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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Sniper9

  1. Yup it's all personal preference. Leif is obviously very excited about his new found love for true, but it's all preference.
  2. Ah ok I read wrong. I thought you picked up extra holders. Makes sense now. Shipping may be expensive but I know a lot of people sell the max shift holder with the black dlc runners as a set for cheap on sideline swap since it comes with their custom skates but they chose to use tuuks. For example https://sidelineswap.com/gear/hockey/holders-runners-replacement-steel/7519927-true-272-mm-shift-max-holders-shift-max-steel
  3. Ok but you don't have the max shift runner. You have regular shift runner which will fit both holders.. so I don't now what the issue is. If you get the max shift holder for future you'll be able to use both regular shift runner and max shift runner with no modifications needed.
  4. I would've just gotten the max shift. They are better holders. More durable. I actually really enjoyed my max shift with jrz dlc steel.... I liked the added height and stiffness of the max shift holder vs the edge holders.
  5. The true customs (svh) aren't the same as the retail boots or even the custom tailored hzrdus and catalyst pros. The latter two use the retail shell. Svh customs have been generally pretty good in terms of durability. The catalyst and tf boots are the ones that showed cracking issues. And I'm starting to see some posts online for the hzrdus too. Tendon guard coming off isn't really an issue for me since the repair is so easy, but cracking boots is a no no.
  6. True skates are so stiff that you definitely feel better supported if you are a pronater. The combo of true and Bauer speed plates for me was great for my pronating right foot. I'm in machs now with speed plates and I actually find the machs better overall. Just as comfortable and my agility and foot speed is much better. True did offer more stability in my hard/punch turns though due to the very stiff sidewalls.
  7. Pros get a different more comprehensive custom skate. That and ccm Bauer been around way longer than true so they definitely have the edge in terms of brand loyalty. At the retail level, it's a trickle effect of what people see the pros use in the NHL. True needs to really up their game in the quality and durability department though. Ifs laughable. At least they're getting a bit better in the esthetics department.
  8. Yup. I had low expectations for the ti steel because it's Bauer steel but I was still surprised how bad it is. It definitely feels like regular Bauer steel and don't notice any real increased edge retention and definitely doesn't provide smoother gliding like step or jrz dlc. Pretty much a ripoff with it being the same price as other brands dlc steel.
  9. Trues have been around 7 years and still the vast majority of retailers either refuse to or don't know about the stretch wrap technique... So I don't have faith in them even knowing other particulars. I have a feeling OPs custom skates aren't gonna turn out like he wants. But I hope for his sake it does.
  10. Are the 9.5 too "small" bc of the tightness or bc your toes were actually pressed against the end of the toecap
  11. Yes, I assumed we're talking about retail skates since the comment was about trying skates in store.
  12. The trues have a 30 day satisfaction guarantee so id argue you could do a full bake take them home use them and still return them.
  13. You'd have to ask true or the fitter should know whether true will predrill for you. I've heard over the years people say true won't predrill anymore but at the same time I've seen it done.. only way to find out is to ask them or your fitter. Even if the scan recommends 10w, svh skates aren't based on sizing. It's based on your scan and photos of you standing on a true brannock. The scan via the app you can get for your iOS is for sizing retail skates. That said. 8.5w in ccm and trues recommended 10w seems very off. Btw if the 9 and 9.5 hzrdus you tried on seemed a "bit" short then one of them would've likely worked as the foams in trues skates pack in quite a bit after a bake and even after breaking in. I haven't tried the ft6 pros so I dunno how true to size they are compared to Bauer and true retails these days. The ccm wide might be structured that they are also quite a bit longer than the tapered and regular fits. For example, the Bauer fit 3s are very similar in length to the next half size up in fit 1 and 2. They even use the same size holder as the next half size up Personally I wouldn't get them to predrill just in case. This way you can get your svh skates and see which holder is best suited for the size svh you end up getting. You're already shelling over a grand on skates, don't cheap out to try to fit a holder on them just for the sake of not getting new holders.
  14. Fair regarding the ccm boots having eyelets that moved positions but that's seems more like the actual eyelet opening stretching from actually baking as there's no facing. The Bauer mach and m5 pro movements seems more to do with the rubbery material they are using for the facing and not the eyelet hole itself stretching.
  15. I never said it would lead to failure etc. All I said was that it's common and it looks like it happens to pretty much all machs and m5 pros to a certain degree. Yet again, you go out and just argue for the sake of arguing.
  16. It has nothing to do with the baking. I've tested this out on two pairs of machs without baking and just lacing with normal tightness and it happened to both. Yes, baking will create a bit more stretch in the facing as it's warm and in the case of OP he did pull on the laces more than he should've and upwards but for whatever reasons whether it's the facing material or how they're setting the eyelets, the outside ring of the eyelet will pull from the facing ever aj slightly no matter how careful you are. Not sure if you still have you ur machs but I guarantee you're will have some kind of "stretch" to the facing. This didn't and doesn't happen to really any other skate. I've seen this on the m5 pros too so I'm assuming it's soft rubbery the material they are using on the eyelet facing. SLS has terrible quality pictures. You can't even get a clear shot even zooming in. Go on eBay and look. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/156027495994?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=MEdDAD3XT46&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=P_3aeSFeTlm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.ebay.ca/itm/156034951060?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=MEdDAD3XT46&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=P_3aeSFeTlm&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY That's just two of many
  17. Ya I rmbr going from 9ft single radius to the quad in my old one100s and I def felt the pitch.... Funny thing is I never felt more pitch going to trues. But after 7 years in trues I def feel on my heels in the Bauers even though the Bauers have quite a bit more forward flex. I will give it a month and see. But with that said, if the trues overall holder and or boot is pitched more than the Supremes, and I have no knee issues, wouldn't that not be a concern? It's not like I'm incrementally increasing the pitch ore and more until my knees go.
  18. After using True skates for the last 7 years and most recently the Cat pros with shift Max holders, I have transitioned to the Bauer machs. I profiled the steel to the same quad zero as on my Trues. I'm having issues with the pitch as there are times I almost fell backwards bc I was leaning too far on my heels when turning and transitioning. Straight away strides I'm actually ok but still a bit off which is natural given I'm using a brand new and different type of skate. My question is , if I were to re profile the steel for my machs, I plan to keep the quad 0, but how much pitch should I ask for to get as close as it was to the true skates which also has quad zero. I'm going to give it about a month to see if I can adapt. Also, I'm not overly impressed with the fly ti steel. Def doesn't have nearly the glide or bite step/jrz black dlc has, but I digress.
  19. More importantly, no beat up ankles!
  20. I dropped lace length by a lot as well. I use 84" laces for my trues and 108" for my Bauers.
  21. Flat head screwdriver and put it in the notch at the back of the steel where it meets the holder under the dial
  22. New cats coming this year. Tfs has been on sale for a long time now. Over a year.
  23. Bauer and ccm are strict on their pricing. Even clearance item prices are controlled by them. It's ridiculous. Generally speaking, true items are allowed to be included in online sales etc, whereas Bauer and ccm are not.
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