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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Sniper9

  1. Did u ask why one skate had new holes drilled while the other didn't?
  2. You shouldn't gauge it off your shoe size since that's not standardized throughout different brands. Your best bet is the sizing on a skate brannock. If I fit junior sizing, I would have opted for the retail jr sizes (if available in your area). I'm sure your fitter could order a retail size x in jr too, but I could be wrong. Getting oversized holders is also an option if you didn't want to go down a holder size. But at this point I guess you'll have to wait and see. If you end up getting skates too big and what smu got, return them and make a fuss. Not sure if true has trouble making jr skate sizes for adults bc the Sr boots need to be stiffer or constructed to bear the extra weight... But it seems to be an issue the smaller the sizes are....
  3. Have you done the true bake method by using shrink wrap and tensor wrap? That should be a decent compromise. My uncle who is the manager of a LHS bakes the ccms and Bauer a bit longer than their suggested 2-5 mins and does a very thorough fitting with his hands like the old true method with the palms etc. I still can't believe CCM recommends you bake their skates for only what 2 mins?? That's nothing.
  4. Ya I've always read that people felt the true holders and or skates were more forward pitched... Maybe it has more to do with the eyelet location on the boots? I noticed that the way they are positioned (top eyelet lower than other skates especially the taller as1 boot) it forces you into a more forward knee bend without having to drop an eyelet. That's the only time I felt a bit toe pickish when I first stepped k the ice, but it wasn't something I struggled to get used to.
  5. My current pair of Trues I had the SB holders put on right away. I only had the true holders on for about a couple mths for my first pair of Trues back in 2017. I honestly didn't have any issues with the true holders performance wise. The only reason I went to SB this time was bc I just bought brand new step blacksteel for my as1s and didn't want to waste them. It didn't make sense to have them collect dust and spend another 140+ cdn on blacksteel for the true holders which were special order with a wait time of about a month.
  6. When the holder was first released to the GP step was available for sure. There were even pro stock ones available on sideline before the release date with step. I remember checking around that time and tydan was also available.
  7. I personally found the as1 boots to be more forward pitched than the Trues, but can't comment on the ft1. I had the SB holders put on my trues with same quad zero profile and felt more on my heels than with the as1. If you don't need a quick release holder then just stick with what you liked, ie SB or Graf cobra. Just remember if you choose anything after market, be sure that your fitter advises true to drill holes specifically for the holder you choose and to have your skates delivered unmounted (since you can't get boot only anymore).
  8. Not sure where you got this from but both tydan and step makes steel for the XS holder.
  9. They are called thera bands. Pretty much thin pieces of latex. Amazon has them for sure.
  10. Will the hardware really deform the eyelet? I ordered a set of lace locks from eBay for my trues and was planning on putting them on with visor hardware but now I'm hesitant because I don't want to potential damage the eyelets...
  11. Looks good. My next pants will def be a girdle shell system. Would sizing be the same as regular pants? I wear a small warrior and thinking a small girdle would be alot smaller and fit closer, thus needing a medium for a girdle... Anyone have any experience with sizing.
  12. Some players look small on TV when playing due to a number of factors, how upright or bent over they are, the size of their teammates etc. RNH ways looked small to me but isn't.
  13. I wasn't a huge fan on how tall the step steel was on the original holders but the ones for the shift seem like they are similar in height to the ls2 steel which I found too short which would lose a lot after even one profile.
  14. Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't having a holder that is symmetrical... Wouldn't it be impossible to have the holders centred? The pic you posted the holder looks too far over on the front tower.. and I'm assuming it would be the same but far over to the opposite side on the other skate.. EDIT: Actually looking at it the blade itself looks centred and is fine. The front tower plate looks like it's less wide vs tuuks etc. Is it? Seems like to accommodate being able to centre the blade on the boot without having the mounts stick out the side of the boot.
  15. They will send it out to you without holders attached and drilled to whatever holder you want, or without holes at all. But you have to pay for the true holders and they will send those to you too. That's what they did for me. Predrill for that SB 4.0s and the holders came un mounted.
  16. Goes out and buys 200+ $ sticks x 5 👀👀
  17. Are u able to post a pic of how the symmetrical holder looks. I can't picture it in my head how it can mount on both sides while maintaining a straight blade when the shape of the boot is different for left and right...
  18. Another benefit is that's the holders are symmetrical no left or right. But for the every day rec player the quick release isnt that beneficial in general.
  19. This is an excellent video showing fascia release. The arch and calves were absolutely killer for me lol. I'm doing this every other day and going to progress to every day soon. For the arch, I just use a lacrosse ball instead. I also don't do the band technique either but use the foam roller on my hip flexor glutes it band quads etc. I've been foam rolling for years now especially my hips and upper body but never incorporated the first three in the video until now.
  20. Have you done the release techniques with the foam roller or lacrosse balls for your arch shins and calf? I noticed after doing that it made a huge difference even after four days. The fascia release really does a good job allowing your muscles to reset from it's old bad habits. I noticed I don't have to consciously prevent the pronation from happening so I'm a real believer of fascia release.
  21. I've done the opposite with heat gunning to create more of an arch on my old pairs. I'm assuming you can do the same to flatten. Or the red insole cut our technique if you're using both red and blue footbeds together.
  22. I recently did the same. For some reason they put one plug in my left (which wasn't done on my first pair of Trues two years back) and two plugs on the right (which only had one on my old Trues). It was more than brushing even though my toes would pull away during skating but it felt a bit too much. Ended up just removing the one on the left and leaving just one on the right and they both just brush now. My skates are the same size as my first pair so not sure why they decided to add one extra plug on each skate...
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