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Question for elite level players

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This is for you guys who are playing Bantam or Midget Major AAA, Junior A, NCAA ect.....

At what age/ level were you when you really started to become better than your peers? Or...were you always the stud since you were a mite/ atom ect..?

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17-18 now I'm 20 and I'm still getting better than my peers every week. I'm always practicing and thinking hockey and it's why I think I become always better and better.

I know Crosby was playing 5 hours a day with Rimouski and Kovalev too in his younger days.

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Im not at those levels you listed..because im not old enough yet. but one thing i think really matters...is when you get your size. this one kid was about 5'5 when he was ten...and he always wooped but and now hes my age and bout 6'3 so when you get your height and weight is a major part of it.

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Around atom is when I really started to pull ahead, then in bantam with I got a few serious knee injuries, I started to even out again.

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I was always a first line player from mite-pee-wee, but last summer I just have made tons of strides in my quickness and speed, along with ability in stickhandling and shooting. If you have the desire it is never too late to get better. I'm seventeen and am in my senior year now.

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  Kovy_Ribs_Fedo said:
17-18 now I'm 20 and I'm still getting better than my peers every week. I'm always practicing and thinking hockey and it's why I think I become always better and better.

I know Crosby was playing 5 hours a day with Rimouski and Kovalev too in his younger days.

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Kovy your 20????? Wow, I thought you were alot younger than that

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I started playing ice hockey when I was 14.

I made the select festival team when I was 16, the same time I really accelerated my game.

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atoms peewees i was the best around, then everyone grew and i was still short so i died off, then came back one year only to leave to go play prep in the US. im the only player on any of the teams i ever played for to still play hockey at a high competitive level

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  Kovy_Ribs_Fedo said:
...I'm always practicing and thinking hockey and it's why I think I become always better and better...
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Speaking of which. When can we expect a new stickhandling video?

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  RadioGaGa said:
  Kovy_Ribs_Fedo said:
...I'm always practicing and thinking hockey and it's why I think I become always better and better...
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Speaking of which. When can we expect a new stickhandling video?

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I don't know, maybe an on-ice video, but I don't have much time because I'm always either sleeping-playing hockey and training-eating or at a season game. I will have 1-2 class(English and Math maybe) in 2-3 weeks.(BTW I will do my school by computer(I don't know how you call it in english, but it's by distance on a computer and I have a couple of homework to do).)

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I played AAA my whole life, started playing at 4 years old. Got disgusting at 14 (I grew 6 inches and gained 28 pounds that year). Started lifting at 16, Ill be 18 this February

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  wickedwrister said:
This is for you guys who are playing Bantam or Midget Major AAA, Junior A, NCAA ect.....

At what age/ level were you when you really started to become better than your peers? Or...were you always the stud since you were a mite/ atom ect..?

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I'm playing Bantam AAA/Prep D1 ( which is equivalent to Midget AAA/Jr.). I was stand out in Squirt/Peewee, but then everyone else caught up to me and I stopped getting better.

I started skating when I was 2 and I started ice hockey when i was 4.

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I play Midget AAA and Im not one of the stand out guys for sure, but all things considered in a town of 50000 its the highest level you can play. Anyway I was a little above my peers in the 6-10 range and then at 10 I started falling behind, then when I was 14 I really got serious and started working to get better, I've improved a lot and continue to try to and I ve started to pass others again and become a top 15-20 player in my town for my age bracket.

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  sweetblazer said:
I play Midget AAA and Im not one of the stand out guys for sure, but all things considered in a town of 50000 its the highest level you can play. Anyway I was a little above my peers in the 6-10 range and then at 10 I started falling behind, then when I was 14 I really got serious and started working to get better, I've improved a lot and continue to try to and I ve started to pass others again and become a top 15-20 player in my town for my age bracket.
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sure...same story with me..just not that level yet. but my town is just as big..little bigger. and making the top 15-20 isnt the big deal. its making the top five to be on the top line. its not really somthing to brag about if your one of those guys that hardly makes the team and is on the third line. (not sayin you are) but if you arent...say your the tenth....tell us that your in the top ten... top 20's not that big-a-deal.

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I'll add a bit to mine...

I started at age 14, playing Bantam B.

Then at 15 I played Midget AA.

Then at 16 I played Midget AAA, and so on from there...

I played years and years of inline hockey before I got serious with ice hockey.

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  All Torhs Team said:
  sweetblazer said:
I play Midget AAA and Im not one of the stand out guys for sure, but all things considered in a town of 50000 its the highest level you can play. Anyway I was a little above my peers in the 6-10 range and then at 10 I started falling behind, then when I was 14 I really got serious and started working to get better, I've improved a lot and continue to try to and I ve started to pass others again and become a top 15-20 player in my town for my age bracket.
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sure...same story with me..just not that level yet. but my town is just as big..little bigger. and making the top 15-20 isnt the big deal. its making the top five to be on the top line. its not really somthing to brag about if your one of those guys that hardly makes the team and is on the third line. (not sayin you are) but if you arent...say your the tenth....tell us that your in the top ten... top 20's not that big-a-deal.

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Sorry buudy at my level you can play junior hockey so in a 16-20 age bracket with players being drafted and imported in because they are good a top 15 player is good. You need to remember buddy that different places have higher skill levels, your town might be as big thats not to say the skill in the town is the same. And to make it even more different, i hate to be biased but, im pretty sure your in the states so a town of 50000 maybe 200 focus on hockey where as here everyone plays and it is the number one sport that everyone focuses on.

As for the "its not really somthing to brag about if your one of those guys that hardly makes the team and is on the third line" comment. Im pretty sure there was a conflict with your name before remember? About how proud you were to make the team? Its not about being the best player on the team. Its about playing a role on the team that you are better at then your peers. Sure I could play down and be the best player but I choose to play in a higher level as the 4-5 guy who has a specific reason for being there. Just remember that no matter what position you are picked onto the team your on the team, which in my case is the second highest level you can play, besides Junior "A" in the city. What you are saying is essentially " ya he plays NHL but he's a 4th liner" So he might be the worst player in the leegue but in comparison he is WAY above is peers. Its the same as this example but on a smaller scale.

So before you go making useless comments that add nothing too topics, another topic comes to mind as I think of this but out of respect for the mods im not going to argue with, and attacking someone's skill level without ever seeing them play, you should think about what your saying consider all factors.

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around 14 for me. im still not good i mean but i went for playing house league to bantam b without trying out. i was a spare but played almost every game. that was when i really started to getting in to hockey. the summer before i started midget i started going to the gym and i went to alot of hockey camps and a power skateing camp becuase i need to work on those things. so my 1st year of midget i played A. i can really tell i have been improving over the past year and a bit. i learned alot last year so not i how to play at least A agian this year or maybe AAA.

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ok, fine you proved me wrong with the " cant brag if your on the third line " you got me there, but I didnt know that you were someplace that all they play is hockey. And what was that part that i was bragging about barely making a team, the only team that i actually had to try to get on was the statewars team, and even that i was played just fine. and my comment was not useless, matter a fact, it was not a negative comment to you...like you took it. the point of my last comment was to tell people that you are at this postion, not between 15-20. tell them that your the 17'th guy. or what ever, and sure i was talking about its not a big deal to brag unless your on the first line, and im going to stick with that. ya. i give you alot of credit for being at the level you are if there are all those people trying to take the spots, but its still not a bragging matter if your on the third line. and once again. sweetblazer, this comment is not pointed at you, because i dont know where you stand. but im talking about everybody.

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I'm currently 17 years old playing Midget Major AAA...

I started playing hockey when I was about five. I got really, really good really, really fast and was spending most of my time playing against older kids. By the time I was eight, I had a few seasons in which I scored 50 goals inside the first 15 games. But, as I grew older (but not bigger), the skill gap closed a bit - I was still better than most everybody else, but not really as overwhelmingly dominant. As you get older, the more subtle the difference in skill-level between the best and the worst becomes (at least at the AAA level).

I've actually done a bit of growing over the past year or so (just recently hit the 6' mark), and have been lifting weights like a fiend of late, which has helped a lot.

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