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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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start_today last won the day on January 22

start_today had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

773 Excellent

1 Follower


  • Skates
    CCM U+ CL
  • Hockey Bag
    Reebok canvas "pro series" bag
  • Shin Pads
    Easton S19
  • Elbow Pads
    Reebok 10k (2009 version)
  • Shoulder Pads
    Mission Fuel 90
  • Pants
    Easton S19
  • Helmet
    Warrior Krown pro-stock with VN Liner
  • Gloves
    Bauer One.8
  • Stick
    Bauer Nexus 8000 75flex Pm9

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  • Interests
    Punk/hardcore/metal. Education. Hockey.
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  1. Cool, I look forward to True products turning into mediocre slop once this private equity firm guts the company and processes and starts charging more to wring out every penny.
  2. For some of us who are old and set in our ways, as person who both contributed to the proliferation of p28esque curves and ultra-stiff boots, this guy is bordering on super villain status.
  3. What’s the advantage of them being 3D printed? Are the tongues somehow customized to you?
  4. What’s so bad about the quality/design of recent glove offerings?
  5. The stick blade compression is really good. You can point a a ton of NHL players who have elite skill sets and use fairly different blades. It’s more about picking a steel profile and radius that works for you and sticking with it,and learning to maximize that, rather than constantly tinkering and fantasizing that changing the shape of your runner is gonna give you better hockey sense and make you noticeably faster.
  6. This is my guess too. You only relaunch the TPS brand to appeal to a bunch of middle aged folk, and you’re doing it way more on nostalgia than tech.
  7. What (if any) holders have the same hole patter as Bauer edge? My friend cracked his Edge holder and we are looking at other options. Would like to avoid drilling new holes.
  8. Everyone over 40 thinks these look amazing, everyone under 30 is like “where are the racing stripes, grandpa?”
  9. Has anyone worn the CCM m150 referee jersey? How does it fit? This is the cheaper model, not the pro. Specifically looking at how much room the sleeves have for elbows. I’m looking to get into reffing, but also not wanting to drop a bunch of money if I don’t like it. So, hoping to get buy on the less expensive jersey and ideally being able to use player elbows rather than buying a new set for reffing.
  10. When he was working at a different shop before he had his own thing, he put inline chasis on a pair of ice skates for me, so essentially a holder swap. It’s been 12 or so years and I barely use them, but he did a good job. In all of my experiences with him, both mailing steel and in person, he has really good attention to detail, so I’d personally trust him.
  11. Sounds like you have at least two stores near you. The store with the Bauer scanner and the one without. Go and try on a ton of skates. Seems like you need to figure out what size skate you wear and what boot shape best fits your foot. You’re all over the place with sizing. Do you have access to a store with staff who are skilled at fitting skates? Go and have them help you get your size and shape dialed in. You’ve already made a 1k+ mistake. If you don’t have a local store you trust, spend some time and money driving to one you do trust. Buying skates blind off of the internet, especially customs that may have some weird stuff going on, is just throwing more money around that may or may not work.
  12. Apologies, I’m not a tools-y or technical person. What size washer do you use? Is there a particular thickness or diameter I should get? Thanks!
  13. Yeah, this looks like something that maybe fell in the helmet, and then fell out of the helmet, but isn’t actually related to the helmet.
  14. Average consumers too often equate price to quality, so they assume high end true skates can’t be as good as Bauer or CCM if the flagship doesn’t cost four figures. True makes the price four digits, and when Johnny Suburb and his mom go skate shopping in August, suddenly Trues are now on the same tier because they cost more.
  15. Every logo and design that Utah has produced would be underwhelming and uninspired for a beer league team, let alone a franchise that cost a billion dollars.
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