an inch off retail length and in mint condition. Canada graphics. Asking $260 + shipping within the US for the pair https://imgur.com/a/xyo5nYJ
  3. Has anyone had success doing this similar to some of the older CCM models? I have an opportunity to upgrade from my FT490s to non-pro FT4s at a decent price. Generally I don’t care that much about graphics but these are easily the ugliest skate I’ve ever seen (and none of the teams I play on have red in the color scheme). That said, I love the fit and feel of the Jetspeed line so worst case I’ll just swallow my pride and wear clown skates.
  4. Why do they need to spend a separate 150K to use the Easton brand? Since it’s part of their umbrella isn’t it no different than using “Vapor” or “Supreme”. Apologies for the naïveté on the contract law but it doesn’t make sense to me.
  5. I don’t lace the top eyelet. Compared to my competitive days (think Vapor XXX or XXXX era) skates today are like ski boots with no flex whatsoever laced to the top.
  6. The Tuuk vs XS is a matter of preference on feel and I have a bunch of old STEP edge so it makes more sense for me to go that route. Both holders are great IMO.
  7. Does it have to be a top-top end skate? For what it’s worth I’m about 175-180 lbs (similar playing background) and the FT490 has felt significantly better for me than the FT2 having skated in both. Older model but you get the parallel. I get way better flexion out of the boot (both used top eyelet undone and with Tuuk Edge instead of XS) and don’t feel like I’m in a cast. Haven’t had any issues with the boot holding up either. If that isn’t an option a custom 100k seems like the right play but I’d give the FT4 (non pro) a look in your situation. The FT490 is my favorite skate since the old Bauer One90 which had crazy range of motion.
  8. Both are mint and cut to 62.5 inches. Silver Geo graphics, 2N Pro build. Asking $290 shipped for the pair within the US.
  9. For what it’s worth on the topic - a bunch of old Drury guys switched to P28 in recent years. Letang, Doughty among others. That’s not to say everyone can or should make the switch but it seems to be the most logical transition from old school to new school if one doesn’t feel like scouring eBay and Sideline for pro stocks.
  10. I go back and forth between Drury pro stocks and P28 these days. The adjustment isn’t that bad since the lie and side profile on both are almost identical but I prefer the Drury overall as I’ve used it since 2002 or so. We’re about the same age fwiw - long live heel curves!
  11. Both are taped and used once, effectively new condition. Uncut full length retail sticks. https://sidelineswap.com/gear/hockey/sticks/4590531-ccm-2-pack-ribcor-trigger-5-pro-p29-70-flex-senior-right-grip Asking $260 shipped within the US OBO.
  12. Like new condition. Cut to ~63 standing up from the floor to the top. Build code is literally just “Flylite” Asking $135 shipped gifted within the US https://imgur.com/a/lXvgMRU
  13. One90 is my favorite boot of all time hands down - Keep us posted if you find a suitable replacement. FWIW I’m in Jetspeed 490s with edge holders and they’re pretty damn nice with the top eyelets undone. Not quite the holy grail but very serviceable relative to the zillion other models I’ve tried recently. I do agree with what others have said in that the top end boots nowadays are ultra stiff and will overpower your foot and ankle compared to the One90 which basically moved with you 1:1. The reduced stiffness is what primarily drove my logic to go down 1 level from the top end model. My experience has been that CCMs are way more feature rich at that $599-$699 price point whereas Bauer (the brand I wore exclusively from mites to about a year ago) really starts to cut corners on some #2 models and drop features that have been standard on high end skates forever.
  14. Moving to the burbs in a few weeks and will finally be able to get myself a proper outdoor shooting setup in the driveway. Curious if you guys have any suggestions for nets/backstops to consider. It will be stored in the garage when not in use and mostly shot at using green biscuit snipes or regular ice pucks off a shooting pad. I’ve seen mixed reviews on the EZGoal so I’m looking for something a bit more durable/weatherproof in the event I do leave it out during the New England winters. Not interested in a tarp or hanging carpet setup. Thanks!!
  15. I’m curious how people are finding the fit 2 Vapor heel as well. Fit 1 has great heel lock but the rest of the skate is way too shallow and narrow compared to my 7D 1X 2.0s and 2X Pros.
  16. All the cool patterns are dead unless you order via MyBauer. I still use P106 and P91A so I feel your pain. Warrior still offers the W01(PM9) at retail. Your best bet is Sideline/Ebay or pro stocks.
  17. Are you ordering custom or do you have a source to get some of these? p15 is one of my all time favorites.
  18. Another giveaway is if it’s a random curve. There’s a guy selling a “retail P91A” ADV on SLS and god knows they aren’t making a limited run stick in that pattern lol. Edit: found it - https://sidelineswap.com/gear/hockey/sticks/one-piece-sticks/3422588-bauer-senior-right-handed-vapor-adv-heel-pattern-hockey-stick?referral_code=ZR91396
  19. The trick is to actually push down on the puck and load the shaft to generate centrifugal force and then pull upward smoothly from there. If I’m being blunt though it’s a completely useless skill and I wouldn’t spend a ton of time practicing it or worrying about it. I enjoy doing it in warmups from time to time to get my hands loose but beyond that its pretty pointless unless you plan on attempting the Michigan on a nightly basis (and dealing with the repercussions of people potentially trying to take your head off).
  20. To be fair, Bauer product managers have been spewing marketing jargon for years. What do you think lands better with largely uninformed consumers? Option 1: Fit 1 is slightly narrower than a Vapor D, Fit 2 is slightly wider - sorry for alienating our largest segment of skate buyers that default to our most popular line in a D width every release Or Option 2: Fit 1 is “basically” a Vapor. Done.
  21. I actually don’t think Vapor D and Fit 1 are the same. The Fit 1 felt closer to a pro stock C to me. The forefoot absolutely murdered my foot and the heel is definitely tighter. Never had those issues with a D vapor from the APX through the 1X 2.0.
  22. P88 is probably the closest that is readily available in terms of blade shape and lie. It’s more closed and more mid than heel but probably the best you can do right now without scouring ebay and sidelineswap. P106 is the best curve ever so I feel your pain. CCMs clone on pro stocks is the P50 if you’re willing to switch brands.
  23. People are still scarred by their likely awful experience with the LS fusion steel. This looks very similar. Presumably they’ve improved the construction process but I’m not going to hold my breath. Also kind of funny that they added weight via a hybrid TPU outsole and are now trying to sell people on lighter half composite steel. LOL.
  24. How do you know that hyper is lighter than ultra, fly, crazy, or super? There’s no globally accepted measurement scale for these types of things.
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